
文摘   2025-01-07 06:51   英国  

【日常口语】| 得寸进尺



Give an inch, take a mile - 给他一寸,他要一尺

例句:If you keep agreeing to his demands, he’ll just give an inch and take a mile.

Push one’s luck - 得寸进尺,得了好处还不知足

例句:Don’t push your luck; I’ve already done enough for you.

Ask for more than what’s fair - 得寸进尺(提出过分的要求)

例句:He always asks for more than what’s fair, even when we’ve been generous.


Take advantage of someone’s kindness - 利用他人的好心

例句:He keeps taking advantage of your kindness.

Overstep the boundaries - 越界,得寸进尺

例句:You’re starting to overstep the boundaries with your requests.

Go too far - 做得太过分

例句:I’m willing to help, but don’t go too far.


Never satisfied - 永远不满足

例句:He’s never satisfied with what he has.

Always wanting more - 总是想要更多

例句:She’s always wanting more, no matter how much she’s given.


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