彡口建筑 | 星星和二木的住宅

时尚   2024-09-23 18:30   中国香港  



项目地址位于北京, 业主的诉求是一个可以呆的住的家, 因爲女业主和男业主都是i人, 平时週末时间最舒服的状态就是在家里 ,希望家里有每个人的空间, 互相不打扰到对方, 同时又有一起可以活动喝茶看书的空间 。

The project is located in Beijing, and the client's requirement is a home where they can live comfortably. Both the female and male clients are introverted individuals, and their most comfortable state on weekends is being at home. They hope to have separate spaces in the house where they won't disturb each other, while also having a common area for activities like drinking tea and reading together.

空间和人的关係 ,让我们看到了空间给业主带来的变化。

The relationship between space and people allows us to see the changes that space brings to the clients.

拍摄的当日我们捕捉到他们一家人最佳日常的一个状态 ,穿着舒服的傢俱服, 刚到空间的时候 ,我们和业主在攀谈 ,说说近况,  看婆婆站到了窗口, 此时看到婆婆往外张望, 此刻拍下记录了一个小的场景画面 , 业主说演绎了, 老人的孤独 。同时我们也记录了业主的好客, 在给我们准备水果时 ,小朋友抢着帮助爸爸妈妈洗水果 。下午时分看到婆婆抱着孙子一家人说着生活的柴米油盐, 感受到的生活原来那麽美好, 那麽幸福的状态, 这就是大家说的家。

On the day of the shoot, we captured the family's best daily state. When they first arrived at the space, dressed in comfortable home clothes, they spoke with the clients about recent events. When the grandmother stood by the window and looked out, we captured a small scene that interpreted the elderly's loneliness. At the same time, we documented the client's hospitality. The child eagerly assisted the parents in washing the fruits that were being prepared for us. In the afternoon, we felt that life is beautiful and happy as we saw the grandmother holding her grandson and the family discussing the necessities of life. Everyone refers to this as "home."

首先把原有封闭的厨房面的打开, 让餐厅和客厅和进户, 都是一个比较融合的状态, 同时打开餐厅, 让餐厅更加的融入其空间里, 不再是一个封闭孤独的空间个体存在,  解决进户门收纳问题, 我们借助客厅牆体做了收纳, 同时形成进门口的门厅 ,同时完成了客厅空间的私密性, 悬挑的柜体爲了给门厅空间一个光的延续, 让门厅不是一个呆滞的空间 。

First, open up the previously closed kitchen area to better integrate the restaurant and living room. By opening up the restaurant area, it becomes more integrated into the overall space and ceases to exist as a separate and isolated entity. To address the storage issue at the entrance, we used the living room wall for storage, resulting in a foyer and increased privacy in the living room. The suspended cabinets extend the light in the foyer, creating a more dynamic space.

客厅部分原有的阳台空间, 打开的同时融入了了茶室和收纳空间, 晾晒区, 顶部空调集中收纳, 这样子完成其比较乾淨的整体感受, 餐厅的部分 ,餐桌我们做了悬挑的桌面和倒台链接, 因爲从客厅角度看过去, 希望空间是一个轻盈的, 可以看到我们的厨房部分 ,融合的空间 ,同时保留餐桌轻盈感,  让大面落地柜的空间有呼吸,  把洗衣机和烘乾机收纳在柜檯内 , 同时收纳洗碗机 , 让备菜区更加的放鬆 , 油烟区放到大面窗户的内部 减少油烟产生 。

In the living room area, the original balcony space has been integrated to include a tea room, storage space, drying area, and centralized air conditioning storage, creating a clean and cohesive overall feel. For the dining area, we designed a suspended table and countertop connection to maintain a light and airy feel and allow visibility of the kitchen area from the living room. The laundry machines are concealed within the cabinets, and the dishwasher is integrated to create a relaxed food preparation area while reducing fumes by placing the oil fume area near the large windows.

因爲空间层高问题 ,不可大面吊顶, 我们选用的原始顶面, 木梁的结构来做顶面层次, 同时也给大面平顶带来高度错落感, 让空间感受更高。

Due to height constraints, a large suspended ceiling was not an option, so we used the original ceiling with wooden beams to create a layered ceiling effect, adding height variation to the flat ceiling and improving spatial perception.

空间和自然是由窗的联动,  不同位置我们选用了不同的表现形式, 让空间与外部更加的融合, 窗在空间的形态变化也形成不同的氛围感受, 空间材质主要就是大面白色乳胶漆, 原木色木饰面, 不鏽钢, 水泥漆, 组成。

The connection between the space and nature is achieved through the windows, with different expressions used in different locations to integrate the space with the outdoors. The varying forms of windows create different atmospheric experiences, and the main materials used in the space include large white latex paint surfaces, natural wood veneers, stainless steel, and cement paint.

卫生间功能独立 , 淋浴房独立 ,马桶区独立, 台盆区独, 大面卫生间牆体给客厅空间的部分密闭性 , 在内部区域做了小窗景 ,给密闭的牆体一个点光, 让大面实体牆不再沉闷也给客厅空间一个小点光的视线延伸, 同时用柜檯完成卫生间区域收纳形成空间体块。

The bathroom functions are separated, with independent shower, toilet, and basin areas. The large bathroom walls provide partial enclosure for the living room space, with small window scenes created within the internal areas to introduce light and extend the visual perspective. The use of cabinets in the bathroom area provides storage and defines the spatial volumes.

主卧空间和小朋友空间飘窗 ,分别做了女主人的化妆区和小朋友的阅读区, 让飘窗不再浪费 提高利用率,主卧空间一线形减少空间浪费, 形成男主人书房, 衣帽间, 卫生间 ,最大使用化。

The master bedroom and children's space have bay windows, with the former serving as the hostess's dressing area and the latter as the children's reading area, making the bay windows more functional. The master bedroom is designed in a linear layout to minimize space wastage, creating a study for the male host, a walk-in closet, and a bathroom for maximum efficiency.

因爲小朋友特别喜欢高低空间 ,我们在他独立的空间里给了一个可以独自玩耍的区域 ,运用钢架和木结构做了一个小朋友的游戏区 ,楼梯作爲平时玩具的收纳 给空间更多可能性。

Children enjoy spaces with varying heights, so we designed an exclusive play area for him in his own space, using steel frames and wooden structures. The stairs serve as toy storage, expanding the space's possibilities.

家, 三餐, 茶, 书, 这般自在。

Spring, summer, autumn, winter, home, three meals, tea, books, living in such comfort.

项目地址 | 中国 ·
完成时间 | 2023年12月
空间设计 | ShanKou 彡口建筑
主创设计 | Summer
项目面积 | 120m²
项目摄影 | WM studio

彡口建筑设计创立于2021年,以不被定义,无界面的可破灭可以重组, 自由的 ,去寻找建筑 ,自然, 未简介:彡口建筑设计创立于2021年,研究方向商业和住宅空间,商业空间给我们带来更多发散性的思维 ,不同的产品有不同的个性表达,具备更多创造性 ,不受限制 。住宅空间, 更加的稳定 ,更多的是个人对于一个空间的希望,商业空间做法的思维也影响的我们从新定义和思考住宅空间 ,住宅也可以的先锋的,多变的,不固定式的。所以在表达空间的不同设计, 让人和空间产生联系 ,并发生有趣的体验,思考建筑和室内空间的关系 ,思考自然和空间的关系 ,希望建筑通过内外结合的方式, 让自然引进室内的方式 ,来探索空间。对于设计希望慢一点 ,沉下来,好好思考下,经历打磨,回归设计本身,所以在做每个案例的 我们尽量扩展自我 ,认知更多的可能,和更多的发生,让我们一直在路上 不断的吸收 探索 再不断的进步探索。其次希望设计是有延展的,时间的变换让空间不一样 ,让空间的延展性更强 ,不受当下定义,在居住和使用的过程中 发现空间的更多可能性 ,而不是空间唯一性。从而更好的去使用空间 ,连接空间。彡口的理念:以不被定义,无界面的,可破灭可以重组, 自由的 ,去寻找建筑 ,自然, 未来,现实与理想的设计关系及设计力量感。来,现实与理想的设计关系及设计力量感。

DCD大成设计 | 释外 · 茶院

作一设计事务所 | 永季 · 新粤菜

WUY无研建筑 | 日常工作室

Mlkk Studio | 澄澈本然
