时间 | 地点 | 报告人 | 主题 |
11月25日 (星期一) 16:30-18:00 | 嘉庚二203 | 朱毅 明尼苏达大学卡尔森管理学院讲席教授 | Search Prominence in a Distribution Channel |
11月26日 (星期二) 15:00-17:00 | 南强二205 | 石松 中国研究数据服务平台(CNRDS)技术总监 许明臻 中国研究数据服务平台(CNRDS)讲师 | AI大语言模型赋能财经文本研究 |
11月26日 (星期二) 16:30-18:00 | 嘉庚二208 | 魏国强 香港理工大学商学院教授 | Aggregate Market Disagreement and the Macroeconomy: Evidence from the Global Markets |
11月28日 (星期四) 16:30-18:00 | 嘉庚二203 | 舒伯灿 厦门大学管理学院管理科学系博士生 | Optimal Selling Strategies for Fresh Coproducts: Dedicated vs. Diverse Approaches |
11月29日 (星期五) 15:00-17:30 | 嘉庚二205 | 陈雪颖 厦门大学管理学院会计学系博士生 | 中国上市公司股利政策:制度与实务 |
Search Prominence in a Distribution Channel
(明尼苏达大学卡尔森管理学院 讲席教授)
(厦门大学管理学院市场学系 副教授)
Consumers increasingly start their online price searches from a specific retailer. This paper aims to determine the impact of such a prominent retailer on channel members and consumers. We establish a search model within a distribution channel, where consumers sequentially search for prices across retailers. The results show that search prominence has two effects: First, it de-escalates price competition among retailers under duopoly but intensifies competition under oligopoly; second, it worsens the channel coordination between the manufacturer and the prominent retailer. Compared with the scenario without prominence, (1) in a duopoly, all channel members’ prices decrease in search costs. The manufacturer (prominent retailer) is worse (better) off, whereas the non-prominent retailer is better off if the proportion of costly search consumers is low. (2) In an oligopoly, (a) whereas the wholesale price decreases in search costs, the prominent retailer’s price first increases and then decreases in search costs; (b) non-prominent retailers are always worse off; and (c) prominence can lead to either win-win or lose-lose outcome for the manufacturer and the prominent retailer. (3) Although search prominence does not necessarily hurt the channel profit or social surplus, it always results in a decrease in consumer surplus.
Yi Zhu is Margaret J. Holden and Dorothy A. Werlich Endowed Professor at the Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota. He received his PhD in Business Administration from the University of Southern California (USC) and M.A. in Economics from University of British Columbia. His research interests focus on the application of industrial organization models in marketing, online auctions, consumer search, advertising, media slant, sharing economy and Chinese economy. His recent works have appeared or are forthcoming at Marketing Science, Management Science, Journal of Marketing Research and International Journal of Research in Marketing. Beyond academic publications, his research has been discussed in Harvard Business Review, Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Fast Company, CBS, Entrepreneur, Star Tribune, Toronto Star, San Francisco Chronicle, Houston Chronicle, Global News Radio among others.
Zhu research has won a series of best-paper awards, including the John D.C. Little Award for the best marketing paper published in Marketing Science or Management Science, the Don Morrison Long Term Impact Award for making a significant long run impact on the field of marketing, the Shankar-Spiegel Best Dissertation Proposal Award, and the finalist for the Frank M. Bass Award for the best marketing paper derived from a Ph.D. thesis published in INFORMS journals. He has been selected as a 2017 Marketing Science Institute (MSI) Young Scholars, a biennial award given to the most promising scholars in marketing who have distinguished themselves as potential leaders of the next generation of marketing academics, and the Marketing Science Institute (MSI) Scholars in 2022, a title awarded to "top scholars helping to set the research agenda for the field." In 2022, he was awarded the “Carlson School Outstanding Teaching Award" for Excellence in Teaching. Zhu currently serves as an Associate Editor for Marketing Science and is a member of the Editorial Review Board for the Journal of Marketing Research.
(中国研究数据服务平台(CNRDS) 技术总监)
(中国研究数据服务平台(CNRDS) 讲师)
3. CNRDS-财经文本相关模块
4. 爱文本数据库与应用场景
Aggregate Market Disagreement and the Macroeconomy: Evidence from the Global Markets
(香港理工大学商学院 教授)
Using Yu’s (2011) bottom-up approach, we show that U.S. aggregate disagreement is a strong predictor of macroeconomic conditions. Whereas conventional uncertainty measures rise in bad times, U.S. aggregate disagreement peaks around nine months before recessions. In non-U.S. global markets, an increase in U.S. aggregate disagreement is associated with long-lasting declines in economic activities, whereas non-U.S. aggregate disagreement does not have the predictability. Further, U.S. aggregate disagreement significantly predicts future stock market returns in the U.S. and non-U.S. markets, whereas non-U.S. aggregate disagreement displays limited predictive ability. The results highlight a leading role of U.S. aggregate disagreement on global economy and financial markets.
魏国强教授目前担任香港理工大学(PolyU)的杰出研究教授。他于2016年加入香港理工大学商学院,担任金融经济学讲席教授(2016-2022年),并于2019至2022年间担任负责研究生事务的副院长。魏教授在伊利诺伊大学香槟分校获得了金融学博士学位。在此之前,他曾先后在密西西比大学、迈阿密大学和印第安纳大学任教。在加入香港理工大学之前,魏教授在香港科技大学(HKUST)担任金融学讲席教授,并在该校工作了24年。他还曾长期担任HKUST的Value Partners投资中心、亚洲金融市场中心以及金融分析/投资管理硕士项目主任。在2000年1月至8月、2003年2月至6月以及2015年6月期间,他曾担任HKUST财务系代理系主任。此外,魏教授还协助恒生银行有、汇丰银行和富达投资管理(香港)等企业开发了财富管理和投资模型,并曾担任海通国际证券独立非执行董事超过八年。魏教授的研究兴趣主要集中在实证资产定价、行为金融、国际金融和公司治理等领域。他在金融和会计领域的顶级期刊上发表了80多篇文章,包括Journal of Finance、Journal of Financial Economics、The Accounting Review、Management Science、Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis、Contemporary Accounting Research、Journal of Business等,还包括在金融从业者中非常具有声望的期刊Financial Analysts Journal。魏教授以其对美国和国际市场股票回报率的研究而闻名。共获得了超过37个会议的最佳论文奖。其中四篇论文被2013年诺贝尔经济学奖得主尤金·法玛引用,他的许多论文为Fama and French (2015) 的五因子模型和Hou, Xue, and Zhang (2015) 的q因子模型奠定了基础。
Optimal Selling Strategies for Fresh Coproducts: Dedicated vs. Diverse Approaches
(厦门大学管理学院管理科学系 博士生)
(厦门大学管理学院管理科学系 教授)
A key challenge for retailers is deciding whether to sell only the excellent coproducts (i.e., a dedicated sales strategy) or offer both excellent and good coproducts (i.e., a diverse sales strategy). We explore a scenario in which a retailer sells vertically differentiated coproducts—either excellent or good quality—to quality-sensitive consumers, ordering inputs of excellent initial quality from the supplier. The supplier determines the production and wholesale prices, while the retailer decides on the product line design, purchase quantities, and retail prices. Our analysis shows that the retailer will only offer premium products (excellent quality) if the proportion of excellent coproducts is sufficiently small and the supplier’s cost is at an intermediate level, or if the proportion of excellent coproducts is large enough and the supplier’s cost is low enough. In all other cases, the retailer will opt to sell products with heterogeneous quality levels. Furthermore, we explore how the retailer’s choice of sales strategy impacts product wastage and consumer surplus.
(厦门大学管理学院会计学系 博士生)
(厦门大学管理学院会计学系 教授)
2024年 11月 29日(星期五)15:00-17:30
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