G6 English PBL | 健康饮食

文摘   教育   2024-01-18 19:01   上海  


This semester, our brilliant 6th graders embarked on a fascinating PBL project centered around nutrition, meal planning, and empathy. Each student delved into the world of calories, macros, and dietary needs, developing a deep understanding of nutrition fundamentals.



The highlight of the project was the creation of detailed meal plans tailored to meet the specific requirements of diverse characters, each with unique dietary or medical conditions. Students embraced the challenge of crafting nutritious, well-balanced meals while considering the individual needs of their assigned characters.


To showcase their newfound knowledge, the students seamlessly blended technology and creativity. They designed captivating PowerPoint presentations that not only explained the intricacies of calories and macros but also introduced their chosen characters and the corresponding meal plans. The depth of research and thoughtful consideration was evident in every slide.

学生们将技术和创造力融合,完美呈现了他们新获得的知识。每个小组设计了内容丰富,图片精美的 PPT,内容包括食谱目标人群、营养成分阐述以及每日食谱概要。PPT展现了学生们的研究深度和沉思,学生们的思辨能力和逻辑能力也在整个项目过程中得到了体现。

Taking their project a step further, our young innovators crafted vibrant brochures to promote their meal plans. These brochures serve as engaging tools to reach individuals facing similar dietary or medical challenges. The students demonstrated not only a keen understanding of nutrition but also an ability to communicate their findings effectively.


Through this PBL adventure, 6th graders honed critical research skills, embraced technology, and cultivated empathy for those with unique dietary needs. The results are not just meal plans and presentations but a testament to the students' creativity, collaboration, and commitment to making a positive impact on the community.


Well done to 6th graders for their outstanding work and dedication to learning! 



文字 | 青浦平和六年级英语组

排版 | 赵千桐同学


特别鸣谢 | 青浦平和六年级英语组

欢迎关注 | 青浦平和学生成长中心


