刘辛夷,伊丽莎白 / Elizabeth
The portraits of the leaders of state found on the coinage of every country are laden with profound meaning. In the UK, a constitutional monarchy, portraits of the monarch rather than of political personages act as symbols of a national cohesive force. They are required to appear on all coinage in circulation. Unlike the common practice in most of the world's countries throughout the previous half-century, the profile head portrait of Queen Elisabeth II has accompanied this country up until the present. For coins that are in wider circulation, The Royal Mint has had to update her appearance several times. Even so, her portrait has always been stylized in a way that makes her look younger than her actual age. Given the absence of any serious civilian uprisings in her country, the queen enjoys a position of indisputable adoration. And yet her private life must be riddled with the same pleasures and grievances as those of ordinary people. The efforts of an artist who has lived briefly in the aforementioned territory are at most an insignificant drop in the bucket. However, I collected coins of small value distributed over the course of 40 calendar years. With sights set firmly on the future, I changed the years on the faces of these coins, as a wish for the rekindling of the former vigor and vitality of the queen and her country.
展出履历 / Related Exhibitions:
Le Grand Monnayage,第八届梅勒双年展,梅勒,2018
入戏出戏 — 刘辛夷、王韬程、叶甫纳三人展,余德耀美术馆,雅加达,2013
The Great Exhibition:陈天灼与刘辛夷双人展,Hatch Space,伦敦,2011
Le Grand Monnayage, The 8th Melle Biennale, Melle, 2018
Winter Collective Show, Aike Gallery, Shanghai, 2013
Action…Cut! — Liu Xinyi, Wang Taocheng, Ye Funa Joint Exhibition, Yuz Museum, Jakarta, 2013
The Great Exhibition: Two Artists' Show of Chen Tianzhuo and Liu Xinyi, Hatch Space, London, 2011