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近日,周祥宇先生被正式任命为深圳蛇口希尔顿南海酒店总经理及希尔顿集团深圳区域总经理,他将全面负责该酒店,以及希尔顿集团深圳区域的各项事务。周祥宇先生拥有超过20多年的国际知名酒店从业经历,足迹遍布沈阳、三亚、武汉、深圳、广州、福建、天津、重庆等多地。在加入希尔顿集团前,他也曾在香格里拉、万豪、洲际及索菲特等多家国际品牌酒店担任重要管理职位。2012年,周祥宇先生在福建开启第一家希尔顿酒店工作之旅,由于工作业绩出色,在2014年晋升为酒店总经理。此后,周祥宇先生在多家希尔顿酒店的开业筹备阶段扮演关键角色,也为多个希尔顿酒店项目贡献了他深厚的酒店运营和战略发展经验。于2021年在重庆两江新区高科希尔顿酒店任职期间,被任命为希尔顿集团重庆、成都区域总经理。此次他重返深圳,在中国的科技之城开始他在希尔顿集团的新篇章。作为深圳地区首家希尔顿品牌酒店,深圳蛇口希尔顿南海酒店见证了希尔顿集团在深圳市场的飞速发展。此次履新,相信周祥宇先生将以他丰富的酒店管理经验,卓越的领导才能,敏锐的市场洞察力和市场策略判断力带领深圳蛇口希尔顿南海酒店,以及希尔顿集团深圳区域各酒店砥砺前行,再创佳绩。Recently, Anthony Zhou has been appointed as the Area General Manager of Shenzhen Area, Hilton, as well as the General Manager of Hilton Shenzhen Shekou Nanhai.Anthony’s career in hospitality spans over 20 years, having worked in Shenyang, Sanya, Wuhan, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Fujian, Tianjin and Chongqing where he worked with several international hospitality brands like Shangri-La, Marriott, IHG and Sofitel. He started his Hilton career journey in 2012 at Fujian Province and was promoted to General Manager in 2014 with his outstanding performance. Since then, Anthony has played a key role in hotel project pre-opening, and has contributed his in-depth experience at hotel operations and strategic development to series of Hilton properties. He was promoted to Area General Manager of Chongqing & Chengdu Area in 2021 when serving as GM of Hilton Chongqing Liangjiang New Area. Now he returns to Shenzhen, advances his career with Hilton at the city of science and technology of China. As the first Hilton hotel in Shenzhen, Hilton Shenzhen Shekou Nanhai witnesses the rapid growth of Hilton Group in Shenzhen market. With his rich hotel management experience, excellent leadership skills, keen market insights and market strategy judgment, it is believed that Mr. Anthony Zhou will introduce a fresh perspective to Hilton Shenzhen Shekou Nanhai, and lead Hilton Shenzhen Area hotels to achieve further success. 梁卓茹女士近日,梁卓茹女士被正式任命为金茂深圳JW万豪酒店总经理,全面负责酒店的整体运营和发展战略。来自香港的梁卓茹女士是一位成绩斐然的酒店管理者,自1999年加入万豪国际集团,迄今已拥有25年酒店行业经验 。作为万豪国际培育出的优秀管理人才,梁卓茹女士先后在万豪国际集团旗下的多家酒店负责市场营销及酒店运营管理工作。2010年3月起,梁卓茹女士出任广州正佳广场万豪酒店总经理,全身心参与酒店开业筹备工作,为酒店制定运营规划,明确市场宣传推广方向,将酒店一步步打造为屡获好评的酒店,并在2013年和2014年连续二年获得万豪国际集团颁发的 “卓越总经理领导管理奖” 。2017至2021年,梁卓茹女士就任金茂深圳JW万豪酒店总经理,在其4年任期内,带领酒店团队取得骄人业绩,并荣膺2017年万豪集团亚太区及金茂酒店集团年度最佳总经理。此次履新前,梁卓茹女士于大中华区首家W酒店——广州W酒店任职总经理一职,带领团队将广州的历史人文气息与W品牌的潮流玩乐属性巧妙契合,引领了至潮至新的都市生活方式。凭借卓越的管理才能、对旅游及酒店行业市场动向的敏锐洞察力及在品牌服务理念上的真知灼见,梁卓茹女士频频斩获行业大奖,包括来自《 酒店风尚榜 》——“ 最佳酒店总经理 ”、第三届艾里缇斯奖——“ 骑士勋章 ”、中国(行业)品牌之 “ 十大创新人物 ” 等。对于此次回归,梁卓茹女士希望凭借多年奢华品牌管理理念及前瞻性的领导力,带领金茂深圳JW万豪酒店的团队再续辉煌,在活力四射的深圳城央,为客人留下JW万豪品牌“心之所归,自在此间”的全然焕活体验。It gives great pleasure to announce that Ms. Helen Leung has been appointed as General Manager of JW Marriott Hotel Shenzhen. In this role, Ms. Helen Leung will oversee all comprehensive hotel operations and strategic management.With 25 years of experience in hospitality industry, Ms. Leung served in several Sales & Marketing Director positions with international branded Guangdong hotels before joining the pre-opening team of the Marriott Guangzhou Tianhe Hotel. She was the General Manager of the Marriott Guangzhou Tianhe Hotel since 2010 and was recognized with ‘Leadership Excellence General Manager Awards 2013 and 2014 ’, a great testament to her overall business acumen and ability to develop and inspire high performing teams. From 2017 to 2021, Ms. Leung was the General Manager of JW Marriott Hotel Shenzhen. During her 4-year tenure, she led the hotel team to achieve remarkable results and was awarded the 2017 Marriott Asia Pacific and Jinmao Hotel Group General Manager of the Year. Prior to her appointment, Ms. Leung was the General Manager of W Hotel Guangzhou, the first W hotel in Greater China, where she led the team to integrate the historical and cultural elements of Guangzhou with the trendy and fun nature of W brand, creating a new urban lifestyle.As an extraordinary leader, Ms. Leung is the winner of multiple influential awards in hospitality industry, including ‘The Best Hotel General Manager’ by Fashion List Awards of China Hotel, ‘Chivalric Order’ by the 3rd Elites Award, and ‘Top 10 (Industry) Brand Innovative Personality Award in China’ in the 10th Asia Brand Ceremony, just to name a few.Ms. Helen Leung expects to lead the team with her solid experience in luxury hotel management and forward-looking insights, through bespoke guest experience and memorable stay at JW Marriott Hotel Shenzhen to deliver the brand message of “Stay in The Moment”.
万豪国际集团近期宣布任命王毓凯先生出任苏州W酒店总经理。王毓凯先生在酒店业拥有二十多年的经验,曾在亚洲多个国家和地区担任过各种领导职务。自2003年加入万豪国际集团以来,王毓凯先生先后在新加坡丽思卡尔顿美年酒店、新加坡瑞吉酒店、广州富力丽思卡尔顿酒店展现了卓越的领导力和运营专长。加入苏州W酒店之前,王毓凯先生在广州南沙万豪酒店担任总经理。在此期间,他曾带领团队在酒店开业运营第一年就取得了卓越的成功。在他的领导下,酒店不仅成功完成了收入和利润双目标,同时还在大众点评和携程等平台上名列前茅。王毓凯先生的卓越领导力获得了业主公司的众多嘉奖。他在广州富力丽思卡尔顿酒店任职期间,丽轩中餐厅成功获得了米其林一星的荣耀。工作之余,王毓凯先生是一个狂热的旅行爱好者,他的足迹遍布世界各地。他喜欢通过探索当地美食来沉浸式体验不同的文化。同时,王毓凯先生还是一位运动达人,他对游泳和乒乓球的热爱,也体现了他充沛的活力,以及对工作和生活的平衡。我们相信,王毓凯先生将把他丰富管理经验、富有远见的战略眼光和追求卓越的热情带到苏州W酒店。苏州W酒店作为苏州奢华生活方式潮流聚集地,将继续闪耀苏城! Marriott International, Inc. recently announced the appointment of Mr. Nicholas Wong as the General Manager of W Suzhou. Nicholas brings with him over two decades of experience in the hospitality industry, having excelled in various leadership roles across Asia. Since joining Marriott International in 2003, Nicholas has demonstrated exceptional leadership and operational expertise at The Ritz-Carlton, Millenia Singapore, The St. Regis Singapore, and The Ritz-Carlton, Guangzhou. In his most recent role as General Manager of the Guangzhou Marriott Hotel Nansha, Nicholas led the hotel to achieve remarkable success in its first full year of operations. Under his leadership, the hotel exceeded its revenue and GOP targets, with both rooms and F&B departments outperforming budget expectations. His commitment to excellence was further evidenced by the hotel’s high rankings on platforms such as Dianping, C-trip, and multiple awards from the owning company. His tenure at The Ritz-Carlton, Guangzhou, was marked by the successful achievement of Lai Heen Chinese restaurant One- Michelin-star.Outside of work, Nicholas is an avid traveler, having explored numerous countries, and enjoys immersing himself in different cultures through local cuisine. His passion for swimming and table tennis reflects his dynamic and energetic approach to both work and life.We are confident that Nicholas will bring his extensive experience, strategic vision, and passion for excellence to W Suzhou. As the luxury liberated lifestyle icon in Suzhou, W Suzhou will continue amplifying the garden city.高树国先生遂宁首座万豪酒店正式任命高树国先生出任酒店总经理,全面负责管理酒店的日常运营工作,强化酒店产品及服务,致力提升酒店的口碑与盈利情况,他将为酒店注入卓越创新的先锋理念,引领酒店迈向精彩征程。
布鲁诺·波尔先生最近被任命为广州保利洲际酒店总经理。波尔先生是瑞士人,他的国际酒店职业生涯已跨越30年,曾在索菲特、JW 万豪、Grand Hyatt、万达以及瑞士和泰国的一些世界领先酒店品牌及多家豪华酒店中发挥领导作用。过往在泰国、印度尼西亚、新加坡、韩国等国家的工作经历,让波尔先生不断了解亚洲文化,同时在过去的十余载中,他先后在中国杭州、泉州、兰州、东莞、深圳及昆明的知名酒店担任负责人。在亚洲就职之前,他曾在美国、中东和欧洲工作,通晓多种语言,如德语、英语、法语、泰语和一些基本的普通话。波尔先生于2012年来到中国,其对中国历史文化非常感兴趣,深谙中华待客之道,他将践行洲际品牌特色,为客人缔造“非凡时刻”。拥有两个硕士学位证书:瑞士格里昂高等教育学院的工商管理硕士学位和美国康奈尔大学的硕士学位,波尔以卓越服务的热情和追求而闻名,拥有良好的领导能力,在运营管理、餐饮、人力资源、市场营销、品牌管理、战略市场分析、定位与发展、服务创新和财务等领域表现出色,在其职业生涯中获得了诸多荣誉和认可。波尔先生期待着作为广州保利洲际酒店的新任总经理,秉承“洲际人生,知行天下”的品牌承诺,让客人“融入本地,发现更多”,为酒店、团队和所有尊贵的客人带来辉煌的新篇章。Mr. Bruno Bohl has recently been appointed as General Manager of InterContinental Guangzhou Exhibition Center.Mr. Bohl is a Swiss National and his international career has spanned over 30 years where he has been exerting leadership with several Luxury Hotel Brands such as Sofitel, JW Marriott, Grand Hyatt, Wanda and some leading hotels of the world in Switzerland and Thailand. Mr. Bohl is a veteran in understanding different Asian cultural nuances as he had extensive working-exposure in countries such as Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, South Korea and for the past more than 10 years in China, where he has been in charge of key hotels in Hangzhou, Quanzhou, Lanzhou, Dongguan, Shenzhen and Kunming. Prior to working in Asia he worked in the US, the Middle East and Europe and speaks multiple languages such as German, English, French, Thai and some basic Mandarin. He relocated to China in 2012, is very interested in Chinese history and its culture. Furthermore, he will be very dedicated to implement InterContinental brand standards and create “Incredible Moment” for the guests.Mr. Bohl holds two Master Degree Diplomas. An Executive MBA with Glion institute of higher education in Switzerland and a Masters Certificate with Cornell University in the US. He is known for his passion and pursuit of service excellence and gained numerous accolades and recognitions through his career. He possesses well-established leadership abilities and excels in the fields of Operational Management, F&B, Human Resources, Sales & Marketing, Brand Management, Strategic Market Analysis, Positioning & Development, Service-Innovation and Finance.Adhering to the brand commitment of “Live the InterContinental Life”, Mr. Bohl is looking forward to bringing a brilliant new chapter to the hotel, the team and all the valued guests as the new General Manager of InterContinental Guangzhou Exhibition Center.
近日,凯悦酒店集团正式任命王平先生为东莞松山湖凯悦酒店总经理,全面负责酒店的战略发展及运营管理工作。王平先生在酒店行业深耕 30 余载,其职业生涯始于香格里拉集团,曾先后在新加坡、哈萨克斯坦、北京、成都、杭州、青岛等国内外酒店及集团事业部担任要职。丰富的职业经历及人生阅历为王平先生增添了多元的管理思路和方向。他勇于尝试及突破,拓宽职业发展路径,曾取得硕士研究生学位以及英国剑桥大学管理学文凭,并担任过北京第二外国语学院中瑞酒店管理学院教授。作为一位对酒店管理及运营拥有丰富经验的专业人士,王平先生说:“来到东莞松山湖凯悦酒店,让我对这座新一线城市有了更深层次的理解。酒店占地20万平方米,绿水环绕,1万平方米荔林葱葱,大量玻璃墙幕的设计和运用,使酒店设施都巧妙地与大自然融为一体,让宾客近距离的欣赏松山湖景观,是大湾区休闲商务及度假的理想目的地。这座世界工厂以另一面貌向我敞开胸怀,我也将带领酒店团队继续努力创下更多属于这里的辉煌。”东莞松山湖凯悦酒店作为凯悦集团在珠三角的首家酒店,已在松山湖畔绽放了十六年有余,而王平先生的加入让这家拥有历史和故事的酒店焕发新的色彩,更添竞争力。他表示:“我们要始终保持开放的心态,不断创新与时俱进,专注于客人希望被满足的基本需求,承诺创造让旅行轻松自在并充满成就感的体验,实现专业目标。”南京卓美亚酒店任命市场销售总监
近日,南京卓美亚酒店宣布任命曹阳女士(Christine Cao)为市场销售总监,全面负责酒店市场销售战略规划及发展事宜。曹阳女士作为一位资历深厚且满怀激情的酒店行业从业者,在酒店市场销售板块具有丰富的经验和独到见解。曹阳女士出生于南京,深谙南京本地市场状况及客户需求及。在过往的职业生涯中,她曾就职于希尔顿、洲际、万豪、香格里拉等多家集团旗下的酒店。在加入南京卓美亚酒店前,她曾担任地中海白日方舟南京仙林度假村市场销售总监一职。相信南京卓美亚酒店市场销售部在曹阳女士的的带领下,将持续发扬慷慨大方、多元融合、积极进取的卓美亚品牌待客之道,为宾客带来卓尔不凡的入住体验。她也将其精准的市场眼光和出色的领导力,结合多家国际酒店品牌理念,融合本地需求和资源,不断创新,引领团队开拓进取,再创佳绩。Jumeirah Nanjing officially appointed Ms. Chirstine Cao as the Director of Sales and Marketing, entrusting her with the strategic planning and development of the hotel's marketing and sales. As a senior and passionate practitioner in the hotel industry, Ms. Christine Cao was born in Nanjing, she had deep insight of Nanjing market situation and demand. During the past years, she had worked in Hilton, Intercontinental, Marriott, Shangri-La etc. Before joining in Jumeirah Nanjing, she worked as the Director of Sales & Marketing of Club Med Xianlin. We believe that with her outstanding leadership, sharp and accurate market insights, exceptional management skills, and a blend of management philosophies from multiple brands, Jumeirah Nanjing will continue to provide premium quality of services and products to its distinguished guests and make splendid achievement.上海柏悦酒店任命酒店行政总厨
Jerémy JOUAN先生
近日,上海柏悦酒店正式任命Jerémy JOUAN先生为行政总厨,他将全面负责酒店西餐的管理及运营。Jerémy JOUAN先生来自法国,一个饮食文化多元、充满艺术浪漫气息的国度。从马赛的烹饪学校毕业后,他便加入了米其林餐厅,开启了职业厨师的生涯,与此同时,亦踏上了探索环球美食的征程。他以故乡法国为起点开始游历欧美,在伦敦、纽约的多家米其林餐厅担任厨房部重要职位。25岁时,他成为了阿联酋阿拉伯塔酒店(即迪拜帆船酒店)有史以来最年轻的厨师长,在精进烹饪技艺的同时,习得了团队管理的经验,而后,他加入位于哈利法塔的迪拜阿玛尼酒店,深耕于酒店领域。雄心蓬勃的他从未停止学习和探索,在迪拜工作一段时间后,他前往越南担任洲际酒店的行政副总厨,带领酒店西餐厅荣膺多个奖项后,他又启程前往摩洛哥,筹备五星级奢华酒店欧贝罗伊酒店的开业。2024年 ,他被法国烹饪大师协会授予“法国烹饪大师”称号,代表着极高的荣誉以及国际上的广泛认可。他的工作内容囊括管理百人厨师团队,运营酒店多家餐厅以及外烩宴会等。生活是不期而遇的惊喜。Jerémy JOUAN先生为自己的职业能给宾客带来惊喜而感到自豪。他认为生活与工作是相辅相成的,只有用心体会生活,才能创作出触达人心的作品。他乐于慷慨分享点滴,每当特殊节日来临,他总会提前在厨房用当季食材,精心准备创意又有趣的礼物。“我喜欢看见客人们惊喜的表情,这是我职业成就感的来源。”言语间,他总是带着温暖的微笑。“虽然烹饪技术必不可少,但真正的满足感来自于客人的反馈以及为他们创造有意义的体验。” 在辗转各地的过程中,Jerémy JOUAN先生的家人总是陪伴于左右,“我很感激我的妻子和孩子,他们的支持是我事业前进的动力。因为他们,我的生活充满了惊喜的仪式感。”对于首次来到中国工作,Jerémy JOUAN先生充满了期待。“我非常高兴加入上海柏悦酒店。” 他说,“中国拥有古老悠久的历史文明,而上海是首屈一指的国际化大都市,对于厨师来说,如何结合在地食材且融合多元饮食文化是值得探究的课题和挑战。”新旧交融、活力蓬勃、海纳百川,这座城市以其独有的魅力深深吸引着他。在未来,Jerémy JOUAN行政总厨将不断拓展他的专业领域并带领厨房团队进入全新征程,满怀信心地为每一位食客带来致臻美食之享。Park Hyatt Shanghai is thrilled to introduce its newest team member, Chef Jeremy, who has taken on the role of Executive Chef. He is responsible for in-house culinary operations and renowned outside catering.Hailing from France, a country with a diverse culinary culture, Chef Jeremy began his culinary journey at a young age. After graduating from The Culinary School of Marseille, he started his career in various Michelin-starred restaurants and embarked on a journey to explore global cuisine. Moving from his hometown in France, he held key positions in Michelin-starred restaurants in London and New York. At the age of 25, he became the youngest Chef de Cuisine in the history of the Burj AI Arab Hotel in Dubai. Subsequently, he joined the Armani Hotel Dubai at the Burj Khalifa, which deeply enhanced his expertise in the hospitality industry. After spending part of his career in Dubai, he took the opportunity to move to Hanoi, Vietnam to open the Intercontinental Landmark72 as their Executive Sous Chef, launching the multi-awarded “Stellar” Steakhouse restaurant. He then set off to Morocco to prepare for the opening of the five-star luxury Oberoi Marrakech Hotel for The Oberoi Group before taking a new challenge in Bangkok, Thailand at the Anantara Siam Bangkok Hotel where he led the culinary team throughout 8 restaurants. Recently, he has become a Maitre Cuisinier de France (Promotion 2024), a very noble distinction amongst chefs worldwide. The valued award not only a milestone in his career development, but also represents the great reputation he has earned on a global scale. His duties will include managing the culinary team, operating the hotel's restaurants, and catering for off-site events. Life is full of surprises. Chef Jeremy takes pride in being able to bring surprises to guests. He believes that life and work are interdependent. Living life from the heart can help one craft creative products that touch people's hearts. His primary inspiration revolves around "generosity" and "sharing". These qualities are essential for becoming a successful chef. During festivals, Chef Jeremy loves preparing interesting gifts in the kitchen using seasonal ingredients. "I like seeing surprised expressions on the faces of my guests" he says with a warm smile. He always emphasis that while technical skill is crucial, true fulfillment comes from caring for guests and creating meaningful culinary experiences. Having traveled extensively during his culinary adventure, Chef Jeremy always has his family by his side. "I am very grateful to my wife and child. Their support is the driving force behind my career. Because of them, my life is full of surprises." Chef Jeremy is very excited to be working for the first time in China. "I’m so happy to be joining Park Hyatt Shanghai," he said. "China has a long and profound history of civilization, and Shanghai is a leading international metropolis. Stepping into this bustling city, I was immediately captivated by the city's dynamic energy and vibrant atmosphere.” For a chef, although combining local ingredients and diverse culinary cultures is a challenge, he eagerly anticipates exploring numerous possibilities within the realm of his culinary artistry.Park Hyatt Shanghai warmly welcomes Mr. Jeremy JOUAN as its new Executive Chef, confident that his exceptional skills, unwavering passion, and boundless creativity will elevate the dining experience for its esteemed guests.本期得票第一名高管将会获得一次“高参对话”专辑权益
投票查看结果,截至2024年9月17日 12:00(投票结果公布后三个月内请联系酒店高参工作人员获取权益)