library(impute) # 用于KNN填补药敏数据
library(pRRophetic) # 用于药敏预测
library(SimDesign) # 用于禁止药敏预测过程输出的信息
library(ggplot2) # 绘图
library(cowplot) #拼图
# 读取肝癌TPM表达谱,行名为基因名,列名为样本名。
expr <- read.table("LIHC.TPM.txt",sep = "\t",row.names = 1,check.names = F,stringsAsFactors = F,header = T)
normsam <- colnames(expr[,which(substr(colnames(expr),11,12) == "11")])
tumosam <- colnames(expr[,which(substr(colnames(expr),11,12) == "01")])
# 读取maf突变文件(于cBioPortal下载)
maf <- read_tsv("data_mutations_mskcc.txt", comment = "#")
maf$Tumor_Sample_Barcode <- paste0("LIHC",substr(maf$Tumor_Sample_Barcode,8,15))
# 提取既有表达数据又有突变数据的肿瘤样本
tumosam <- intersect(tumosam,unique(maf$Tumor_Sample_Barcode))
maf <- maf[which(maf$Tumor_Sample_Barcode %in% tumosam),]
expr <- expr[,c(tumosam,normsam)]
# 提取TP53突变信息,并创建样本注释
tp53 <- c()
for (i in tumosam) {
tmp <- maf[which(maf$Tumor_Sample_Barcode == i),]
if(is.element("TP53", tmp$Hugo_Symbol)) { # 如果存在TP53
tp53 <- c(tp53,1) # 记录1
} else {
tp53 <- c(tp53,0) # 否则记录0
names(tp53) <- tumosam
# 取出有TP53突变的患者
tp53.mutsam <- names(tp53[which(tp53 == 1)])
# 1.读取17-gene signature,计算PPS得分(原文Table S3)
signature <- read.table("17gene.txt",sep = "\t",row.names = 1,check.names = F,stringsAsFactors = F,header = T)
# 计算pps,用到TP53突变患者的17个基因的表达矩阵
pps <- as.numeric(apply(t(log2(expr[rownames(signature),tp53.mutsam] + 1)), 1, function(x) {x %*% signature$Coefficient}))
# 标准化,把pps处理到0-1之间
range01 <- function(x){(x-min(x))/(max(x)-min(x))}
npps <- range01(pps)
# 创建样本信息
Sinfo <- data.frame(PPS = npps,
TP53 = tp53[tp53.mutsam],
row.names = tp53.mutsam,
stringsAsFactors = F)
# 把pps保存到文件
write.csv(Sinfo, "output_PPS.csv", quote = F)
normexpr <- as.matrix(expr[,normsam])
tumoexpr <- as.matrix(expr[,tp53.mutsam])
runpure <- F # 如果想运行就把这个改为T
if(runpure) {
# Run ISOpureR Step 1 - Cancer Profile Estimation
ISOpureS1model <- ISOpure.step1.CPE(tumoexpr, normexpr)
# For reproducible results, set the random seed
# Run ISOpureR Step 2 - Patient Profile Estimation
ISOpureS2model <- ISOpure.step2.PPE(tumoexpr,normexpr,ISOpureS1model)
pure.tumoexpr <- ISOpureS2model$cc_cancerprofiles
if(!runpure) {
pure.tumoexpr <- tumoexpr
# 制作CTRP AUC矩阵,保存到CTRP_AUC.txt文件
auc <- read.table("CTRP_AUC_raw.txt",sep = "\t",row.names = NULL,check.names = F,stringsAsFactors = F,header = T) # Supplementary Data Set 3
auc$comb <- paste(auc$master_cpd_id,auc$master_ccl_id,sep = "-")
auc <- apply(auc[,"area_under_curve",drop = F], 2, function(x) tapply(x, INDEX=factor(auc$comb), FUN=max, na.rm=TRUE)) # 重复项取最大AUC
auc <-
auc$master_cpd_id <- sapply(strsplit(rownames(auc),"-",fixed = T),"[",1)
auc$master_ccl_id <- sapply(strsplit(rownames(auc),"-",fixed = T),"[",2)
auc <- reshape(auc,
direction = "wide",
timevar = "master_cpd_id",
idvar = "master_ccl_id")
colnames(auc) <- gsub("area_under_curve.","",colnames(auc),fixed = T)
ctrp.ccl.anno <- read.table("CTRP_ccl_anno.txt",sep = "\t",row.names = NULL,check.names = F,stringsAsFactors = F,header = T) # Supplementary Data Set 1
ctrp.cpd.anno <- read.delim("CTRP_cpd_anno.txt",sep = "\t",row.names = NULL,check.names = F,stringsAsFactors = F,header = T) # Supplementary Data Set 2
# 保存到文件
write.table(auc,"CTRP_AUC.txt",sep = "\t",row.names = F,col.names = T,quote = F)
# 加载药敏AUC矩阵并进行数据处理
ctrp.auc <- read.table("CTRP_AUC.txt",sep = "\t",row.names = 1,check.names = F,stringsAsFactors = F,header = T)
prism.auc <- read.delim("PRISM_AUC.txt",sep = "\t",row.names = 1,check.names = F,stringsAsFactors = F,header = T) # 数据来自 Drug sensitivity AUC (PRISM Repurposing Secondary Screen) 19Q4
prism.ccl.anno <- prism.auc[,1:5] # 前5列为细胞系注释信息
prism.auc <- prism.auc[,-c(1:5)]
## a. 移除缺失值大于20%的药物
ctrp.auc <- ctrp.auc[,apply(ctrp.auc,2,function(x) sum( < 0.2*nrow(ctrp.auc)]
prism.auc <- prism.auc[,apply(prism.auc,2,function(x) sum( < 0.2*nrow(prism.auc)]
## b. 移除CTRP数据里源自haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue的细胞系
rmccl <- paste0("CCL",na.omit(ctrp.ccl.anno[which(ctrp.ccl.anno$ccle_primary_site == "haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue"),"master_ccl_id"]))
rownames(ctrp.auc) <- paste0("CCL",rownames(ctrp.auc))
ctrp.auc <- ctrp.auc[setdiff(rownames(ctrp.auc),rmccl),]
## c. KNN填补缺失值
ctrp.auc.knn <- impute.knn(as.matrix(ctrp.auc))$data
prism.auc.knn <- impute.knn(as.matrix(prism.auc))$data
## d. 数据量级修正
ctrp.auc.knn <- ctrp.auc.knn/ceiling(max(ctrp.auc.knn)) # 参考Expression Levels of Therapeutic Targets as Indicators of Sensitivity to Targeted Therapeutics (2019, Molecular Cancer Therapeutics)
prism.auc.knn <- prism.auc.knn/ceiling(max(prism.auc.knn))
# 加载CCLE细胞系的表达谱,作为训练集
ccl.expr <- read.table("CCLE_RNAseq_rsem_genes_tpm_20180929.txt",sep = "\t",row.names = 1,check.names = F,stringsAsFactors = F,header = T)
# 加载基因注释文件,用于基因ID转换
Ginfo <- read.table("overlapTable27.txt",sep = "\t",row.names = 1,check.names = F,stringsAsFactors = F,header = T)
# 把基因的ensembl ID转换为gene symbol
ccl.expr <- ccl.expr[,-1]; rownames(ccl.expr) <- sapply(strsplit(rownames(ccl.expr),".",fixed = T),"[",1)
comgene <- intersect(rownames(ccl.expr),rownames(Ginfo))
ccl.expr <- ccl.expr[comgene,]
ccl.expr$gene <- Ginfo[comgene,"genename"]; ccl.expr <- ccl.expr[!duplicated(ccl.expr$gene),]; rownames(ccl.expr) <- ccl.expr$gene; ccl.expr <- ccl.expr[,-ncol(ccl.expr)]
keepgene <- apply(ccl.expr, 1, mad) > 0.5 # 保留表达值有效的基因
trainExpr <- log2(ccl.expr[keepgene,] + 1)
colnames(trainExpr) <- sapply(strsplit(colnames(trainExpr),"_",fixed = T),"[",1) # 重置细胞系名
trainPtype <- <- ccl.miss <- c() # 替换细胞系名
for (i in rownames(trainPtype)) {
if(!is.element(gsub("CCL","",i),ctrp.ccl.anno$master_ccl_id)) {
ccl.miss <- c(ccl.miss, i) # 没有匹配到的细胞系 <- c(, i) # 插入未匹配的细胞系
} else { <- c(, ctrp.ccl.anno[which(ctrp.ccl.anno$master_ccl_id == gsub("CCL","",i)),"ccl_name"]) # 插入匹配的细胞系
} <- cpd.miss <- c() # 替换药物名
for (i in colnames(trainPtype)) {
if(!is.element(i,ctrp.cpd.anno$master_cpd_id)) {
cpd.miss <- c(cpd.miss, i) # 没有匹配到的药物 <- c(, i) # 插入未匹配的药物
} else { <- c(, ctrp.cpd.anno[which(ctrp.cpd.anno$master_cpd_id == i),"cpd_name"]) # 插入匹配的药物
rownames(trainPtype) <-
trainPtype <- trainPtype[setdiff(rownames(trainPtype),ccl.miss),] # 去除未匹配的细胞系
colnames(trainPtype) <-
trainPtype <- trainPtype[,setdiff(colnames(trainPtype),cpd.miss)] # 去除未匹配的药物
comccl <- intersect(rownames(trainPtype),colnames(trainExpr)) # 提取有表达且有药敏的细胞系
trainExpr <- trainExpr[,comccl]
trainPtype <- trainPtype[comccl,]
# 测试集
keepgene <- apply(pure.tumoexpr, 1, mad) > 0.5 # 纯化的测试集取表达稳定的基因
testExpr <- log2(pure.tumoexpr[keepgene,] + 1) # 表达谱对数化
# 取训练集和测试集共有的基因
comgene <- intersect(rownames(trainExpr),rownames(testExpr))
trainExpr <- as.matrix(trainExpr[comgene,])
testExpr <- testExpr[comgene,]
outTab <- NULL# 循环很慢,请耐心for (i in 1:ncol(trainPtype)) { d <- colnames(trainPtype)[i] tmp <- log2(as.vector(trainPtype[,d]) + 0.00001) # 由于CTRP的AUC可能有0值,因此加一个较小的数值防止报错 # 岭回归预测药物敏感性 ptypeOut <- quiet(calcPhenotype(trainingExprData = trainExpr, trainingPtype = tmp, testExprData = testExpr, powerTransformPhenotype = F, selection = 1)) ptypeOut <- 2^ptypeOut - 0.00001 # 反对数 outTab <-,ptypeOut)}dimnames(outTab) <- list(colnames(trainPtype),colnames(testExpr))prism.pred.auc <- outTabtop.pps <- Sinfo[Sinfo$PPS >= quantile(Sinfo$PPS,probs = seq(0,1,0.1))[10],] # 定义上十分位的样本bot.pps <- Sinfo[Sinfo$PPS <= quantile(Sinfo$PPS,probs = seq(0,1,0.1))[2],] # 定义下十分位的样本ctrp.log2fc <- c()for (i in 1:nrow(ctrp.pred.auc)) { d <- rownames(ctrp.pred.auc)[i] a <- mean(as.numeric(ctrp.pred.auc[d,rownames(top.pps)])) # 上十分位数的AUC均值 b <- mean(as.numeric(ctrp.pred.auc[d,rownames(bot.pps)])) # 下十分位数的AUC均值 fc <- b/a log2fc <- log2(fc); names(log2fc) <- d ctrp.log2fc <- c(ctrp.log2fc,log2fc)}candidate.ctrp <- ctrp.log2fc[ctrp.log2fc > 0.2] # 这里我调整了阈值,控制结果数目prism.log2fc <- c()for (i in 1:nrow(prism.pred.auc)) { display.progress(index = i,totalN = nrow(prism.pred.auc)) d <- rownames(prism.pred.auc)[i] a <- mean(as.numeric(prism.pred.auc[d,rownames(top.pps)])) # 上十分位数的AUC均值 b <- mean(as.numeric(prism.pred.auc[d,rownames(bot.pps)])) # 下十分位数的AUC均值 fc <- b/a log2fc <- log2(fc); names(log2fc) <- d prism.log2fc <- c(prism.log2fc,log2fc)}candidate.prism <- prism.log2fc[prism.log2fc > 0.2] # 这里我调整了阈值,控制结果数目ctrp.cor <- ctrp.cor.p <- c()for (i in 1:nrow(ctrp.pred.auc)) { d <- rownames(ctrp.pred.auc)[i] a <- as.numeric(ctrp.pred.auc[d,rownames(Sinfo)]) b <- as.numeric(Sinfo$PPS) r <- cor.test(a,b,method = "spearman")$estimate; names(r) <- d p <- cor.test(a,b,method = "spearman")$p.value; names(p) <- d ctrp.cor <- c(ctrp.cor,r) ctrp.cor.p <- c(ctrp.cor.p,p)}candidate.ctrp2 <- ctrp.cor[ctrp.cor < -0.4] # 这里我调整了阈值,控制结果数目 ctrp.candidate <- intersect(names(candidate.ctrp),names(candidate.ctrp2))prism.cor <- prism.cor.p <- c()for (i in 1:nrow(prism.pred.auc)) { d <- rownames(prism.pred.auc)[i] a <- as.numeric(prism.pred.auc[d,rownames(Sinfo)]) b <- as.numeric(Sinfo$PPS) r <- cor.test(a,b,method = "spearman")$estimate; names(r) <- d p <- cor.test(a,b,method = "spearman")$p.value; names(p) <- d prism.cor <- c(prism.cor,r) prism.cor.p <- c(prism.cor.p,p)}candidate.prism2 <- prism.cor[prism.cor < -0.35] prism.candidate <- intersect(names(candidate.prism),names(candidate.prism2))
# 设置颜色
darkblue <- "#0772B9"
lightblue <- "#48C8EF" <- data.frame(drug = ctrp.candidate,
r = ctrp.cor[ctrp.candidate],
p = -log10(ctrp.cor.p[ctrp.candidate]))
p1 <- ggplot(data =,aes(r,forcats::fct_reorder(drug,r,.desc = T))) +
geom_segment(aes(xend=0,yend=drug),linetype = 2) +
geom_point(aes(size=p),col = darkblue) +
scale_size_continuous(range =c(2,8)) +
scale_x_reverse(breaks = c(0, -0.3, -0.5),
expand = expansion(mult = c(0.01,.1))) + #左右留空
theme_classic() +
labs(x = "Correlation coefficient", y = "", size = bquote("-log"[10]~"("~italic(P)~"-value)")) +
theme(legend.position = "bottom",
axis.line.y = element_blank()) <- data.frame(drug = prism.candidate,
r = prism.cor[prism.candidate],
p = -log10(prism.cor.p[prism.candidate]))$drug <- sapply(strsplit($drug," (",fixed = T), "[",1)
p2 <- ggplot(data =,aes(r,forcats::fct_reorder(drug,r,.desc = T))) +
geom_segment(aes(xend=0,yend=drug),linetype = 2) +
geom_point(aes(size=p),col = darkblue) +
scale_size_continuous(range =c(2,8)) +
scale_x_reverse(breaks = c(0, -0.3, -0.5),
expand = expansion(mult = c(0.01,.1))) + #左右留空
theme_classic() +
labs(x = "Correlation coefficient", y = "", size = bquote("-log"[10]~"("~italic(P)~"-value)")) +
theme(legend.position = "bottom",
axis.line.y = element_blank())
ctrp.boxdata <- NULL
for (d in ctrp.candidate) {
a <- as.numeric(ctrp.pred.auc[d,rownames(top.pps)])
b <- as.numeric(ctrp.pred.auc[d,rownames(bot.pps)])
p <- wilcox.test(a,b)$p.value
s <- as.character(cut(p,c(0,0.001,0.01,0.05,1),labels = c("***","**","*","")))
ctrp.boxdata <-,
data.frame(drug = d,
auc = c(a,b),
p = p,
s = s,
group = rep(c("High PPS","Low PPS"),c(nrow(top.pps),nrow(bot.pps))),
stringsAsFactors = F),
stringsAsFactors = F)
p3 <- ggplot(ctrp.boxdata, aes(drug, auc, fill=group)) +
geom_boxplot(aes(col = group),outlier.shape = NA) +
geom_text(aes(drug, y=max(auc)),
inherit.aes=F) +
scale_fill_manual(values = c(darkblue, lightblue)) +
scale_color_manual(values = c(darkblue, lightblue)) +
xlab(NULL) + ylab("Estimated AUC value") +
theme_classic() +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 0.5,vjust = 0.5,size = 10),
legend.position = "bottom",
legend.title = element_blank())
dat <- ggplot_build(p3)$data[[1]]
p3 <- p3 + geom_segment(data=dat, aes(x=xmin, xend=xmax, y=middle, yend=middle), color="white", inherit.aes = F)
prism.boxdata <- NULL
for (d in prism.candidate) {
a <- as.numeric(prism.pred.auc[d,rownames(top.pps)])
b <- as.numeric(prism.pred.auc[d,rownames(bot.pps)])
p <- wilcox.test(a,b)$p.value
s <- as.character(cut(p,c(0,0.001,0.01,0.05,1),labels = c("***","**","*","")))
prism.boxdata <-,
data.frame(drug = d,
auc = c(a,b),
p = p,
s = s,
group = rep(c("High PPS","Low PPS"),c(nrow(top.pps),nrow(bot.pps))),
stringsAsFactors = F),
stringsAsFactors = F)
prism.boxdata$drug <- sapply(strsplit(prism.boxdata$drug," (",fixed = T), "[",1)
p4 <- ggplot(prism.boxdata, aes(drug, auc, fill=group)) +
geom_boxplot(aes(col = group),outlier.shape = NA) +
geom_text(aes(drug, y=max(auc)),
inherit.aes=F) +
scale_fill_manual(values = c(darkblue, lightblue)) +
scale_color_manual(values = c(darkblue, lightblue)) +
xlab(NULL) + ylab("Estimated AUC value") +
theme_classic() +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 0.5,vjust = 0.5,size = 10),
legend.position = "bottom",
legend.title = element_blank())
dat <- ggplot_build(p4)$data[[1]]
p4 <- p4 + geom_segment(data=dat, aes(x=xmin, xend=xmax, y=middle, yend=middle), color="white", inherit.aes = F)
plot_grid(p1, p3, p2, p4, labels=c("A", "", "B", ""),
rel_widths = c(2, 2)) #左右两列的宽度比例
ggsave(filename = "drug target.pdf",width = 8,height = 8)
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02 NC优质平替!飞升1区Top,超10分的综合性毕业神刊!性价比超高,国人友好,Case Report也收!这波安全上车! |
03 不做实验照样发Nature Communications!借诺奖东风“机器学习”+多组学分析,打造创新思路,每一步都踩在点子上! |
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