
时尚   2024-10-08 19:30   日本  

Atelier About Architecture
Residence LL


Residence LL是位于中国西南地区的一栋多层住宅,面临开阔优美的湖景,代表了当地城市景观中的居住地标,建筑面积约500平米。业主夫妇是企业主与古董收藏家,希望在此打造一个优雅而安静的居所。

Residence LL is a multi-story residence located in the southwestern region of China, overlooking a beautiful, expansive lakeside view, with a building area of approximately 500 square meters, representing a residential landmark in the local urban landscape. The building covers an area of approximately 500 square meters. The owners, a couple who are entrepreneurs and antique collectors, sought to create an elegant and peaceful home.


Due to the unique geographical location, the original building's structural height was overly complex, spatial scale, and lighting issues were prominent. The focus of the architectural renovation was to preserve the main structural columns, reorganize the functional areas of the floor plan, and turn the entire space into an ideal canvas for living.


The architect's primary task was to address the vertical circulation within the building's defined framework, reconfiguring two staircases and an elevator core to delineate between public and private spaces.


Based on the movement flow within the residence and the direction of natural light, functional spaces were either opened or enclosed to adjust their physical height and visual proportions. Transparent and semi-transparent materials were incorporated to filter and soften the light, addressing the challenge of lighting and privacy in long, narrow spaces.


The circulation spaces were concentrated to free up the functional areas, allowing the living and visual experiences to flow naturally. The open spatial form also symbolizes the dissolution of boundaries, extending the scope of architecture into field-based design, where vivid scenes naturally evoke memories.


In terms of materials and craftsmanship, the architect crushed beige fine-grain veined marble as aggregate, mixing it with pebbles and pearl shells, and used a monolithic terrazzo casting process to create a textured floor with a unique visual quality.


The facades feature frosted glass bricks, natural black walnut wood, and cement. Light and materials are interwoven, creating a calming, soft, and serene atmosphere.


The core of this architectural philosophy lies in approaching from a material standpoint while refocusing on the pursuit of immateriality. This allows concepts like emotions and memories to continue in the space, forming a foundational stone rooted in the site and culture, creating a tranquil place for introspection.

平面图 ©左通右达建筑工作室 

项目地点 | 中国四川省成都市

基本功能 | 私人住宅

建成年份 | 2023年

建筑规模 | 500平方米

建筑改造及室内设计 | 左通右达建筑工作室

主持建筑 | 王旎

设计团队 | 秦瑛、肖雨琴、季晓刚、克霞

结构顾问 | 马智刚、赵晓雷

材料研发 | 王旎、陶智

灯光顾问 | viabizzuno

软装顾问 | 家天地

施工团队 | 智营造装饰工程有限公司

摄  影 师 | 雷坛坛

左通右达建筑工作室成立于 2013 年。创始人王旎早年期移居澳洲,在海外接受完整的建筑学教育,并在全球多个国家参与实践了建筑和室内设计。“左通右达”的名字灵感源于《千字文》中“右通广内,左达承明“,“左通右达”取其中正圆融的意向并作为日常工作方法的精神指导。工作室致力于寻求东西方文明之间的影响,矛盾与互融,探讨其对于现代生活的启示,在当代语境下提取日常与自然之美转化为通感体验,通过抽象概念到物理建造的转化,进而讨论生活方式的内向精神意义。

左通右达建筑工作室提供建筑,室内,景观,家具以及装置等全方位的专业设计服务,作品包括雄安华润大学总部,W之家,Apartment 55, 犬之家等建筑项目与室内改造项目,并于2015,2017,2019年连续获选“安邸100”榜单。已完成或正在进行的项目包括私人美术馆、艺术工作室、精品酒店、餐厅、私人住宅、城市商业建筑等等,项目分布在北京、上海、苏州、成都、广州等地。

AT DESIGN时上建筑|侍酒师之家

赤梁设计STUDIO | 构丘白 H9310 住宅

你的鹏友空间设计 | 美术馆里的家

Nicolas Schuybroek Architects | 修道院式极简主义
