上海狮語 | 方阳《近处的风景》展览提前闭展公告
2024-08-29 14:58
因狮語画廊上海空间搬迁,位于二层空间的当前展览方阳《近处的风景》将于2024年8月31日提前闭幕。位于画廊一层空间的马漓澧《穿越尼丁森林》按原计划展出至2024年9月8日,无需购票参观。在此期间请各位观众朋友注意观展安排,带来不便,敬请谅解。Due to the relocation of Leo Gallery Shanghai’s space, the current exhibition Fang Yang's Nearby Scenery will end on the second floor ahead of schedule on August 31, 2024. Ma Lili's Travelling Through the Niding Forest will continue to exhibit on the first floor until September 8, 2024. No ticket is required to visit. Please bear the inconvenience and arrange your visit accordingly.狮語画廊上海新空间位于武康路376号武康庭三层,具体信息敬请关注,狮語画廊期待在新空间迎接您的到来。Leo Gallery’s new Shanghai space is still in Ferguson Lane, located at third floor, No. 376 Wukang Road. Stay tuned for more details. We look forward to welcoming everyone in the new space.
狮語画廊丨上海 Leo Gallery ShanghaiFerguson Lane, 376 Wu Kang Road, Xuhui District Shanghai 200031, China.Tues-Sun: 11am-6.30pm (Public Holidays Closed)Shanghai@leogallery.com.cn 狮語画廊丨香港 Leo Gallery Hong Kong Sheung Wan, 46 Sai Street, Hong KongMon-Sat 11am-6.30pm (Public Holidays Closed) hongkong@leogallery.com.cn