ZMAN拙人营造 | 宅兹家居艺术馆

时尚   2024-09-11 19:31   中国香港  





Hey, everybody. It's autumn again,The work we share today is a sample room of Zhaizi Home life,In this 2,600-square-meter space,,We try to diversify our lifestyle,It not only returns to the relaxation of life but also magnifies the wildness and desire of life.

2600多平米的空间当中,我们将生活主题分成了「 4  。我们认为,这「 4 」在同一个人心中是并存的。她们是:1.生活个性欲望与野性;2.生活的童真与初心;3.生活的松弛感与自然;4.生活的精致与仪式感

In the space of more than 2600 square meters, we have divided the life theme into "4 categories",We believe that these "4 categories" coexist in the mind of the same person,They are:01/ "The desires and wildness of life";02/ "The innocence and original intentions of life ";03/ "The sense of relaxation and nature in life ";04/ "The delicacy and sense of ritual in life ".


In the first dark series,We want to try to express our ambitions and desires in life,I believe that everyone has such a feeling for life,Drop the square footage, drop all the other material labels,To live out your natural sense of abundance.


This is a real life exercise,It is also a conceptual expression of life,As we move through different models of space and back and forth,You get the sense that there are actually four types of lifestyles,They have no order, no rank, no right or wrong,Maybe They all coexist in the depths of your heart, or perhaps our own lives at different stages, different mindsets...


They have no order, no rank, no right or wrong, Maybe They all coexist in the depths of your heart, or perhaps our own lives at different stages, different mindsets... .



Considering the space of more than 2600 square meters as a "living field",She is a true reflection of the diversity of her inner life,But in real life,We have difficult to such expression,We tend to lock into a certain style, a certain theme,Design it the way we want it to be And that may be one-sided,Monotonous It's not pluralistic, it's not rich,We try to tap into our inner desires for life...

项目名称 | 宅兹家居艺术馆

Project Name | Zhaizi Home Art Museum

项目地址 | 山东淄博

Location | zibo,Shandong

硬装设计 | 拙人营造×宅兹家居

Hardfitting design Company | ZMAN ×Zhaizi Home art museum

软装设计 | 拙人营造×宅兹家居

Soft decoration company | ZMAN × Zhaizi Home art museum

项目面积 | 2600㎡

Area | 2600 ㎡

设计时间 | 2023年7月13日~2023年9月2日

Design Cycle | July 13, 2023 -- September 02, 2023

完工时间 | 2024年6月

Completion time | June 2024

主要材料 | 艺术涂料,不锈钢板,艺术玻璃等

Main Materials | art paint,stainless steel plate, art glass, etc

项目摄影 | 明境建筑摄影 

Photographer | Ming Jing Architectural Photographing

叶晓波 / CEO

ZMAN-拙人营造设计公司成立于2012年,是一家多元化(EPC  产品型设计公司,拥有设计与工程施工双资质,公司提供完整的从咨 +设计+软装+工程施工+交付+售后6大服务,截止目前拥有成熟的 设计部、软装部、工程部、项目运营、材料部5个部门。

我们始终以STAY BOLD ,STAY FOOLISH (保持大胆,保持拙心 这样的信念去设计每一个室内空间作品,最终通过交钥匙的方式交付 给业主。

公司倡导站在国际化的视野中去重新审视东方美学以及用现代化的语 言表达东方元素。并过去成功打造了一批高品质EPC产品型作品,包 括商业空间、办公以及私人住宅。

未来,拙人营造将继续用最人性化科学化的设计理念去设计并做出更 满足当代需求的作品。

YUMAIN游牧林工作室 | “野”系摄影师的心灵家园

昊泽设计 | 自宅、自在

纸水设计 | 点燃家的感染力

屋已设计 | 横窗之家
