
文摘   2024-08-21 00:00   越南  






As I continue to post about the importance of pronunciation, my fans have gained a deeper understanding of my responsibilities, and nitpickers have vanished without a trace. Indeed, for me, English pronunciation is extremely important, and I must spare no efforts in perfecting it.

Some fans might say, “We are neither English broadcasters nor do we have the opportunity to serve as MC of grand events. So, the requirements for pronunciation and intonation don’t need to be so high, right?” What a misconception!

In China, those who truly learn English are mainly English teachers, interpreters, tour guides, diplomats, and international traders, most of whom have an English major background. Non-English majors generally do not have such strong motivation. English teachers have to talk to students every week, and generation after generation of students are directly and indirectly influenced by their teachers, making their work even more significant than mine! English teachers are the ones who need to pay the most attention to accurate pronunciation! If you have any doubt, just conduct a survey to see if the students care about their teachers’ English pronunciation and intonation. The answer is self-evident.

If you accept my viewpoint, you are suggested to work diligently so as to improve your pronunciation and intonation. Some might say you have too little time, but I believe time is like water in a sponge: if you squeeze, there will always be some. If you have time to garden, feed cats, walk dogs, jog in the morning, do yoga, chat with besties, binge watch TV dramas, doom scroll through social media…then you surely have time to improve your pronunciation and intonation! I am the one who uses all my spare time for learning.

Pronunciation and intonation are just the surface skills of learning. If you find the right mentor, you may develop a great accent in half a year. Vocabulary, grammar, literature, and culture are the eternal main subjects of English learning.
