本文转自“海堂学社 Malus Wisdom”
1. The successful treatment of periodontal disease depends on the effective removal of bacterial deposits from the tooth surfaces. This can be accomplished by thorough daily oral hygiene measures achieved by the patient. A large number of dentinal tubules will, thus, be exposed, leading to direct avenues to the pulp for bacteria and bacterial elements present in the oral environment. As a result, the patient may experience increased sensitivity of the exposed root surfaces to thermal, tactile, evaporative and osmotic stimuli.
2. This pain condition, when severe, has in the literature been termed dentin hypersensitivity (DH), which is a well-known ailment to the clinician. The prevalence of DH has been assessed in epidemiological studies employing questionnaires, clinical assessments and questionnaires and clinical assessments in combination. The prevalence has been reported to vary between 15% and 84% depending on the patient population examined.
3. It is not clear whether already sensitive teeth are at risk to become more sensitive or even hypersensitive after scaling and root planing. The aim of the present clinical trial was to study the degree to which a sample of patients requiring non-surgical periodontal treatment develops root dentin sensitivity (RDS). Throughout the study the term RDS is used to designate a painful response of a particular tooth to professionally applied stimuli on the root surface.
4. Alterations in RDS was followed in 35 patients (29–65 years of age) requiring non-surgical treatment for moderate to advanced periodontal disease. All tentative experimental teeth were tested for pulpal vitality. Prior to the initiation of the trial, the patients were subjected to a comprehensive periodontal examination by one of the authors. Plaque was recorded at all treatment sessions and follow-up examinations using the criteria described by Quigley & Hein (1962) after disclosure with a solution of erythrocine.
随访35例(29-65岁)中重度牙周病患者非手术治疗后RDS的变化情况。所有试验牙均作牙髓活力测试。试验开始前,由作者之一全面检查患者的牙周。所有治疗和随访中均用龙胆碱溶液显示菌斑,并用Quigley & Hein (1962)指数评分。(译者注:详情见推文《初识Quigley-Hein菌斑指数(1962)》)。
5. Tests for painful responses were carried out on the buccal surface of each tooth included in the study. RDS was first determined with a scratch test using a pressure-sensitive probe (0.45 N and a blunt terminal tip of 0.4 mm diameter). On testing, the probe was held perpendicular to the root surface and was run vertically and horizontally in order to cover at best the entire buccal surface. After stimulation, the patient was asked to score the discomfort according to a visual analogue scale (VAS; see below).
在所有受试牙颊面作疼痛反应测试。首先,用压力感应探针(0.45 N,直径为0.4 mm的钝头探针)轻划牙面测定RDS。检查时,探针垂直于根面握持,作垂直和水平向运动,并尽量涵盖整个颊面。随后,患者根据视觉模拟量表自行评分(译者注:VAS评分具体方法欢迎关注海堂学社明日推文)。
6. Following the scratch test a rest period of approximately 20 min was allowed before the test with air-blast pain stimuli was performed. An air-blast (60psi 22℃) derived from a dental syringe was directed to the root surface for 1 s. The syringe was held perpendicularly, 2–3 mm from the root surface. During testing the dentist’s gloved fingers shielded the neighbouring teeth.
在轻划牙面行探痛测试后,让患者休息20分钟,然后做吹气疼痛测试(直接吹冷气)。垂直根面放置气水枪,并在距离2-3mm处向根面吹气(60psi 22℃)1秒。测试时,医生应戴手套,用手指保护邻牙免受影响。
7. The study was extended to include a total of 4 weeks of observation. After baseline recordings, the subjects received oral hygiene instruction according to the standardised treatment protocol. Subsequently, one of the available quadrants was scaled and root planed (S/RP) by a dental hygienist, using hand and/or ultrasonic instrumentation. Polishing was then performed with a rubber cup and polishing paste. At each subsequent week a new quadrant was treated, following the test procedure described above.
8. There was a statistically significant reduction in mean VAS-scoring over time in quadrants where only meticulous plaque control had been maintained, while VAS mean values increased significantly after instrumentation (p<0.001). Also the % of subjects reporting higher mean VAS values increased after instrumentation. Changes in mean VAS scores were generally moderate and only 9 patients gave an increase on VAS of >2 cm for 3 or more teeth.
9. A statistically significantly higher increase of RDS was observed for initially sensitive teeth(VAS>0) than for teeth not responding at baseline (p<0.001). Although a reduction in the intensity of RDS could be noticed during the later phase of the 4-week follow-up period after scaling and root planing, the percentage of sensitive teeth remained unchanged.
10. The high quality of plaque control was confirmed by an observed reduced number of root surfaces carrying plaque of which less than 15% showed visible plaque at the follow-up examinations. The observation that RDS decreased following improvement in oral hygiene contradicts the opinion that plaque control results in an increase of RDS.
11. In the current study dentin sensitivity increased, on the other hand, following scaling and root planing. This applied to the intensity of RDS, the number of patients reporting sensitivity as well as the frequency of sensitive teeth. The latter finding is in line with prevalence studies observing RDS to be a particularly prevalent complication in patients previously exposed to either non-surgical or surgical periodontal therapy.
1. ailment
2. tentative
3. perpendicular
4. intensity
5. contradict