
文摘   2024-07-15 19:50   马来西亚  

Reinsurance - M97(Dip级30学分,选修)-《再保险》

D1 Hard reinsurance markets(硬再保险市场)

Another re-evaluation concerned so-called target or market risks and their accumulative effect if not controlled within a national or local reinsurance market.


Most markets, apart from the USA, operate a co-insurance system between the insurance companies working in that national or local market. If many insurance companies participate on a co-insurance schedule for a target or market risk, then it follows that their individual reinsurance arrangements will all be exposed to such large risks. In the absence of special reporting requirements for such target or market risks, any reinsurer writing a portfolio of different insurance companies within that market will be subject to a potentially large and unknown accumulation potential.


Noted: A target or market risk could be defined as a risk that is of great importance to the national economy of the country concerned, and often one that requires the support of all insurance companies operating in that country, and probably overseas support as well.

请注意: 目标或市场风险可以定义为对有关国家国民经济至关重要的风险,通常需要在该国运营的所有保险公司的支持,可能还需要海外支持。

Amounts vary, but a US$1 billion sum insured would be a reasonable indication of size for a target or market risk.

金额各不相同,但 10 亿美元的保险金额对于目标或市场风险的规模而言是合理的。

D2 Soft reinsurance markets(软再保险市场)

Reinsurance is cyclical. The reinsurance market is also prone to ‘talking rates down’ if there is little worldwide loss experience to justify the continuation of charging high premium rates and imposing onerous terms, conditions, warranties and exclusions, together with restricted or restrictive reinsurance coverage.


A soft market typically arises after a period where there has been little major loss activity and competitive market forces, or rather the fear of such competitive forces, cause reinsurers to reassess their rating structures, the extent of coverage and how restrictive such coverage should be.


Reinsurance brokers, working on behalf of their insurance company clients, may also sense a change in reinsurer attitude and encourage their clients to seek alternative quotations from different reinsurance markets. This places a further strain on the relationship between the insurance company and its reinsurers. Seeds of doubt are sown in the reinsurers’ minds as to whether rates, terms and conditions should be maintained or relaxed for the forthcoming renewal.


The 2010 Atlantic hurricane and Northwest Pacific typhoon seasons were among the least damaging on record, even though they were very active with 19 tropical storms and twelve hurricanes recorded. However, none made US landfall – an unprecedented trend for a season with so many. As a result, property catastrophe reinsurance rates dropped by an average of 7.5% at renewal, with further softening seen throughout the market as a whole.

2010 年大西洋飓风和西北太平洋台风季是有史以来破坏性最小的季节之一,尽管这两个季节非常活跃,记录了 19 次热带风暴和 12 次飓风。然而,没有一场飓风登陆美国——对于一个如此多飓风的季节来说,这是前所未有的趋势。因此,财产巨灾再保险费率在续保时平均下降了 7.5%,整个市场进一步走软。

There is also a shift in power in a soft market from reinsurers to insurance companies, who (once again within reason) are able to obtain more favourable terms from their reinsurers.


In a hard market, reinsurers often force insurance companies to retain higher retentions, but in soft markets insurance companies sometimes seize the opportunity to purchase reinsurance below the level of generally accepted prudent financial disciplines. We could call this opportunism, as reinsurance supply is plentiful, and available at a price acceptable to the insurance company’s financial planning requirements. Within this equation, there will always be reinsurers willing to participate at such low levels, whether they are new entrants to the market, or simply existing reinsurers prepared to compromise their beliefs to maintain premium income levels.


Now that we have explained the background to both hard and soft reinsurance markets, we can look at some important aspects concerned with managing the reinsurance underwriting cycle.




