黄河教授、Didier Blaise教授:中法视角下细胞疗法的探索与突破

健康   2024-10-03 11:10   山西  


近日,中国医师协会第十一届中法血液学学术会议在天津顺利召开,吸引到数百名国内外血液学领域的权威专家和学者齐聚一堂。会议期间,《肿瘤瞭望-血液时讯》特邀浙江大学医学院附属第一医院黄河教授与法国马赛大学血液学研究所Didier Blaise教授展开中外对话,畅谈血液恶性肿瘤领域中新细胞疗法的挑战与机遇。现将精粹整理成文,以飨读者。


Tracing the Development Trajectory of Cellular Therapy from a Sino-French Perspective

Didier Blaise教授




Professor Didier Blaise:Cellular therapy is begin to be an old story and a new story in the same time. Old story because it all started with allogeneic transplantation and nearly 70 years ago. It's very important to keep that in mind because we learn a lot from that 30 years ago, there was a promise and the premise of development, of what we call now cellular therapy, and directed cellular therapy and targeted cellular therapy. And namely, it's the CAR-T cells. And is both development are very important. And it has been demonstrated by professor Huang’s team that you can combine both of them very successfully. So the situation now in France and in Europe is the fact that you have an increase use of both kind of cellular therapy. Both allogeneic transplantation is dramatically increased, because we treat more and more older patients. We request this kind of treatment, because we have also a development in cellular therapy. However, we are not in the same situation than in china and at a lesser degree with the us because we have not the same kind of academic development concerning the develop as a new form of CAR-T cells.



诚如Didier Blaise教授所言,细胞治疗和造血干细胞移植在全球范围内已经实施多年。CAR-T疗法作为新兴技术,约在15年前开始应用,主要通过基因编辑技术改变T细胞,以治疗如血液系统恶性肿瘤等疾病。截至目前,中国和美国已有约12种商业化CAR-T产品可用于临床实践。此外,中国、美国和欧洲也开展了大量临床试验,旨在开发新的治疗手段,以改善治疗效果、降低毒性,让更多患者受益。细胞治疗、干细胞移植和CAR-T疗法的发展需要与欧洲及全球同道进行广泛的合作与交流。目前,我们与欧洲血液与骨髓移植学会(EBMT)合作已超过20年,建立了紧密的学术联系,促进了双方在临床和科研领域的共同进步。正如Didier Blaise教授所给予我们的诸多宝贵建议那样,我们与欧洲同仁之间的紧密合作极为重要且令人鼓舞。


Professor Huang:Just as Professor Didier Blaise mentioned, cellular therapy and stem cell transplantation have been performed worldwide for many years. However, CAR-T therapy is a more recent development, approximately 15 years old, and involves the use of gene editing to modify T cells for the treatment of hematological malignancies.So far, China and the United States have about 12 commercial products that can be used in clinical practice. Additionally, China, the United States, and Europe have many clinical trials underway. We aim to develop novel products that can improve outcomes, reduce toxicity, and make these treatments available to more patients. I believe that in the fields of cellular therapy, stem cell transplantation, and CAR-T therapy, we will see increased cooperation, and we are actively exchanging knowledge with our European colleagues. I recall that we have been collaborating with the EBMT for over 20 years. Just as Didier Blaise has provided us with many valuable suggestions and comments, our close cooperation with all European colleagues is also greatly appreciated and significant.


Advancing Cellular Therapy: Pioneering Diversified Targets and Enhanced CAR-T Therapies







Professor Huang:We used to say that the commercial products focused on CD19 and BCMA. Now, what we need first is more targets, just like T-lineage and myeloid, because hematological malignancies include different lineages.

Another point is that, I think, just like other diseases, solid tumors and other cancers need to be treated with cellular therapy. We need new targets and to include more and more patients beyond those with hematological malignancies, such as autoimmune diseases, which also require cellular therapy. So, I think we'd like to develop new targets for cellular therapy.

Secondly, I believe we should develop more enhanced CAR-T therapies, because, for example, in lymphoma patients, commercial CAR-T therapies achieve complete remission in about 50% of patients. I think we need to be more effective, and so we will investigate methods such as gene editing and altering metabolism, to improve their function.

Furthermore, I think we need universal CAR-T, because, until now, CAR-T is individually manufactured. This takes a long time and is costly, so we need a cheaper option that can be used for more patients. This approach represents a novel cellular therapy, and we have developed it, working in cooperation with companies, to create new cellular therapies.

Didier Blaise教授







Professor Didier Blaise:We will started with very restricted area. It was aggressive lymphoma. It's a low number of patients as compared to the extent of oncology needed this kind of treatment. But now step after step, we can treat. We don't do exactly the same things are initially. First, it was really a refractory patient. And thanks to the work made by many people, notably in china and notably in Hangzhou(the first affiliated hospital, Zhejiang university school of medicine), we are more and more treated patient earlier in the course of disease, but we still need new insights and new development.

And you mentioned very important of that. The universal donor is critical, because it will be the only way to go to first line therapy for very aggressive disease. Because when you wait too long, you cannot cure the disease. So it's very important. The different target also and you are doing a great job on the different target. For example, for myeloid malignancies is very important, is more tricky that what we have seen for or to learn for it malignancies, but it's very important. And developments that you conduct also in china are very promising in both in different areas. For the solid tumors, we desperately need to have cellular therapy for very aggressive disease as hepatic cancer or pancreatic cancer, and also something that perhaps we neglect, which is very important as the autoimmune disease. Because these diseases are really can benefit from this kind of treatment.

So I do feel that the future is really promising, because thanks to teams as the one directed by professor Huang, there is an exploration of many parameters making this future very interesting for the patient suffering from this disease.


From Exchange to Practice: International Collaboration Accelerates Innovation and Application of Cellular Therapy





在此过程中,国际合作的重要性不言而喻。正如在干细胞移植领域与EBMT等权威机构的紧密合作所展现的成效,我们同样期待在细胞治疗领域构建更为广泛的国际合作网络。我们热切希望能够与像Didier Blaise教授这样的国际知名专家携手并进,共同探索细胞治疗的无限可能,他们的卓越指导和宝贵建议将为我们提供前行的重要指引。



Professor Huang:I think several therapies will be increasingly used in clinical practice, not just in hematology but also beyond hematological malignancies. I believe that in the future, for autoimmune diseases and even solid tumors, patients may be treated with cellular therapy.
Furthermore, I would like to add that cellular therapy is a very good method, but we will combine it with other strategies, such as monoclonal antibodies and small molecular targets. We will combine these to improve clinical outcomes. In this process, I think international cooperation is extremely important. Just as with stem cell transplantation, we will collaborate with EPMT. I think for cellular therapy too, we hope for more international cooperation, perhaps with experts like Professor Didier Blaise. Professor Didier Blaise will give us excellent guidance and suggestions.So, in the future, I think more and more patients will benefit from this cellular therapy.

Didier Blaise教授




Professor Didier Blaise:I believe we are not in the same situation in France, or in Europe as a whole, as I mentioned initially. This is because we do not have this kind of academic development. I don't mean to say that we lack individuals with the intelligence to achieve it, but rather that we lack the resources and the organizational structure to enable us to do so. Additionally, certain types of therapy, which are crucial, have not been helpful to us in this particular context.

Therefore, I feel that we are constrained by the fact that we must currently rely on registered products. Doing so limits the avenues we can explore.

This is precisely why it is so crucial to engage in the international collaboration you have mentioned. You may recall that prior to treating my first patient with CAR-T cell therapy, I visited you and spent ten days in your department. Through observing the clinical procedures, I returned with a great deal of enthusiasm and inspiration. Although we were unable to replicate your exact approach, I did bring back to my patients the subtleties and methodologies you had developed. This has been invaluable. Since then, we have collaborated and exchanged ideas, which has been of great significance.

So, I truly believe that no matter where in the world we are or what the future holds, we are all part of a collaborative effort. We will harness the strengths of one place and combine them with the advantages of another. Together, we will strive to bring this type of treatment to the patients under our care.


Hand in Hand Across Borders: Future Prospects in Cellular Therapy

Didier Blaise教授







Professor Didier Blaise:I think it has been already mentioned by professor Huang, the new possibility of universal donor or new target are very important, because with this kind of thing, you can envision, clearly new development, we have to realize that contrary to the beginning, the main problem is not the toxicity, is clearly the fact that we have not find the real key for every patient and every disease.

We are fighting to decrease the relapse rate in this patient. We will probably solve the problem of a patient not responding because we will treat the patient earlier on. And we will not more address the question in a refractory patient, we remain at the present time. With the problem of relapse. We have to work together and probably many things can be imagined even sequential treatment of the special or combination with allogeneic transplantation, as you did in your team, which is very important.

So once again, as I said previously, future is very promising because we will use the knowledge we have in the in many area and try to put together that when I said together is to put together the knowledge, but also to put together the investigators in order to progress.



我完全赞同Didier Blaise教授的观点。我认为细胞疗法目前仍处于初级阶段,展现出的未来前景无疑是光明的。在聚焦于新靶点设计与创新细胞疗法等核心要素的同时,我们亦需深刻认识到整个医疗体系构建的重要性,这涵盖了增强患者对于新兴治疗手段的认知与接受度,以及医院与政府、制药企业间紧密合作,共同致力于新型细胞疗法的研发、审批及临床应用的推广。我认为,社会各界对于此类新型疗法的深刻理解与广泛认同,是确保其能够真正惠及患者、实现治疗价值最大化的关键所在。唯有通过社会各界的携手努力与不懈探索,方能推动细胞疗法领域迈向更高水平,并实现医学科技的进步与长足发展。


Professor Huang:I totally agree with Professor Didier Blaise. I think cellular therapy is still in its initial stages, and it holds a bright future. Beyond aspects such as the design of new targets and novel cellular therapies, I believe the importance also lies in the entire system, involving patient awareness, as well as government and industrial pharmaceutical companies, who are working to develop and approve new cellular therapies for commercial use.I think it is crucial that society as a whole understands these new therapies and recognizes the benefits they can bring to patients. Together, I believe we will drive progress and development in this field.


黄河 教授


主任医师 博士生导师

作为负责人承担973 863 国家自然科学基金重点项目
以通讯作者在New England Journal of Medicine, Nature, Cell Research, Lancet Haematology等期刊发表SCI论文278篇
获省部级以上科技奖项15项 授权发明专利21项
任国际造血干细胞移植领域权威杂志Bone Marrow Transplantation Journal of Hematology and Oncology编委


Didier Blaise 教授

Paoli Calmettes 学院血液和骨髓移植和细胞治疗项目主任
欧洲肿瘤内科学会(ESMO)与欧洲血液学会(EHA) 会员


声 明

