
文摘   2024-07-24 19:50   马来西亚  

Reinsurance - M97(Dip级30学分,选修)-《再保险》

G1 International perspectives on terrorism(国际视角下的恐怖主义)

Unsurprisingly, the approach that a country takes to the provision of terrorism cover varies according to the territory in question and the perceived vulnerability its people and its property have to the activities of terrorists.


G1A UK(英国)

Pool Reinsurance Company Ltd (Pool Re) was formed in 1993 in response to the succession of attacks by Irish terrorists. A mutual, Pool Re provides reinsurance capacity to the UK commercial property market with the Government standing behind it as the ‘reinsurer of last resort’. In 2003, Pool Re’s cover changed from a facultative approach to treaty cover with a per event retention.

Pool Reinsurance Company Ltd (Pool Re) 成立于 1993 年,旨在应对爱尔兰恐怖分子的连续袭击。Pool Re 是一家互助保险公司,为英国商业地产市场提供再保险能力,政府作为“最后的再保险人”为其提供支持。2003 年,Pool Re 的保险范围从临时保险改为按事件保留的合同保险。

The scheme uses the definition of an Act of Terrorism contained in the Reinsurance (Acts of Terrorism) Act 1993: acts of persons acting on behalf of, or in connection with, any organisation which carries out activities directed towards the overthrowing or influencing, by force or violence, of Her Majesty’s government in the United Kingdom or any other government de jure or de facto.

该计划采用了《1993 年再保险(恐怖主义行为)法》中对恐怖主义行为的定义:代表或与任何组织有关人员的行为,这些组织开展旨在通过武力或暴力推翻或影响英国女王陛下政府或任何其他法定或事实上的政府的活动。

The terrorism cover provided by Pool Re members must be issued as part of a policy which covers losses resulting from damage to commercial property. Terms and conditions that apply to the general cover will also apply to the terrorism cover. Equally, monetary limits that appear in the general policy also apply to the terrorism cover.

Pool Re 成员提供的恐怖主义保险必须作为承保商业财产损失损失的保单的一部分签发。适用于一般保险的条款和条件也适用于恐怖主义保险。同样,一般保单中出现的金额限制也适用于恐怖主义保险。

Noted: In the event that the general commercial property policy states that losses below a certain amount cannot be recovered from the insurer, then the same deductible applies to the terrorism cover.

注意: 如果一般商业财产保单规定低于一定金额的损失不能从保险公司收回,则相同的免赔额也适用于恐怖主义保险。

The only exclusions applying to the terrorism cover are for war and related risks and damage to computer systems caused by virus, hacking or similar actions.


There is no exclusion for chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear contamination. The terrorism cover provided by the Pool Re member is able, subject to the terms of the policy, to respond in situations in which damage has been caused by such means.

不排除化学、生物、放射性或核污染。Pool Re 成员提供的恐怖主义保险能够根据保单条款对由此方式造成的损害作出反应。

There are some insurance companies and Lloyd’s syndicates which provide specific coverage on a case-by-case basis. This type of underwriting is done on a strictly facultative basis as considerable information has to be provided on each and every risk to ensure that coverage can be given.


G1B USA(美国)

The Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA) is a US federal law created in 2002. The Act created a federal ‘backstop’ for terrorism claims. The Act was intended as a temporary measure to allow time for the insurance industry to develop its own solutions and products to insure against acts of terrorism. It was last renewed on 1 January 2021 and extends the TRIA until 31 December 2027. It is known as the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act (TRIPRA) of 2019.

《恐怖主义风险保险法》(TRIA)是 2002 年制定的美国联邦法律。该法案为恐怖主义索赔提供了联邦“后盾”。该法案旨在作为一项临时措施,让保险业有时间开发自己的解决方案和产品来防范恐怖主义行为。该法案最后一次续期是在 2021 年 1 月 1 日,并将 TRIA 延长至 2027 年 12 月 31 日。该法案被称为 2019 年恐怖主义风险保险计划再授权法案 (TRIPRA)。

Although it does not currently buy reinsurance for its own exposures, TRIPRA created a US Government reinsurance facility to provide reinsurance coverage to insurance companies following a declared terrorism event. It established the Federal Terrorism Insurance Program to administer a system of shared public/private compensation for insured losses arising from acts of terrorism in order to protect consumers. TRIPRA only applies to acts certified by the US Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, as meeting the definition of a terrorist act. An aggregate liability limit of US$100bn per calendar year applies to the program.

尽管 TRIPRA 目前不为自己的风险购买再保险,但它创建了一个美国政府再保险机构,在宣布发生恐怖主义事件后为保险公司提供再保险。它建立了联邦恐怖主义保险计划,以管理一个公共/私人共同赔偿系统,以补偿因恐怖主义行为而产生的保险损失,从而保护消费者。TRIPRA 仅适用于经美国财政部长与国土安全部长协商后认证为符合恐怖主义行为定义的行为。该计划每年的总责任限额为 1000 亿美元。

In respect of reinsurance contract renewals, reinsurers excluded TRIPRA-certified events. However, insurers were then offered separate cover for domestic attacks, although this typically excluded events including nuclear, chemical or biological weapons.

在再保险合同续签方面,再保险公司排除了 TRIPRA 认证的事件。然而,保险公司随后获得了针对国内袭击的单独保险,尽管这通常不包括包括核武器、化学武器或生物武器在内的事件。

A standalone property terrorism insurance market offers coverage for both TRIPRA-certified and non-certified risks, and enables companies to tailor capacity to their coverage needs.

独立的财产恐怖主义保险市场为 TRIPRA 认证和非认证风险提供保险,并使公司能够根据其保险需求量身定制保险能力。



