中国艺术家 | 徐文恺 aaajiao

文摘   2024-12-03 06:00   英国  

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Culture Sower

Culture 菌整理编辑,版权为艺术家本人所有


Minority Algorithm
Internet Void
Single channel video, color, sound



A bit, A prompt

Seed 1348845846
Digital printing, manual silk screening, hand drawing on linen180cm*180cm 

Seed: 3339138223
Digital printing, manual silk screening, hand drawing on linen

Seed: 861016247
Digital printing, manual silk screening, hand drawing on linen


Seed: 2020419678
Digital printing, manual silk screening, hand drawing on linen

Seed 1279984655
Digital printing, manual silk screening, hand drawing on linen

Active online as a media artist, blogger, activist and programmer, aaajiao is the virtual persona of Shanghai- and Berlin- artist Xu Wenkai. Born in 1984—the title of George Orwell’s classic allegorical novel— and in one of China’s oldest cities, Xi’an, aaajiao’s art and works are marked by a strong dystopian awareness, literati spirits and sophistication. Many of aaajiao’s works speak to new thinkings, controversies and phenomenon around the Internet, with specific projects focusing on the processing of data, the blogsphere and China’s Great Fire Wall. aaajiao’s recent projects extend his practice to various disciplines (among them, architecture, topography, and design) to capture the pulse of the young generation consuming cyber technology and living in social media.

aaajiao的作品曾出现在以下美术馆和机构,蓬皮杜中心,巴黎(2023, 2024),西岸美术馆,上海(2024)今日美术馆,北京(2014, 2020, 2023),广东美术馆, 广州(2023);昊美术馆,上海(2019, 2023),Leeum 美术馆,首尔(2022),OCAT(北京、上海、西安)(2014, 2016, 2017, 2021),亚洲文化殿堂,光州(2021),里沃利城堡当代艺术博物馆,都灵(2020),林茨电子艺术节,林茨(2020),尤伦斯当代艺术中心,北京(2020),波士顿当代艺术中心,波士顿(2018),梅迪奇别墅,罗马(2018),上海当代艺术博物馆,上海(2017, 2018),电子艺术之家,巴塞尔(2017),Pirelli Hangar Bicocca,米兰(2017),斯宾塞艺术博物馆,堪萨斯(2016),纽约犹太博物馆,纽约(2016),余德耀美术馆,上海(2016),K11艺术基金会,香港,和chi K11美术馆,上海(2013, 2014, 2016),民生现代美术馆,北京、上海(2014, 2015, 2016),ZKM | 艺术与媒体中心,卡尔斯鲁厄(2015),中国美术馆,北京(2011, 2014),世界文化宫,柏林(2010),等。

aaajiao's works have appeared in the following museums and institutions, Centre Pompidou, Paris (2023, 2024); West Bund Museum, Shanghai (2024); Today Art Museum, Beijing (2014, 2020, 2023); Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou (2023); HOW Art Museum, Shanghai (2019, 2023); Leeum Museum of Art, Seoul (2022); OCAT, Beijing, Shanghai, Xi’an (2014, 2016, 2017, 2021); Asia Culture Center, Gwangju (2021); Castello di Rivoli Museo d'Arte Contemporanea, Turin (2020) ; Ars Electronica, Linz (2020); UCCA Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing (2020); The Institute of Contemporary Art Boston, Boston (2018); Villa Medici, Rome (2018); Power Station of Art, Shanghai (2017, 2018); Haus der elektronischen Künste, Basel (2017); Pirelli Hangar Bicocca, Milano (2017); Spencer Museum of Art, Kansas (2016); Jewish Museum, New York (2016); Yuz Museum, Shanghai (2016); K11 Art Foundation, Hong Kong and chi K11 art museum, Shanghai (2013, 2014, 2016); MinSheng Art Museum, Beijing, Shanghai (2014, 2015, 2016); ZKM | Centre for Art and Media, Karlsruhe (2015); The National Art Museum of China, Beijing (2011, 2014); HKW | Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin (2010).

2023,2024年 aaajiao 的作品被法国蓬皮杜中心收藏。2014年,他不仅获得了第三届三亚艺术季暨华宇青年评审大奖,亦入围首届 OCAT皮埃尔·于贝尔奖。
In 2023, 2024, aaajiao's work was collected by the Pompidou Center in France. In 2014, he not only won the 3rd Art Sanya Awards Jury Prize, but also was shortlisted for the 1st OCAT Pierre Huber Prize.
aaajiao lives and works in Shanghai and Berlin.





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