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A. 基础概念Basic Concepts


1. Dworkin, Gerald. “Autonomy” in Blackwell Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy. 2007.

2. Christman, John, "Autonomy in Moral and Political Philosophy", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2018 Edition)

3. Taylor, James Stacey (ed.). Personal Autonomy : New Essays on Personal Autonomy and Its Role in Contemporary Moral Philosophy. 2005.

4. Christman, John Philip, and Joel Anderson (eds.). Autonomy and the Challenges of Liberalism: New Essays. 2005.


1. Raz, Joseph. The Morality of Freedom. 1986.

2. Scott Shapiro,“Authority,” in The Oxford Handbook of Jurisprudence and Philosophy of Law. 2002

3. Simmons, A. John, “Authority” in Oxford Handbook of Political Philosophy. 2012.

4. Perry, Stephen R. "Political Authority and Political Obligation." Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Law: Volume 2, 2013, pp.1-74.


1. Dominique Leydet, “Citizenship”, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2017 Edition).

2. Engin F. Isin and Bryan S. Turner (eds.), Handbook of Citizenship Studies, 2002

3. Stuart White, The Civic Minimum: On The Rights and Obligations of Economic Citizenship, 2003

4. Mason, Andrew. Living Together as Equals: The Demands of Citizenship. 2012.


1. J. Roland Pennock and John W. Chapman (eds.),Coercion (Nomos XIV), 1972.

2. Alan Wertheimer, Coercion, 1987

3. Scott Anderson, “Coercion,” The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2017 Edition),

4. William A. Edmondson, “Coercion,” The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Law, 2012

Collective Self-Determination

1. Margalit, Avishai & Raz, Joseph (1990). National self-determination. Journal of Philosophy 87 (9):439-461.

2. Daniel Philpott, In Defense of Self-Determination. Ethics 1995, Vol. 105, No. 2, pp. 352-385.

3. Waldron, Jeremy (2010). Two Conception of Self Determination. In Samantha Besson & John Tasioulas (eds.), The Philosophy of International Law.

4. Stilz, Anna (2015). Decolonization and Self-determination. Social Philosophy and Policy 32. (1):1-24.


1. Bell, Daniel, "Communitarianism", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer 2016 Edition)

2. Sandel, Michael J. Liberalism and the Limits of Justice. 1982.

3. Avineri, Shlomo, and Avner De-Shalit. Communitarianism and Individualism. 1992.

4. Delaney, C. F. (ed.) The Liberalism-Communitarianism Debate : Liberty and Community Values. 1994.


1. Dworkin, Ronald, 1996, Freedom’s Law: The Moral Reading of the American Constitution, Harvard University Press.

2. Alexander, Larry (ed.), 1998, Constitutionalism, Cambridge University Press.

3. Debate: a. Jeremy Waldron, Constitutionalism: A Skeptical View; b. Larry Alexander, Constitutionalism. in Contemporary Debates in Political Philosophy, 2009.

4. Waluchow, Wil, “Constitutionalism,” The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2018 Edition)

Criminal Justice & Punishment

1. Reiff, Mark. “Punishment” in The Routledge Companion to Social and Political Philosophy, 2012

2. Lacey, Nicola. “Criminal Justice” in Blackwell Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy. 2007.

3. Duff, Antony, and Stuart P. Green (eds.). Philosophical Foundations of Criminal Law. 2011.

4. Von Hirsch, Andrew, and A. P. Simester (eds.). Crimes, Harms, Wrongs: On the Principles of Criminalisation. 2011

Democracy (更多文献参见“Meritocracy vs Democracy”)

1. Waldron, Jeremy. “Democracy” in Oxford Handbook of Political Philosophy. 2012.

2. Gutman, Amy. “Democracy” in Blackwell Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy. 2007

3. Wall, Steven. "Democracy and Equality." Philosophical Quarterly 57, no. 228 (Jul 2007): 416-38.

4. Saunders, Ben. "Democracy, Political Equality, and Majority Rule." Ethics 121, no. 1 (2010): 148-77.

5. Kolodny, Niko. "Rule over None I: What Justifies Democracy?". Philosophy & Public Affairs 42, no. 3 (2014): 195-229; "Rule over None II: Social Equality and the Justification of Democracy." Philosophy & Public Affairs 42, no. 4 (2014): 287-336.

6. Christiano, Thomas (ed.). Philosophy and Democracy: An Anthology. 2003.


1. Rawls, John. A Theory of Justice, 1971.

2. Brownlee, Kimberley, "Civil Disobedience", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2017 Edition)

3. Bedau, Hugo Adam. Civil Disobedience in Focus. London: Routledge, 1991.

4.  Brownlee, Kimberley. Conscience and Conviction: The Case for Civil Disobedience. 2012.

Distributive Justice

1. Arneson, Richard. “Justice” in Oxford Handbook of Political Philosophy, 2012.

2. Vallentyne, Peter. “Distributive Justice” in Blackwell Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy. 2007

3. Rawls, John. A Theory of Justice, 1971; Justice as Fairness: A Restatement. 2001

4. Barry, Brian. Justice as Impartiality. 1995.

5. Sen, Amartya. The Idea of Justice. 2009.


1. McCammon, Christopher, "Domination", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2018 Edition)

2. McCammon, Christopher. "Domination: A Rethinking." Ethics, no. 4 (2015): 1028-52.

3. Gwilym David Blunt. "On the Source, Cite and Modes of domination," Journal of Political Power(2015), 8:1, 5-20.

4. Arnold, Samuel, and John R. Harris. "What Is Arbitrary Power?". Journal of Political Power 10, no. 1 (2017): 55-70.

5. Lovett, Frank. A General Theory of Domination and Justice. 2010.

(Basic) Equality

1. Christiano, Thomas. “Equality” in The Routledge Companion to Social and Political Philosophy, 2012

2. Carter, Ian. "Respect and the Basis of Equality." Ethics 121, no. 3 (2011): 538-71.

3. Kirby, Nikolas. "Two Concepts of Basic Equality." Res Publica 24, no. 3 (2018): 297-318.

4. Steinhoff, Uwe (ed.). Do All Persons Have Equal Moral Worth? : On "Basic Equality" and Equal Respect and Concern. 2015

(Distributive) Equality

1. Anderson, Elizabeth. “Equality” in Oxford Handbook of Political Philosophy, 2012.

2. Arneson, Richard. “Equality” in Blackwell Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy. 2007

3. Temkin, Larry. 2017. “Equality as Comparative Fairness”, Journal of Applied Philosophy, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 43-60.

4. Holtug, Nils, and Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen (eds.). Egalitarianism: New Essays on the Nature and Value of Equality. 2007.


1. Carter, Ian, "Positive and Negative Liberty", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer 2018 Edition).

2. Miller, David.(ed.). The Liberty Reader. 2006.

3. Carter, Ian., Matthew H. Kramer, and Hillel Steiner (eds.). Freedom: A Philosophical Anthology. Oxford: Blackwell, 2007.

4. Schmidtz, David., and Carmen E. Pavel (eds.). The Oxford Handbook of Freedom. 2018.


1. Follesdal, Andreas, "Federalism", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer 2018 Edition),

2. Burgess, Michael. Comparative Federalism: Theory and Practice. 2006.

3. Ward, Ann, and Lee Ward(eds.). The Ashgate Research Companion to Federalism. 2009.

4. Fleming, James., and Jacob T. Levy (eds.). Federalism and Subsidiarity (Nomos 54). 2014.

Historical Injustice

1.Ivison, Duncan. “Historical Injustice,” in Oxford Handbook of Political Theory, 2006.

2. Waldron, Jeremy. "Superseding Historic Injustice." Ethics 103, no. 1 (1992): 4-28.

3. Thompson, Janna. "Historical Injustice and Reparation: Justifying Claims of Descendants." Ethics 112, no. 1 (2001): 114-35.

4. Sanderson, D. (2011). “Against Supersession.” Canadian Journal of Law & Jurisprudence, 24(1), 155-182.

Human Rights

1. Donnelly, Jack. “Human Rights.” in Oxford Handbook of Political Theory, 2006

2. Buchanan, Allen. “Human Rights.” in Oxford Handbook of Political Philosophy, 2012

3. Nickel, James W. Making Sense of Human Rights. 2nd ed. 2007.

4. Beitz, Charles R. The Idea of Human Rights. 2009.

5. Holder, Cindy, and David Reidy (eds.). Human Rights: The Hard Questions. 2013.

6. Etinson, Adam (ed.) Human Rights: Moral or Political? 2018


1. Edmundson, William A. "Legitimate Authority without Political Obligation." Law and Philosophy 17, no. 1 (1998): 43-60.

2. Simmons, A. John. "Justification and Legitimacy." Ethics 109, no. 4 (Jul 1999): 739-71.

3. Copp, David. "The Idea of a Legitimate State." Philosophy and Public Affairs 28, no. 1 (1999): 3-45.

4. Zhu, Jiafeng. "Farewell to Political Obligation: In Defense of a Permissive Conception of Legitimacy." Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, no. 3 (2017): 449-69.


1. Song, Sarah, "Multiculturalism", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2017 Edition)

2. Taylor, Charles. Et al. Multiculturalism: Examining the Politics of Recognition. 1994.

3. Will Kymlicka, Multicultural Citizenship, 1995

4. Okin, Susan Moller. Et al. Is Multiculturalism Bad for Women? 1999.

5. Levy, Jacob T. The Multiculturalism of Fear. 2000.

6. Barry, Brian. Culture and Equality: An Egalitarian Critique of Multiculturalism. 2001.


1. Dworkin, Gerald, "Paternalism", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2017 Edition),

2. Feinberg, Joel. Harm to Self. 1986,

3. Conly, Sarah, Against Autonomy: Justifying Coercive Paternalism, 2012.

4. Coons, Christian, and Michael Weber (eds.). Paternalism: Theory and Practice. 2013.


1. Primoratz, Igor, "Patriotism", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2019 Edition)

2. Nussbaum, Martha et al. For Love of Country: Debating the Limits of Patriotism. 1996.

3. Primoratz, Igor, and Aleksandar Pavkovic (eds.). Patriotism : Philosophical and Political Perspectives. 2008.

4. Kleinig, John, Simon Keller, and Igor Primoratz. The Ethics of Patriotism: A Debate. 2015.

Political Secularism

1. Bhargava, R. “Political Secularism” in Oxford Handbook of Political Theory, 2006

2. Audi, Robert, “Religions and Politics” in  Oxford Handbook of Political Philosophy, 2012

3. Audi, Robert, and Nicholas Wolterstorff. Religion in the Public Square: The Place of Religious Convictions in Political Debate. 1997.

4. Cliteur, P. B. The Secular Outlook: In Defense of Moral and Political Secularism. 2010.

5. George, Robert P. Conscience and Its Enemies: Confronting the Dogmas of Liberal Secularism. 2013.


1. Mudde, Cas and Cristóbal Rovira Kaltwasser. “Populism,” in Oxford Handbook on Political Ideologies. 2013.

2. Müller, Jan-Werner. What Is Populism? 2016.

3. Anselmi, Manuel. Populism: An Introduction. 2018.

4. Fitzi, Gregor et al (eds.). Populism and the Crisis of Democracy, volume 1. 2019.


1. Lovett, Frank. “Power.” in Blackwell Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy. 2007

2. Pansardi, Pamela (2012). “ Power to and Power over: two distinct concepts of power?”, Journal of Political Power, 5:1, 73-89

3. Forst, Rainer., 2015. “Noumenal Power.” Journal of Political Philosophy, 23 (2), 111–127

4. Morriss, Peter. Power: A Philosophical Analysis. 2nd edition. 2002.

5. Lukes, Steven. Power: A Radical View. 2nd edition. 2005.


1. Gaus, Gerald. “Property” in Oxford Handbook of Political Philosophy, 2012.

2. Breakey, Hugh. “Who's Afraid of Property Rights? Rights as Core Concepts, Coherent, Prima Facie, Situated and Specified.” Law and Philosophy 33 (5) 2014: 573-603.

3. Waldron, Jeremy. The Right to Private Property. 1988.

4. Munzer, Stephen. A Theory of Property. 1990.

Public Reason

1. Quong, Jonathan, "Public Reason", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2018 Edition),

2. George, Robert P., and Christopher Wolfe (eds.). Natural Law and Public Reason. 2000.

3. D'Agostino, Fred. Free Public Reason: Making It up as We Go. 1996.

4. Gaus, Gerald F. Contemporary Theories of Liberalism: Public Reason as a Post-Enlightenment Project. 2003.

5. Rawls, John. Political Liberalism (Expanded edition). 2005.


1. Buchanan, Allen, "Revolution", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2017 Edition),

2. Smith, Matthew Noah, 2008, “Rethinking Sovereignty, Rethinking Revolution”, Philosophy & Public Affairs 36(4): 405–440.

3. Flikschuh, Katrin, 2008, “Reason, Right, and Revolution: Kant and Locke”, Philosophy & Public Affairs 36(4): 375–404.

4. Morkevicius, Valerie, 2013, “Why We Need a Just Rebellion Theory”, Ethics & International Affairs, 27(4): 401–411.


1. Kamm, F. M. “Rights” in The Oxford Handbook of Jurisprudence and Philosophy of Law. 2002

2. Wenar, Leif, "Rights", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2015 Edition),

3. Sumner, L. W. The Moral Foundation of Rights. 1987.

4. Thomson, Judith Jarvis. The Realm of Rights. 1990.

5. Waldron, Jeremy. Liberal Rights: Collected Papers. 1993.

6. Steiner, Hillel. An Essay on Rights. 1994.

Rule of Law

1.Waldron, Jeremy, "The Rule of Law", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2016 Edition),

2.Dyzenhaus, David (ed.). Recrafting the Rule of Law: The Limits of Legal Order. 1999.

3. Tamanaha, Brian Z. On the Rule of Law: History, Politics, Theory. 2004.

4. James Fleming (ed.), Getting to the Rule of Law (Nomos 50). 2011


1. Philpott, Daniel, "Sovereignty", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer 2016 Edition)

2. Spruyt, Hendrik. The Sovereign State and Its Competitors. 1994.

3. Jackson, Robert H. Sovereignty: Evolution of an Idea. 2007.

4. Kalmo, Hent, and Quentin Skinner (eds.). Sovereignty in Fragments: The Past, Present and Future of a Contested Concept. 2010.

5. Grimm, Dieter. Sovereignty: The Origin and Future of a Political and Legal Concept. 2015.

(Modern) State

1. Dunleavy, Patrick. “The State” in Blackwell Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy. 2007

2. Morris, Christopher. An Essay on the Modern State. 1998.

3. Gill, Graeme J. The Nature and Development of the Modern State. 2003.

4. Nelson, Brian R. The Making of the Modern State: A Theoretical Evolution. 2006.


1. Simmons, A. John. "On the Territorial Rights of States." Philosophical Issues (2001): 300-26.

2. Stilz, Anna. “Nations, States, and Territory,” Ethics 121(2011), 572–601

3. Nine, Cara. Global Justice and Territory. 2012.

4. Moore, M. A Political Theory of Territory. 2015.


1. Coady, C. A. J. “Terrorism” in The Routledge Companion to Social and Political Philosophy, 2012

2. Primoratz, Igor, "Terrorism", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2018 Edition),

3. Primoratz, Igor (ed.). Terrorism: The Philosophical Issues. 2004.

4. Goodin, Robert E. What's Wrong with Terrorism? 2006.


1. Lazar, Seth, "War", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2017 Edition),

2. Walzer, Michael. Just and Unjust Wars: A Moral Argument with Historical Illustrations. 4th edition. 2006.

3. Coppieters, Bruno, and N. Fotion. (eds.). Moral Constraints on War: Principles and Cases. 2nd edtion. 2008.

4. May, Larry, and Emily Crookston (eds.). War: Essays in Political Philosophy. 2008.

B. 核心论辩(Key Debates

Individual Liberty vs State Authority

1. Simmons, A. John. Moral Principles and Political Obligations. 1979

2. Green, Leslie. The Authority of the State. 1988

3. Klosko, George. The Principle of Fairness and Political Obligation. 1992.

4. Sanders, John T. and Jan Narveson (eds.) For and Against the State: New Essays. 1996.

5. Simmons, A. John. Justification and Legitimacy: Essays on Rights and Obligations. 2001.

6. Klosko, George. Political Obligations. 2005.

7. Wellman, Christopher Heath, and A. John Simmons. Is There a Duty to Obey the Law? 2005.

8. Stilz, Anna. Liberal Loyalty: Freedom, Obligation, and the State. 2009.

Meritocracy/Epistocracy vs Democracy

1. Brennan, Jason. Against Democracy. 2016

2. Mulligan, Thomas. "On the Compatibility of Epistocracy and Public Reason."  Social Theory and Practice, no. 3 (2015): 458-76.

3. Jeffrey, Anne. "Limited Epistocracy and Political Inclusion ". Episteme (2017): 1-21.

4. Mulligan, Thomas. "Plural Voting for the Twenty-First Century." 68, no. 271. Philosophical Quarterly (2018): 286-306.

5. Miller, David. "Two Cheers for Meritocracy." Journal of Political Philosophy 4, no. 4 (1996): 277–301.

6. Chan, Joseph. "Democracy and Meritocracy: Toward a Confucian Perspective." Journal of Chinese Philosophy 34, no. 2 (2007): 179–93.

7. Ziliotti, Elena. "The Moral Basis of Political Meritocracy." 7, no. 1. Philosophy and Public Issues (2017).

8. Estlund, David.  Democratic Authority: A Philosophical Framework. 2008

9. Christiano, Thomas. The Constitution of Equality: Democratic Authority and Its Limits. 2008.

10. Goodin, Robert E., and Kai Spiekermann. An Epistemic Theory of Democracy. 2018.

Perfectionism vs Neutrality

1. Raz, Joseph. The Morality of Freedom. 1986;

2. Goodin, Robert E., and Andrew Reeve (eds.). Liberal Neutrality. 1989.

3. Sher, George. Beyond Neutrality: Perfectionism and Politics. 1997.

4. Klosko, George, and Steven Wall (eds.). Perfectionism and Neutrality: Essays in Liberal Theory. 2003.

5. Lecce, Steven. Against Perfectionism: Defending Liberal Neutrality. 2008

6. Wall, Stephen. “Perfectionism in Politics: A Defense” in Contemporary Debates in Political Philosophy, 2009.

7. Quong, Jonathan. Liberalism without Perfection. 2011.

8. Kramer, Matthew H. Liberalism with Excellence. 2017.

Economic Freedom vs Social Justice

1. Rawls, John. A Theory of Justice, 1971

2. Nozick, Robert. Anarchy, State, and Utopia. 1974.

3. Cohen, G. A. Self-Ownership, Freedom, and Equality. 1995.

4. Dworkin, Ronald. Sovereign Virtue: The Theory and Practice of Equality. 2000.

5. Olsaretti, Serena. Liberty, Desert and the Market: A Philosophical Study. 2004.

6. Lal, Deepak. Reviving the Invisible Hand: The Case for Classical Liberalism in the Twenty-First Century. 2006.

7. Tomasi, John. Free Market Fairness. 2012.

8. Brennan, Jason, and Peter Jaworski. Markets without Limits: Moral Virtues and Commercial Interests. 2016.

Principles of Distributive Justice: Equality, Sufficiency, Priority, or Desert

1.  Arneson, Richard. 2000. “Luck Egalitarianism and Prioritarianism.” Ethics, 110.2: 339-349.

2.  Cohen, G.A., 2009. Rescuing justice and equality. Harvard University Press.

3.  Crisp, Roger. 2003. “Equality, Priority, and Compassion.” Ethics 113, no. 4: 745-763.

4.  Harry Frankfurt. 1987.“ Equality as a Moral Ideal”, Ethics 98 (1987): 21–43.

5.  Kagan, S. 2012. The Geometry of Desert. New York: Oxford University Press.

6.  Miller, D. 1999. Principles of Social Justice. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

7.  Parfit, Derek. 1997. “Equality and Priority.” Ratio 10, no. 3: 202-221.

8.  Temkin, Larry. Inequality. 1993.

9.  Sher, George. Equality for Inegalitarians. 2014.

Currencies of Distributive Justice: Opportunity, Resource, Capability or Welfare

1. Rawls, John. A Theory of Justice. 1971; Justice as Fairness: A Restatement. 2001

2. Walzer, M. Spheres of Justice: A Defense of Pluralism and Equality. 1983.

3. Cohen, G. A. 1989. “On the currency of egalitarian justice.” Ethics, 99, 906–44.

4. Arneson, Richard. 1989. “Equality and Equal Opportunity for Welfare.” Philosophical

Studies, 56(1):77-93.

5. Amartya Sen. Inequality Reexamined. 1992.

6. Dworkin, Ronald. Sovereign virtue: The theory and practice of equality. 2000.

7. Brighouse, Harry, and Ingrid Robeyns (eds.). Measuring Justice: Primary Goods and Capabilities. 2010.

8. Lippert-Rasmussen, Kasper. Luck egalitarianism. 2015.

Statist Justice vs Global Justice (更多“全球正义”文献参见“Cosmopolitanism”)

1. Charles  Beitz. Political Theory and International Relations. 1999.

2. Rawls, John. The Law of Peoples. 1999.

3. Pogge, Thomas. World Poverty and Human Rights: Cosmopolitan Responsibilities and Reforms. 2002.

4. Tan, Kok-Chor. Justice without Borders: Cosmopolitanism, Nationalism and Patriotism. 2004.

5. Caney, Simon. Justice Beyond Borders: A Global Political Theory. 2005.

6. Brock, Gillian, and Darrel Moellendorf (eds.). Current Debates in Global Justice. 2005.

7. Miller, David. National Responsibility and Global Justice. 2007.

8. Nine, Cara. Global Justice and Territory. 2012.

9. Ypi, Lea. Global Justice and Avant-Garde Political Agency. 2012

C. 主要学说(Major Ideologies


1.Wolff, Robert Paul. In Defense of Anarchism. 1970.

2. Ritter, Alan. Anarchism: A Theoretical Analysis. 1980.

3. Rothbard, Murray. The Ethics of Liberty. 1982.

4. De Jasay, Anthony. Against Politics : On Government, Anarchy, and Order. 1997.

5. Lester, J. C. Escape from Leviathan: Liberty, Welfare and Anarchy Reconciled. 2000.

6. Long, Roderick T., and Tibor R. Machan (eds.). Anarchism/Minarchism: Is a Government Part of a Free Country? 2008.

7. Franks, Benjamin, and Matthew J. Wilson (eds.). Anarchism and Moral Philosophy. 2010.

8. Chartier, Gary. Anarchy and Legal Order: Law and Politics for a Stateless Society. 2013.


1. Scruton, Roger. The Meaning of Conservatism. 1980.

2. Kirk, Russell. The Conservative Mind : From Burke to Eliot (7th edition). 1986.

3. Muller, Z., Conservatism: An Anthology of Social and Political Thought from Hume to the Present. 1997.

4. Kekes, John. A Case for Conservatism. 1998.

5. Scruton, Roger. A Political Philosophy: Arguments for Conservatism. 2007,

6. Viereck, P. Conservatism Revisited: The Revolt Against Ideology (3rd edition). 2009.

7. Vannatta, S. Conservatism and Pragmatism in Law, Politics and Ethics. 2014.


1. Moellendorf, Darrel. Cosmopolitan Justice. 2002.

2. Brock, Gillian, and Harry Brighouse (eds.). The Political Philosophy of Cosmopolitanism. 2005.

2. Brock, Gillian. Global Justice: A Cosmopolitan Account. 2009.

4. Stan van Hooft, and Wim Vanderkerckhove (eds.). Questioning Cosmopolitanism. 2010.

5. Pierik, Roland H. M., and W. G. Werner (eds.). Cosmopolitanism in Context, 2010.

6. Rovisco, Maria, and Magdalena Nowicka (eds.). The Ashgate Research Companion to Cosmopolitanism. 2011.

7. Tan, Kok-Chor. Justice, Institutions, and Luck: The Site, Ground, and Scope of Equality. 2012.

8. Risse, Mathias. On Global Justice. 2012.


1. MacKinnon, Catherine A. Feminism Unmodified. 1987

2. Okin, Susan Moller. Justice, Gender, and the Family. 1989.

3. Rhode, Deborah L. Justice and Gender: Sex Discrimination and the Law. 1989.

4. Young, Iris, Justice and the Politics of Difference. 1990

5. Nussbaum, Martha. Sex & Social Justice. 1999.

6. Baehr, Amy R (ed.). Varieties of Feminist Liberalism. 2004.

7. McClain, Linda C., and Joanna L. Grossman. (eds.) Gender Equality: Dimensions of Women's Equal Citizenship. 2009.

8. Abbey, Ruth. The Return of Feminist Liberalism. 2011.

Liberalism (contemporary)

1. Raz, Joseph. The Morality of Freedom. 1986.

2. Holmes, Stephen. The Anatomy of Antiliberalism. 1993.

3. Larmore, Charles E. The Morals of Modernity. 1996.

4. Galston, William A. Liberal Pluralism: The Implications of Value Pluralism for Political Theory and Practice. 2002.

5. Gaus, Gerald F. Contemporary Theories of Liberalism. 2003.

6. Kukathas, Chandran. The Liberal Archipelago: A Theory of Diversity and Freedom. 2003.

7. Rawls, John. Political Liberalism (Expanded edition). 2005.

8. Ryan, Alan. The Making of Modern Liberalism. 2012.

Libertarianism (right and left)

1. Nozick, Robert. Anarchy, State, and Utopia. 1974.

2. Haworth, Alan. Anti-Libertarianism: Markets, Philosophy, and Myth. 1994.

3. Van Parijs, Philippe. Real Freedom for All: What (If Anything) Can Justify Capitalism? 1995.

4. Vallentyne, Peter, and Hillel Steiner (eds.). Left-Libertarianism and Its Critics: The Contemporary Debate. 2000.

5. Otsuka, Michael. Libertarianism without Inequality. 2003.

6. Duncan, Craig, and Tibor R. Machan (eds.). Libertarianism: For and Against. 2005.

7. Machan, Tibor R. Libertarianism Defended. 2006.

8. Mack, Eric. Libertarianism. 2018.


1. Gellner, E., Nations and Nationalism. 1983

2. Smith, A. D., National Identity. 1991.

3. Tamir, Y., Liberal Nationalism. 1993

4. Miller, David. On Nationality. 1995.

5. McKim, Robert, and Jeff McMahan (eds.). The Morality of Nationalism. 1997.

6. Hechter, Michael. Containing Nationalism. 2000.

7. Moore, Margaret. The Ethics of Nationalism. 2001.

8. Gans, Chaim. The Limits of Nationalism. 2003.


1. Pettit, Philip. Republicanism: A Theory of Freedom and Government. 1997

2. Dagger, Richard. Civic Virtues: Rights, Citizenship, and Republican Liberalism. 1997.

3. Honohan, Iseult. Civic Republicanism. 2002.

4. Weinstock, Daniel M., and Christian Nadeau (eds.). Republicanism : History, Theory and Practice. 2004.

5. Honohan, Iseult, and Jeremy Jennings (eds.). Republicanism in Theory and Practice. 2006.

6. Laborde, Cecile. Critical Republicanism: The Hijab Controversy and Political Philosophy. 2008.

7. Laborde, Ce cile, and John W. Maynor (eds.). Republicanism and Political Theory. 2008.

8. Niederberger, Andreas, and Philipp Schink (eds.). Republican Democracy: Liberty, Law and Politics. 2013.

(论文来源: Philosophia (2006年)34 卷第 1 期)

1. Walzer, M. Terrorism and Just War. Philosophia 34, 3–12 (2006). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11406-006-9004-1
2. McMahan, J. Liability and Collective Identity: A Response to Walzer. Philosophia 34, 13–17 (2006). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11406-006-9005-0
3. Walzer, M. Response to Jeff McMahan. Philosophia 34, 19–21 (2006). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11406-006-9006-z
4. McMahan, J. The Ethics of Killing in War. Philosophia 34, 23–41 (2006). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11406-006-9007-y
5. Walzer, M. Response to McMahan’s Paper. Philosophia 34, 43–45 (2006). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11406-006-9008-x
6. McMahan, J. Killing in War: A Reply to Walzer. Philosophia 34, 47–51 (2006). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11406-006-9009-9
7. Fotion, N. Two Theories of Just War. Philosophia 34, 53–64 (2006). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11406-006-9010-3
8. Smilansky, S. Some Thoughts on Terrorism, Moral Complaint, and the Self-Reflexive and Relational Nature of Morality. Philosophia 34, 65–74 (2006). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11406-006-9011-2
9. Kasher, A., Yadlin, A. Military Ethics of Fighting Terror: Principles. Philosophia 34, 75–84 (2006). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11406-006-9000-5
10. Lemos, J. Morality, Self-Interest, and Two Kinds of Prudential Practical Rationality. Philosophia 34, 85–93 (2006). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11406-006-9002-3
11. Zhu, J. In Defence of Functionalism. Philosophia 34, 95–99 (2006). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11406-006-9003-2

