
健康   2024-07-05 19:30   中国香港  

本文转自“海堂学社 Malus Wisdom”





Tammaro S, Wennström JL, Bergenholtz G: Root-dentin sensitivity following non- surgical periodontal treatment. J Clin Periodontol 2000; 27: 690–697.




Tammaro S, Wennström JL, Bergenholtz G

主译:咩哥   主审:大王

1. The extent to which RDS remains a long-standing problem subsequent to periodontal therapy could only partly be addressed, as the data set was limited to a follow-up period of only 4 weeks.


2. Indeed, a variety of emotional elements may influence the subjective interpretation of pain and anxiety, fear and depression are factors that are known to affect pain perception, and the subjects ability to identify coping methods. Thus, anxiety and stress may play important roles when assessing RDS. 


3. The degree to which pathways in the central nervous system become sensitised is yet another mechanism that may explain different reports of pain associated with root dentin exposures. 


4. The design of the present study was such that it allowed for sequential, repeated assessments of RDS in the treated quadrants. However, the repeated measurements over the 4-week period may have lead to adaptation to the pain provoking stimuli so that patients would give less scores to teeth tested late in the sequence.


5. The decreased scores over time may hence represent a true reduction in RDS as an effect of the instituted oral hygiene measures. There is poor understanding of the etiologic background to the painful symptoms patients may suffer following exposures of root dentin to the oral environment for example as a sequel to gingival recession and periodontal therapy. 


6. Nonetheless, the fact that root surfaces become sensitive to a variety of externally applied stimuli after periodontal instrumentation is not to be of surprise as opened dentinal tubules may become subject to hydrodynamic forces. Therefore, the painful conditions that may emerge should rather be considered a normal, physiologic response than one abnormal, at least initially. 


7. The fact that root dentin then may become non-sensitive appears to be related to a peripheral occlusion of the exposed dentinal tubules as non-sensitive dentin display much lower or hardly any dentinal tubules exposed to the oral environment. 


8. Recently, Yates et al. noted, in a placebo controlled split mouth designed clinical trial of an active agent, reduction of dentin hypersensitivity among the placebo treated control teeth along with reduced plaque scores and, thus, observed a similar phenomenon as in the present study. Placebo effect, however, can be ruled out as a factor for the reported reduced pain scores in the present study as patients did not receive any medicament to alleviate emerging painful symptoms other than instruction to maintain oral hygiene. 


9. Yet, regression to the mean may be a factor to explain the reduced pain scores in those quadrants where plaque control alone was maintained. It would have been desirable to control for this effect by allowing a run-in period, where pain assessment was conducted without advice or treatment. For practical reasons, this was not possible to scheme. In clinical trials, however, where the objective is to assess the therapeutic effect of a given agent, run-in periods, where non-active agent is given to both test and control teeth should be exercised to control for both effects of placebo and regression to the mean.



1. coping 

2. hydrodynamic

3. peripheral 

4. alleviate

5. regression 



