
财富   时事   2025-01-24 10:50   中国香港  


Mills risk closure without EU protection:  ArcelorMittal France

安赛乐米塔尔法国公司(ArcelorMittal France)负责人Alain Le Grix de la Salle表示,如果欧盟不保护该行业免受不公平进口竞争的影响,该行业三分之一的份额将很快消失。

One-third of the industry will soon vanish if the European Union does not shield it from unfair import competition, according to Alain Le Grix de la Salle, head of ArcelorMittal France.

Kallanish(开阑商务信息咨询)是在巴黎国民议会(法国议会)经济事务委员会的听证会上听到这一说法的。一位议员要求de la Salle保证今年不会关闭任何法国工厂时,他回答说,欧洲钢铁行业正经历着一场深刻的危机。

Kallanish hears this claim from a hearing with the committee of economic affairs at the Assemblée nationale in Paris, the French parliament. When asked by a member of parliament to guarantee that no French sites will be shut down this year, de la Salle responded that the European steel sector is experiencing a deep crisis.

de la Salle警告说:“目前,我无法对这一问题做出任何承诺或答复。必须承认,欧洲各地的所有工厂,无论在哪个国家,都面临着关闭的风险。我们曾多次向欧盟委员会表示,在欧洲和法国,所有国家的工厂都面临着风险。”

“At this moment, I am unable to provide any sort of commitment or response to this question. It is essential to acknowledge that all sites across Europe, regardless of the country, are at risk" of closure, de la Salle warns. "We told the European Commission several times the fact that the sites in all countries are all at risk in Europe and also in France.”

de la Salle说,来自第三国的不公平进口和高昂的能源成本对行业造成巨大损害。

De la Salle continues by saying that the organisation is being significantly harmed by unfair imports from third countries and high energy costs.

de la Salle说:“我们不反对进口。我们要求限制进口,以免像现在这样对我们的工业造成破坏性影响。我们要求公平的竞争条件,特别是在二氧化碳成本方面。我们面临的另一个问题是欧洲能源成本的上涨,这使得我们的行业更难参与竞争。这场危机显然也影响到我们和我们的客户。欧洲的能源成本是世界上最高的。例如,天然气价格比美国高出四到五倍。欧洲尤其是法国的钢铁需求下降。下降幅度很大,平均每年下降4%,过去五年至少下降20%。”

“We are not against imports. We request that they be limited so they do not have a devastating effect on our industry as they currently do. We request fair competition conditions, especially regarding the cost of CO2. Another issue we are facing is the rising energy costs in Europe, which are making it harder for our industries to compete. This crisis clearly affects us and our clients as well. Energy costs in Europe are some of the highest in the world. Gas prices, for instance, are four to five times higher than in the US. [There] is the drop in steel demand in Europe, especially in France. This decline is significant, averaging 4% per year, or at least 20% over the last five years," de la Salle explains.


Furthermore: "We rely on our clients... If demand falls or disappears, we must react. When all temporary measures of cost and capacity reductions do not work, we have to adjust our capacity to match what our clients level of demand.”

de la Salle补充说,安赛乐米塔尔在法国的部分客户群是由许多中小型企业组成的,这些企业的经营活动一直在稳步下降,从而丧失竞争力。

De la Salle adds that part of ArcelorMittal's client base in France is made of many small and medium-sized businesses for which activity has been steadily declining with a consequent loss of competitiveness.

这家钢铁制造商去年曾表示,由于全球钢铁行业不景气,公司将暂停在法国北部敦刻尔克工厂的脱碳投资。市场人士称,该公司根特工厂的脱碳投资也受到质疑。de la Salle证实,该公司计划在2025年对各种事态发展进行监测,然后再就其在欧洲进行脱碳投资的可行性做出最终决定。这些进展包括计划对碳边界调整机制(CBAM)进行的审查、即将对欧盟钢铁保障措施进行的评估以及钢铁和金属行动计划的发布。

The steelmaker said last year it was suspending decarbonisation investments at its Dunkirk facility in northern France due to the downturn in the global steel industry. According to market sources, the decarbonisation investments at the firm’s Ghent plant are also in doubt. De la Salle confirms that the firm plans to monitor various developments in 2025 before reaching a conclusive decision on the feasibility of its decarbonisation investments in Europe. These developments include the planned review of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), a forthcoming assessment of EU steel safeguards, and the release of the Steel and Metals Action Plan.


Last year, ArcelorMittal’s French service centre division confirmed it will permanently close the Reims and Denain sites in northern France (see Kallanish passim).


“We need to react and adapt, and that's what we're doing. Europe must recognise the serious risk to our industry, and take the necessary measures to safeguard its steel industry,” a spokesperson for ArcelorMittal states. The company hopes for “strengthened and permanent trade safeguard measures to adapt import volumes to the size of today's European market [and] a reform of the [CBAM] to make it effective, and enable us to compete on equal terms on the cost of carbon. We await the publication of The European Steel and Metals Action Plan, and Clean Industrial Deal, announced for the first quarter of 2025, which will be crucial for steelmaking in Europe.”



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