时间 | 地点 | 报告人 | 主题 |
11月11日 (星期一) 15:00-16:30 | 嘉庚一409 | 程新生 南开大学商学院会计系教授 | 学术研究与期刊发表 |
11月12日 (星期二) 15:00-16:10 | 南强二105 | 徐宁 香港中文大学商学院教授 | The Effect of Borrowing Base Covenants in Mitigating Price Risk under Inventory-based Financing |
11月12日 (星期二) 16:30-18:00 | 嘉庚一207 | 汤弘钦 厦门大学管理学院管理科学系博士生 | Enhancing Crowdfunding Financing Speed through Image-Text Integration Strategies: Insights from Information Processing Theory and Explainable Machine Learning Methodology |
11月12日 (星期二) 16:30-18:00 | 嘉庚二208 | 谭安厚 香港中文大学(深圳)副教授 | 探析案例研究 |
11月13日 (星期三) 8:30-10:00 | 嘉庚二208 | 胡杏 清华大学五道口金融学院副教授 | Learning, Price Discovery, and Macroeconomic Announcements |
11月15日 (星期五) 15:00-17:30 | 嘉庚二205 | 刘雨菲 厦门大学管理学院会计学系博士生 | The Effect of Remote Performance Monitoring on Task Performance |
程新生,南开大学商学院会计系教授,担任《南开管理评论》常务副主编;Nankai Business Review International副主编;教育部人文社科重点研究基地“南开大学公司治理研究中心”-公司治理评价研究室主任。曾在《管理世界》《会计研究》《金融研究》等学术期刊发表学术论文40余篇;出版《公司治理与战略控制》等著作五部。
The Effect of Borrowing Base Covenants in Mitigating Price Risk under Inventory-based Financing
Borrowing base covenants (BBC) are commonly used in inventory-based financing (IBF) in practice to protect a lender against the potential market value erosion in collateralized inventory. This paper studies the effects of BBC in IBF by considering a supply chain in which a supplier sells a key material to a cash-strapped retailer, and offers an IBF facility to the retailer using purchased inventory as collateral. The price of the collateralized inventory is a random variable, which further affects the retail market of the retailer’s final product. We find that, in the presence of financing, the retailer tends to over-order the material especially when the price is expected to go down. This creates additional agency cost and therefore hurts both players’ profits. Under such price uncertainty, the utilization of BBC in IBF can mitigate the retailer’s default risk by liquidating the inventory in advance before selling to a bad retail market, which benefits the supplier. In addition, BBC can also benefit the retailer since the supplier will charge a lower interest rate due to the reduced risk, resulting in a win-win outcome. However, BBC can also jeopardize the retailer’s profit because the inventory liquidation may undermine the retailer’s ability to fulfill the future market demand especially when it’s good. Finally, when the fluctuation of the material price is not too intense, we find that BBC is able to fully eliminate the risk due to price uncertainty when the retailer is sufficiently poor.
Vernon Hsu is a Choh-Ming Li Chair Professor in the CUHK Business School, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He had also held faculty positions at the University of New South Wales, Australia, George Mason University, USA, and Hong Kong University of Science & Technology. Professor Hsu’s research interests include operations and supply chain management. Some of his current research projects investigate the integration of international tax and financial planning with global supply chain management. His research has been published in journals such as Management Science, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, Operations Research and Productions and Operations Management.
Enhancing Crowdfunding Financing Speed through Image-Text Integration Strategies: Insights from Information Processing Theory and Explainable Machine Learning Methodology
Lending-based crowdfunding platforms provide entrepreneurs with a medium to present their projects' visual and textual information in order to secure funding. On these platforms, the ways in which entrepreneurs employ communication strategies that integrate images and text to describe their projects, attract investors, and expedite the fundraising process merit closer examination. In this context, the present study collected data from kiva.org and applied advanced image mining and text mining techniques to identify and quantify the characteristics of image-text integration strategies (ITISs). Alongside other entrepreneur-controllable variables, a series of tree-based machine learning algorithms were utilized to develop a comparative and accurate model for predicting the financing speed of crowdfunding projects. Additionally, to ascertain which ITISs effectively enhance financing speed, an explanatory analysis of ITIS features was performed using Information Processing Theory (IPT) and interpretable machine learning methods based on Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) and SHAP values. The key findings are as follows: (1) Different ITIS features exert varying degrees of influence on financing speed, with image-related features proving more crucial than text-related features, and content-related features holding greater importance compared to other feature types. (2) The specific effects of individual features on financing speed vary. For example, image content richness, image sentiment, image-text consistency, and text sentiment generally have positive impacts, while image aesthetic value, text content richness, and text readability may have negative effects. These findings provide entrepreneurs with an accurate predictive model for financing speed and offer valuable guidance for optimizing ITIS communication strategies to enhance project performance.
Learning, Price Discovery, and Macroeconomic Announcements
This paper examines the role of investor learning in price discovery following important macroeconomic announcements. Using unscheduled macroeconomic news released outside regular Chinese stock market hours, we analyze how investors’ overnight learning, in the absence of trading, affects price discovery. Our findings show that overnight learning helps level the information playing field among heterogeneous investors, leading to more efficient price discovery and reduced information asymmetry at market opening. Retail investors benefit particularly from this process, evidenced by increased trading activity and reduced return reversals during the trading day compared to overnight returns.
胡杏博士现任清华大学五道口金融学院副教授。胡杏于2011年至2019年间担任香港大学金融学助理教授,2011年获得普林斯顿大学经济学博士学位。此前获得了西北大学硕士学位和中国科学技术大学计算机科学学士学位。胡杏的研究领域主要包括实证资产定价,重点关注资产流动性、市场有效性、信贷风险、以及金融危机。她在Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Annual Review of Financial Economics, and International Review of Finance 等一流学术期刊上发表过多篇论文。
The Effect of Remote Performance Monitoring on Task Performance
11月15 日(星期五)15:00-17:30
The rise of remote work arrangement has presented a significant challenge for managers in monitoring and evaluating employee outside of the traditional workplace. This study explores the impact of remote performance monitoring, a form of behavior control, on task performance among remote employees engaged in various types of tasks. We conduct a between-subject experiment and reveal that remote performance monitoring exhibits both supervisory and motivational effects. These effects contribute to an enhancement in task performance by eliciting efforts from employees. This impact is particularly pronounced for employees engaged in creative tasks. These findings hold valuable implications for organizations implementing remote work policies. By understanding the impacts of remote performance monitoring on employees engaged in different tasks, managers can make informed decisions when selecting appropriate remote management controls.
来源 | 科研与人事服务办公室