
文摘   2024-07-02 19:50   马来西亚  

Reinsurance - M97(Dip级30学分,选修)-《再保险》

B5 Africa and the Middle East(非洲和中东)

The two main organisations that cover the African and Middle Eastern insurers and reinsurers are the General Arab Insurance Federation (GAIF) and the Federation of AfroAsian Insurers and Reinsurers (FAIR).The General Arab Insurance Federation’s main goal is to improve and encourage inner Arab communication between insurance sectors, and to develop the insurance industry in the Arab states. The Federation of Afro-Asian Insurers and Reinsurers is dedicated to the cause of regional cooperation and the development of the insurance industry in Afro-Asian countries.

覆盖非洲和中东保险公司和再保险公司的两个主要组织是阿拉伯通用保险联盟 (GAIF) 和亚非保险和再保险公司联盟 (FAIR)。阿拉伯通用保险联盟的主要目标是改善和鼓励阿拉伯保险部门之间的内部交流,并发展阿拉伯国家的保险业。亚非保险和再保险公司联盟致力于区域合作和亚非国家保险业的发展。

FAIR maintains the following pools for the benefit of member insurance and reinsurance companies:
• the Non-Life Reinsurance Pool – managed by Milli Re, Turkey;
• the Aviation Pool – managed by Société Centrale de Réassurance (SCR), Morocco; and
• the Oil and Energy Insurance Syndicate – managed by Trust Re, Bahrain.

亚非保险和再保险公司联盟FAIR 为会员保险和再保险公司的利益维护以下保险池:
• 非寿险再保险池 – 由土耳其 Milli Re 管理;
• 航空保险池 – 由摩洛哥 Société Centrale de Réassurance (SCR) 管理;和
• 石油和能源保险辛迪加 – 由巴林 Trust Re 管理。

GAIF does not manage any underwriting pools as such, but as most Arab and African insurers and reinsurers are also members of FAIR, they have access to all the FAIR pools.

阿拉伯通用保险联盟GAIF 本身不管理任何承保池,但由于大多数阿拉伯和非洲保险公司和再保险公司也是 FAIR 的成员,因此他们可以访问所有 FAIR 池。

B6 Asian market(亚洲市场)
B6A Japan(日本)

Historically, the Japanese insurance market was characterised by tight government regulations under the Ministry of Finance. With the revision of the Insurance Business Law in 1996 came far-reaching deregulation of the sector, allowing insurers to establish subsidiaries to write both life and non-life business. A fundamental component of this liberalisation was the reform of the so-called ‘Rating Organisation’ in 1998. Its function is now reduced to preparing and calculating non-obligatory standard policy conditions and referential pure rates, which provide the market with some level of guidance. However, the final setting of rates and margins is left to individual companies, with a few exceptions.

从历史上看,日本保险市场的特点是财政部下严格的政府监管。随着 1996 年《保险业法》的修订,该行业出现了深远的放松管制,允许保险公司建立子公司来承保人寿和非人寿业务。这种自由化的一个基本组成部分是 1998 年所谓的“评级组织”的改革。其职能现在被缩减为准备和计算非强制性标准保单条件和参考纯费率,为市场提供一定程度的指导。但是,除少数例外,费率和利润的最终设定权留给各个公司。

It is usual for almost all business to be channelled through agents and even the largest reinsurance companies accept business through an intermediary.


Today, Japan has the fourth largest commercial insurance market in the world and its domestic market is dominated by three mega groups: Tokio Marine, MS (Mitsui Sumitomo) & AD (Aioi Nissay Dowa), and Sompo Japan NipponKoa. Between them, these control more than 70% of non-life premium. The market also includes Toa Re – a top 40 global reinsurer – and all major (re)insurance groups also have a presence. Interestingly, property (commercial and domestic) is heavily under-insured in Japan and it is estimated to have the largest protection gap in the world.

如今,日本拥有世界第四大商业保险市场,其国内市场由三大集团主导:东京海上、MS(三井住友)和 AD(Aioi Nissay Dowa)以及日本财产保险(Sompo Japan)。它们控制着 70% 以上的非寿险保费。该市场还包括 Toa Re——全球 40 强再保险公司——所有主要(再)保险集团也都有业务。有趣的是,日本的财产(商业和国内)保险严重不足,据估计,其保护缺口是世界上最大的。

In recent years, investment returns have been low and the domestic market has continued to shrink because of a declining population, declining manufacturing base and industrial assets and prolonged economic weakness. As a result, the mega groups have looked abroad for growth by expanding into both mature and emerging markets by acquisition and by equity participation. They have, however, been hampered in this by domestic regulations limiting the size of any such investment to 10% of own assets. The regulator, the Japan Financial Services Agency of the Japanese Government, has indicated that there are plans for deregulation in this area. Insurers have also sought to reduce operational expenses as a means of generating a return on capital.

近年来,由于人口减少、制造业基础和工业资产减少以及长期经济疲软,投资回报率一直很低,国内市场持续萎缩。因此,大型集团通过收购和股权参与等方式向成熟和新兴市场扩张,寻求海外增长。然而,它们在这方面受到国内法规的阻碍,这些法规将任何此类投资的规模限制为自有资产的 10%。监管机构日本政府的日本金融服务局表示,计划放松这一领域的管制。保险公司还试图降低运营费用,以此作为产生资本回报的手段。

All earthquake business written for residential buildings is reinsured with the Japan Earthquake Reinsurance Company (JER), which retrocedes part of the business to the government and Japanese primary insurers on an excess of loss basis. Foreign reinsurers are not included in this reinsurance scheme. Earthquake industrial insurance is predominately reinsured internationally. Of the total ceded earthquake industrial exposure, it is currently estimated that about 70% is ceded on a proportional or facultative basis. Covers are often combined for wind and earthquake.

所有为住宅建筑承保的地震业务都由日本地震再保险公司 (JER) 再保险,该公司将部分业务以超额损失为基础转交给政府和日本主要保险公司。外国再保险公司不包括在该再保险计划中。地震工业保险主要在国际上再保险。在总的地震工业风险中,目前估计约有 70% 是按比例或任意方式转让的。风灾和地震的保险通常结合在一起。

Following the earthquake and subsequent tsunami in 2011, the insurance market contracted due to higher rates in fire and earthquake insurance and looked to diversify risk portfolios away from those affected classes of business. By contrast, the reinsurance market remains characterised by enduring long-term relationships.

2011 年地震和随后的海啸过后,由于火灾和地震保险费率上涨,保险市场出现萎缩,保险市场寻求将风险组合从受影响的业务类别中分散出去。相比之下,再保险市场仍然以持久的长期关系为特征。

Noted: There is a preoccupation with earthquake coverage in the Japanese market because of the level of seismic activity in this region.




