1. Philosophy & Public Affairs(部分 Open Access;该刊编辑于 2024 年 5 月宣布集体辞职,将成立新的开放获取期刊,详情请见本号今日推送的第二条推文。)2. Political Philosophy (Open Access;该刊由 Journal of Political Philosophy 原编辑从 Wiley 辞职后于 2024 年年初创办。)3. Politics, Philosophy & Economics(部分 Open Access)4. Social Philosophy and Policy(部分 Open Access)5. Journal of Social Philosophy(部分 Open Access)6. Political Theory(部分 Open Access)7. European Journal of Political Theory(部分 Open Access)8. Res Publica(部分 Open Access)9. Social Philosophy & Policy(部分 Open Access)10. Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy(部分 Open Access)11. Ethics & Global Politics(Open Access)12. Ethics & International Affairs (部分 Open Access)13. Social Theory and Practice14. Public Affairs Quarterly15. Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy(辑刊)1. Political Studies(部分 Open Access)2. Political Theory(部分 Open Access)3. Contemporary Political Theory(大量 Open Access)4. European Journal of Political Theory(部分 Open Access)5. Journal of International Political Theory(部分 Open Access)1. Law and Philosophy(部分 Open Acces,以新文章为主)2. Legal Theory(部分 Open Access)3. The Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence(部分 Open Access)4. The American Journal of Jurisprudence(少量 Open Access)5. Criminal Law and Philosophy (部分 Open Access)6. Oxford Journal of Legal Studies(近年文章大量 Open Access)7. Ratio Juris(大量 Open Access)8. Jurisprudence(部分 Open Access)1. Ethics(极少部分 Open Access)2. Journal of Moral Philosophy(部分 Open Access)3. Utilitas(近年来以 Open Access 为主)4. Ethical Theory and Moral Practice(以 Open Access 为主)5. Journal of Applied Philosophy(以 Open Access 为主)6. Journal of Ethics(部分 Open Access)7. Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy (Open Access)8. Journal of Value Inquiry9. Journal of Practical Ethics (Open Access)10. Oxford studies in normative ethics(辑刊)兼收政治哲学类文章的(general)哲学期刊与辑刊1. Journal of Philosophy(JSTOR 五年之前 Open Access)2. Philosophers’ Imprint(Open Access)2. The Philosophical Quarterly(部分 Open Access)3. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research(部分 Open Access)4. Canadian Journal of Philosophy(部分 Open Access)5. Pacific Philosophical Quarterly(部分 Open Access)6. Australasian Journal of Philosophy(部分 Open Access)7. Philosophy & Social Criticism(部分 Open Access)8. Philosophical Issues(部分 Open Access)9. The Philosophical Forum(少量 Open Access)10. The Philosophical Review1. Economics and Philosophy(部分 Open Access)2. Analyse & Kritik(部分 Open Access)4. Journal of Ethics(部分 Open Access)
附录:Leiter Reports 榜单(2022)- Ethics (Condorcet winner: wins contests with all other choices)
- Philosophy & Public Affairs loses to Ethics by 209–65
- Journal of Political Philosophy loses to Ethics by 245–23, loses to Philosophy & Public Affairs by 220–51
- Journal of Moral Philosophy loses to Ethics by 267–9, loses to Journal of Political Philosophy by 129–126
- Utilitas loses to Ethics by 251–13, loses to Journal of Moral Philosophy by 135–128
- Economics & Philosophy loses to Ethics by 227–12, loses to Utilitas by 116–111
- Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy loses to Ethics by 249–20, loses to Economics & Philosophy by 119–118
- Politics, Philosophy & Economics loses to Ethics by 235–12, loses to Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy by 121–120
- Oxford Studies in Normative Ethics loses to Ethics by 245–6, loses to Politics, Philosophy & Economics by 144–79
- Oxford Studies in Metaethics loses to Ethics by 228–7, loses to Oxford Studies in Normative Ethics by 124–81
- Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy loses to Ethics by 225–11, loses to Oxford Studies in Metaethics by 122–80
- The Journal of Ethics loses to Ethics by 217–6, loses to Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy by 146–46
- Ethical Theory & Moral Practice loses to Ethics by 263–8, loses to The Journal of Ethics by 102–100
- Social Theory & Practice loses to Ethics by 211–9, loses to Ethical Theory & Moral Practice by 114–97
- Journal of Applied Philosophy loses to Ethics by 255–6, loses to Social Theory & Practice by 110–101
- Social Philosophy & Policy loses to Ethics by 170–9, loses to Journal of Applied Philosophy by 89–78
- Journal of Social Philosophy loses to Ethics by 180–6, loses to Social Philosophy & Policy by 70–66
- Political Theory loses to Ethics by 162–8, loses to Journal of Social Philosophy by 88–57
- Journal of Value Inquiry loses to Ethics by 208–6, loses to Political Theory by 73–68
- European Journal of Political Theory loses to Ethics by 146–8, loses to Journal of Value Inquiry by 67–64