著名期刊 Philosophy & Public Affairs 编辑宣布集体辞职(防删禁、防失联:请点击文末「阅读原文」获取邮件推送渠道)要点摘录:「过去三十年来,学术期刊受困于营利性出版商的所有权,这些出版商利用其垄断地位大幅提高价格,给订阅图书馆带来了沉重负担,并使其他机构和个人无法获得研究成果。最近兴起的作者资助的『开放获取』模式只会加剧学术不平等,因为资源较少的学者无法支付使他们的工作免费公开的费用;这也激励了商业出版商尽可能多地出版文章,从而施压严谨的期刊削弱或放弃其质量控制。」编者注:什么是钻石开放获取?钻石开放获取(Dimond Open Access),又名白金开放获取(Platinum Open Access),是最彻底的开放获取模式,期刊和出版社不向读者或作者收取任何费用。相比之下,像 Wiley 这种营利性出版机构虽然也出版开放获取作品,但在出版时需要作者(或其所在机构)支付高额版面费(Article Processing Charge,APC)。后者被称为金色开放获取(Gold Open Access),也就是上述摘录提及的「作者资助的『开放获取』模式」。
[编者注:虽然总主编 Anna Stilz 没有在这封公开信上签名,但随后她也给 Wiley 递交了辞职信而 Wiley 也已经接受了她的辞职申请。]The following is a statement from the executive, associate, and advisory editors and all the members of the editorial board of Philosophy & Public Affairs.We are unanimously resigning from our editorial roles at Philosophy & Public Affairs, published by Wiley, and launching a new diamond open-access journal published by Open Library of Humanities (OLH). All of us will play the same editorial roles in the new journal and will retain the aim of publishing the best philosophical work touching on matters of public importance.We take this step because we believe that scholarly journals—including our own—serve important purposes, and that these purposes are not well-served by commercial publishing. For three decades now, academic journals have suffered from their ownership by for-profit publishers, who have exploited their monopoly position to sharply raise prices, unduly burdening subscribing libraries and shutting out other institutions and individuals from access to research. The recent rise of the author-funded “open access” model has only reinforced academic inequality, since scholars with access to fewer resources are unable to pay the fees that make their work freely accessible; it has also incentivized commercial publishers to try to publish as many articles as possible and so to pressure rigorous journals to weaken or abandon their quality controls.Faced with this conflict between purpose and business model, we have decided to embrace the purpose and move to an alternative model.The alternative—which our librarian colleagues have been urging for some time—is for libraries, universities, and other academic institutions to offer direct support for the publication of open-access journals, which are guided by independent scholarly judgment and freely available for authors and readers. We are delighted to have found precisely this model at OLH, an award-winning diamond open-access publisher supported by a consortium of libraries and funding agencies.If diamond open-access journals are so good, why are they not already dominant? Partly because we all have day jobs and transitions take time. In addition, our careers depend on publishing in journals with name recognition, reputation, and high impact factors. These publications are now typically owned by commercial publishers. Colleagues often cannot afford to take a chance on untested journals. This is why, as editors of one of the leading journals in our field, we feel a strong responsibility to move toward a new, better, arrangement.Our plan, if Wiley permits it, is to complete the reviews for all revised submissions received prior to this announcement. We apologize to authors who recently submitted manuscripts to Philosophy & Public Affairs, and we recognize the especially high cost to authors who have been revising their manuscripts, but who have not yet resubmitted. We very much regret these costs but saw no realistic way to avoid them. We hope to make the new journal worthy of these costs.We plan to launch the new journal (whose name will be announced shortly) and begin accepting submissions in September 2024. Please send us your best work in moral and political philosophy and adjacent fields, take note of our migration in your hiring, tenure, and promotion decisions, and encourage your colleagues to do the same.We are excited to embark on this new adventure. We hope you share our excitement and join us in making this new venture a great success.Outgoing Executive Editors- Jonathan Quong, University of Southern California, USA
- Patrick Tomlin, University of Warwick, UK
Outgoing Associate Editors- Arash Abizadeh, McGill University, Canada
- Nico Cornell, University of Michigan, USA
- Garrett Cullity, Australian National University
- Marc Fleurbaey, Paris School of Economics, France
- Johann Frick, University of California, Berkeley, USA
- Joe Horton, University College London, UK
- Sophia Moreau, University of Toronto, Canada
- Kristi Olson, Bowdoin College, USA
- Japa Pallikkathayil, University of Pittsburgh, USA
- Gina Schouten, Harvard University, USA
- Zofia Stemplowska, University of Oxford, UK
- Adam Swift, University College London, UK
Outgoing Advisory Editors- Charles R. Beitz, Princeton University, USA
- Joshua Cohen, Apple University, University of California, Berkeley, USA
- Alan Patten, Princeton University, USA
- Arthur Ripstein, University of Toronto, Canada
- Seana Shiffrin, University of California, Los Angeles, USA
- R. Jay Wallace, University of California, Berkeley, USA
- Elizabeth Anderson, University of Michigan, USA
- Cheshire Calhoun, Arizona State University, USA
- David Estlund, Brown University, USA
- Archon Fung, Harvard Kennedy School, USA
- Barbara Herman, University of California, Los Angeles, USA
- Pamela Hieronymi, University of California, Los Angeles, USA
- Frances Myrna Kamm, Rutgers University, USA
- Niko Kolodny, University of California, Berkeley, USA
- Jeff McMahan, Oxford University, UK
- Liam Murphy, New York University, USA
- Debra Satz, Stanford University, USA
- Samuel Scheffler, New York University, USA
- Amartya Sen, Harvard University, USA
- Tommie Shelby, Harvard University, USA
- Amia Srinivasan, Oxford University, UK
- Jeremy Waldron, New York University, USA
- Stuart White, Oxford University, UK
- Gideon Yaffe, Yale University, USA