狮語画廊|NAFI2024南京国际艺术博览会|Booth: A-8

文摘   2024-11-15 16:30   上海  

2024 NAFI 南京国际艺术博览会

狮語画廊 | Leo Gallery  

A-8 Booth


参展艺术家 | Artist

刘正勇 Liu Zhengyong

展期 | Duration 2024.11.21 - 11.24

藏家预览|Collector Preview 

2024.11.21(周四|Thur.)13:00 - 18:00

2024.11.22(周五|Fri.)11:00 - 18:00

公众开放|Public Days

2024.11.23(周六|Sat.)11:00 - 18:00

2024.11.24(周日|Sun.)11:00 - 17:00

地址 | Venue  


Nanjing international exhibition center, Hall A, Longpan road 88, Xuanwu district, Nanjing


Leo Gallery is pleased to announce its participation in NAFI from 21th to 24th November 2024 at Booth A-8. It will present solo exhibiton Stormy Weather by Liu Zhengyong.

《穿越风暴的人》Stormy Weather, 2023 

布面油画 Oil on Canvas

210 x 250cm



《抽象计划》Abstract Plan, 2020 

布面油画 Oil on Canvas

250 x 250cm


 —— 冯博一 

《肖像·身份》Portrait · Identity, 2017

布面油画 Oil on Canvas

180 x 165cm

Liu Zhengyong's works are full of perception and philosophical thinking, and deep self-reflection and cultural introspection flow from his daily paintings. Taking the body as a clue, they explore the present and past landscapes of human nature and history and art history from an individual point of view, rethinking painting, and forming a new language and logic of painting through unremitting practice day after day. His creations shift from the tracing of results to the time process of creation, and continue to enter into the practice and discussion of the structural construction and spiritual core of painting.

《抽象计划》Abstract Plan, 2020

布面油画 Oil on Canvas

250 x 250cm

The richness and possibility of artistic expression originates from the complexity and turbidity of life and human nature, which is often directly related to the cultural context of a specific historical stage. For Liu Zhengyong, nothing seems to touch his heart more than the distortions caused by historical upheavals and social transformations. His paintings are based on the variations of the portrait figures, and the fascination of the large brushstrokes is the key to the unfolding of his oil paintings, as well as the main mark of his wanton expressiveness. From this, we can see that Liu Zhengyong's brushstrokes exaggerate and vividly render the dismay and division in between, but also some absurd paranoia - distorting the magical facial expression in the weirdness. I speculate that this is a way for him to cut some fragments from his personal experience and memory to release his experience, imaginatively expressing the inner world under the state of nightmare, which can be regarded as a kind of abstract reality refracted in the heart. This not only presents the change of people and society, the passage of time, but more importantly, it reproduces the vicissitudes of the human world. Although the true human emotions are often speculated or drowned out by sudden social upheavals, they still stubbornly exist and grow in the process of epochal change. It is as if on the threshold between his works, he wanders and follows the shadows, thus focusing on the individual's face and destiny in the context of reality, and even refracting a mysterious, twisted, and disorienting context that does not know the end of the story.

-- Feng Boyi

《感性体Perceptual Body, 2020

布面油画 Oil on Canvas

210 x 240cm



《肖像·身份》Portrait·identity, 2023

布面油画 Oil on Canvas

180 x 160cm




 —— 黄笃 

《感性体》Perceptual Body, 2017

布面油画 Oil on Canvas

200 x 170cm

Liu Zhengyong's paintings are as uninhibited as the growth of a rhizome, presenting free and unrestrained forms. Although he focuses on the body (or bust, or torso, or organ-less body), his goal is not to redefine it, but to clearly show the unique connection established between the language of the body and sensual life. In Liu Zhengyong's view, the concept of body is not boring, abstract and closed, but full of warmth, concrete and open. Therefore, the body is a spiritual landscape that reflects the state of human existence. Liu Zhengyong is keen on the subjective imagination and representation of the body. He does not intend to reflect the philosophical proposition of the relationship between the spirit and the body, but aims to outline its (e.g., gender, pleasure, anxiety, repression, desire) spiritual layers in visual language. Thus, Liu Zhengyong unveils the discursive order of the body in this sense. It can be said that his painting narratives are not based on the completeness or perfection of the image, but rather on the incompleteness or mutilation of the image. This is determined by his painting language, which carries the visual tension formed between freedom and control, mutilation and completeness, release and convergence. In order to achieve a palpable texture in his paintings, Liu Zhengyong subjectively enhances the heaviness of the colours, especially by using rows of brushes to create layers and layers of colours, with rhythmic strokes that reveal the texture and texture of the paintings. He even uses almost pure black and grey tones with a little bit of colour to carve the body into a slightly ‘rough’ sculptural posture, which is filled with a solemn and mournful atmosphere, and carries connotations that are either schematic or metaphorical - not only letting people feel the body's firmness and strength, but also letting people feel the body's strength, and also letting people feel the body's strength. strength, but also the flexibility and sadness of the body. Liu Zhengyong's painting narratives not only provide a new dimension of understanding, but also suggest new ways of feeling.

《抽象计划》Abstract Plan, 2022

布面油画 Oil on Canvas

180 x 160cm

Liu Zhengyong's paintings express a unique relationship between the individual and the body, between experience and materiality, between the inner and the outer. He brings the body into a unique vision of ‘uncertainty’, in which life and death, pleasure and pain, rationality and madness are seen as something mysterious and bizarrely unpredictable, and, as his paintings show, the free will of the human being is always endowed with infinite possibilities - constantly transgressing and changing. -Continuously overstepping, constantly changing and jumping. 

-- Huang Du 

《抽象计划》Abstract Plan, 2020

布面油画 Oil on Canvas

250 x 250cm

关于艺术家|About the Artist


Liu Zhengyong

刘正勇,80年生于湖南,2004年毕业于天津美院油画系,2011年— 2013年受邀在法国德国进行考察和长期创作。2014— 2015年受法国美术馆邀请在南法及巴黎进行创作及个人美术馆艺术项 目交流,受荷兰阿姆斯特丹艺术基金会邀请于意大利威尼斯进行双年展项目交流。


刘正勇于2008年开始活跃于国际艺术舞台,先后于法国、德国、意大利、美国、俄罗斯等美术馆和机构举办展览,包括 2014年法国保罗·瓦列里国家美术馆 (Museum Paul Valery) 刘正勇个展、2013 年第 55 届威尼斯双年展GACF 基金会Palazzo Mora Venice Italy展览、 2013-2015年巴黎大皇宫 (Grand Palais France) 展览、莫斯科MoMA现代美术馆、美国加州大学美术馆、法国尼斯亚洲艺术中心、德国柏林亚洲艺术中心 、罗马尼亚布加勒斯特等重要展览。

Liu Zhengyong, born in Hunan in 1980, graduated from Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts in 2004. His works mainly involve painting and installation art. From 2011 to 2013, he was invited to artist residency projects in France and Germany. From 2014 to 2015, he was invited by the museum in France to paint in Southern France and Paris and to present his personal art projects. He was invited by the Art Foundation Amsterdam to hold an exhibition in Biennale in Venice, Italy.

Using body as a clue, Liu discusses the the current andpast landscape of human nature from the perspective of individuals. His works rethink and reconstruct the deep logic behind the relationships between recreations and repainting, the reification of the body and the wasteland, and the invisible time. Liu focuses on the process of the creation itself instead of the pursuing of end results, with the continuously emphasis on the discussions of painting and its structure construction, image and its spiritual core.

Since 2008, Liu has been active in the international art arena. He has held exhibitions in museums and institutions across France, Germany, Italy, United States, Russia, and China, presenting his works in the Paul Valeri Museum and Grand Palais in France, at the 55th Venice Biennale, and The New Wave of Chinese Contemporary Art, California, USA, among other important exhibitions.

正在展出 Current Exhibitions

上海 Shanghai

香港 Hong Kong

狮語画廊丨上海  Leo Gallery Shanghai
Room 301, Ferguson Lane, 376 Wu Kang Road, 
Xuhui District, Shanghai 200031, China.
Tues-Sun: 11am-6.30pm (Public Holidays Closed)

狮語画廊丨香港 Leo Gallery Hong Kong
 46 Sai Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
Mon-Sat: 11am-6.30pm (Public Holidays Closed)  
+852 28032333 
