每周与酒店高参相约酒店高层任命,不见不散!酒店高参投稿邮箱:hotel@hoteln.cn,任命讯息加编辑微信号:181 2646 9848 可申请加入酒店高参传讯联盟。
We are delighted to announce that Jean-Marc Poli will assume the role of Area General Manager, based at the China World Hotel. In this capacity, he will oversee our distinguished, iconic Guo Mao properties, including China World Hotel, Beijing, China World Summit Wing, Beijing and Jen Beijing by Shangri-La. Additionally, Mr. Poli will continue to oversee Shangri-La Beijing, where he has served as General Manager since August 2021.Mr. Poli is well-acquainted with Beijing, having begun his tenure in the city in September 2019 at the Kerry Hotel, Beijing. His journey with Shangri-La commenced in July 2017 at Futian Shangri-La, Shenzhen.With a wealth of experience from managing top-tier hotels across China, Japan, Spain, Singapore, and Myanmar. Mr Poli focus is on delivering Asian hospitality and memorable experience to Shangri-La guests. Mr. Poli has also developed a strong passion for mentoring and supporting emerging leaders in the hospitality industry. A true hotelier with a multicultural background—with an Italian father and French mother, born and raised in Senegal—Mr. Poli completed his hospitality studies at the International Centre of Glion in Switzerland.In addition to his professional achievements, Mr. Poli is a food enthusiast who enjoys cooking and savouring Beijing Street food. He is also a fervent sports lover, with a particular passion for Muay Thai boxing.雅高集团任命
法国雅高集团近日宣布,任命赵峻先生(Mr.James Zhao)为南京禄口机场铂尔曼大酒店和南京机场诺富特酒店总经理,将全面负责酒店的整体运营及战略经营管理工作。赵峻先生来自中国上海,拥有近35年的国际酒店品牌从业经历、有着丰富的市场营销和管理经验,期间先后就职于洲际、雅诗阁、泛太平洋、万达、雅高等多家知名酒店管理集团并且担任高级管理职务,职业足迹遍布乌鲁木齐、厦门、重庆、宁波、常熟、银川、开封、长白山等地,覆盖了商务、会议、酒店式公寓、度假村等多种酒店类型。此次履新前,赵峻先生担任杭州西湖索菲特大酒店总经理一职。在其就任期间,他以卓越的领导才能为酒店做出了诸多贡献,凭借其精益求精的专业能力,丰富的经验和卓越的营销拓展策略,为所服务的酒店创造了显著业绩。多年的国际品牌酒店经营管理经验,赋予了赵峻先生敏锐的市场洞察力及出色的领导力。此次加入南京禄口机场铂尔曼大酒店和南京机场诺富特酒店,他将与团队携手并进,以其追求卓越的执着与热情,带领团队迎接新的机遇和挑战,为宾客们带来更加至臻完美的体验,创造更加辉煌的业绩,开启酒店的全新篇章。 魏永宗先生近日,武汉后官湖假日酒宣布欣然任命魏永宗先生(Mr. Ruben Wei)担任酒店总经理一职。魏永宗先生来自国家历史文化名城青岛,在酒店行业拥有超过12年的工作经验,管理中展现出积极进取、追求完美的工作态度,拥有丰富的市场营销知识和成功的运营管理经验。曾先后服务于凯莱、华住、洲际等国际酒店集团,积累了丰富的行业经验。自2015年加入洲际酒店集团以来。他曾多次带领团队超额完成预期目标,多次获得银龙奖和金龙奖。在加入武汉后官湖假日酒店之前,魏永宗先生曾任厦门庐山智选假日酒店总经理。在工作之余,魏永宗(Mr. Ruben Wei)先生兴趣广泛,热爱健身以及旅行,这些兴趣爱好不仅为他的生活增添了乐趣,也成为了他工作中的灵感源泉。凭借丰富的市场知识和管理经验,我们相信魏永宗(Mr. Ruben Wei)先生将为酒店注入新的活力,带领团队创造新的里程碑并取得更加辉煌的成绩。Holiday Inn Wuhan Houguan Lake is delighted to announce the appointment of Mr. Ruben Wei as the General Manager of the hotel.Mr. Ruben Wei comes from a famous historical and cultural city Qingdao. He has more than 12 years of working experience in the hotel industry and shows a proactive and pursuit of perfection in his management concept, rich marketing knowledge and successful operation management experience. He has worked for Gloria, H World, Intercontinental Hotel Group and has accumulated rich industry experience. He has led the team to exceed the target and won the Silver& Golden Dragon Award for many times Since joined IHG in 2015. Mr. Ruben Wei worked at Holiday Inn Express Xiamen Lushan Prior to joining Holiday Inn Wuhan Houguan Lake.Mr. Ruben Wei has a wide range of interests including fitness and travel in spare time, which not only brings pleasure to his life, but also become a source of inspiration in his work.With extensive market knowledge and management experience, we are confident that Mr.Ruben Wei will inject new vitality into the hotel and lead the team to create new milestones and gain the glorious achievements.
近日,杭州绿城尊蓝钱江豪华精选酒店宣布任命许霞女士为运营总监,全面负责酒店的运营工作。来自上海的许霞女士,拥有超过20年的国际品牌酒店管理经验,曾先后任职于万豪国际、希尔顿和悦榕庄等国际酒店集团旗下酒店。许霞女士,拥有丰富的餐饮专业知识储备和管理技能,具有优秀的组织、团队领导和沟通协调能力,以及上佳的团队合作精神。自2021年6月起,许霞女士担任杭州绿城尊蓝钱江豪华精选酒店的餐饮总监,凭借创新的餐饮经营思维、优异的品质管理能力,持续为客人提供奢华体验,带领餐饮团队取得了诸多显著成绩。2023年9月至10月杭州亚运会期间,杭州绿城豪华精选酒店作为亚奥理事会大家庭饭店,许霞女士带领酒店运营团队,出色完成了多项重要接待任务。我们相信许霞女士将在新的岗位上继续发挥其卓越的领导能力,带领团队打造具有【豪华精选】品牌特色的服务体验。The Azure Qiantang, A Luxury Collection Hotel, Hangzhou announced the appointment of Ms. Xu Xia as the Director of Operations, responsible for overseeing the hotel‘s operations.Ms. Xu Xia, from Shanghai, has over 20 years of experience in international brand hotel management and has previously worked with Marriott International, Hilton, and Banyan Tree among other international hotel groups.Ms. Xu Xia possesses extensive knowledge and skills in food and beverage management, with excellent organizational, team leadership, and communication abilities, as well as a strong spirit of teamwork. Since June 2021, Ms. Xu has served as the Director of Food and Beverage at The Azure Qiantang, A Luxury Collection Hotel, Hangzhou. Through her innovative approach to food and beverage management and outstanding quality control, she has continuously provided guests with a luxurious experience and led her team to achieve notable successes.During the Hangzhou Asian Games from September to October 2023, the Hangzhou Greentown Luxury Collection Hotel, as a member of the Olympic Council of Asia’s family of hotels, was under Ms. Xu’s leadership, and the hotel’s operations team successfully completed several significant reception tasks. We believe Ms. Xu will continue to demonstrate her exceptional leadership in her new role, guiding the team to create a service experience that embodies the distinctive features of the Luxury Collection brand.上海雅居乐万豪侯爵酒店任命中餐厅行政总厨
近日,上海雅居乐万豪侯爵酒店委任刘继宝(Jack Liu)先生出任「满宝楼」中餐厅行政总厨一职,他将全面掌舵中餐厅菜品研发与厨房运营管理。刘继宝先生拥有超过20多年的餐饮从业经验,曾师承广州米其林大师级名厨黄景辉先生,并在有着“粤菜少林寺”之称的香港利苑潜心历练多年,他热衷于在传承之中演绎创新手法,对粤菜及融合创意菜系有着极其深刻的理解。在他丰富的烹饪生涯里,始终秉持以食物为载体,坚持还原食材的本真本味,不断为宾客们展现视觉与味觉的双重惊喜。刘主厨匠心臻呈烹饪美学理念,无论对食材、火候还是烹饪技巧都精益求精。他专注于天然食材开发与探索,将经典粤菜融合创新烹饪手法,演绎中式美馔,为酒店餐饮带来不同寻常的创新理念和独特风格,带领宾客踏上灵感启迪的味蕾之旅。此次他整装重发,带着他对于中式美馔烹饪的心得以及行业洞悉,在上海雅居乐万豪侯爵酒店「满宝楼」中餐厅厚积薄发,带领餐厅迈向一个新高度。他认为一名优秀的厨师需要拥有一颗炽热的心,对待美食犹如穿针引线般细致入微,将匠人精神投入到粤式菜肴的研发和烹制中,致力于为食客奉上粤菜精髓的臻味之旅。酒店总经理萧金海(Michael Seow)先生表示:“我们非常高兴宣布刘继宝先生在上海雅居乐万豪侯爵酒店开启他的全新旅程。刘继宝先生精妙的餐飨创意及特色烹饪理念,与满宝楼中餐厅匠艺臻呈的经营理念完美契合。相信在他的加入之下,能够带领满宝楼中餐厅继续追求卓越,为沪上宾客们带来新鲜活力及难忘的感官体验。”
西安丽思卡尔顿酒店于2024年9月正式任命连保国(Jonathan Lian)先生担任酒店行政总厨一职,全面负责酒店厨房团队的日常运营及管理工作。他将以精湛厨艺传递丽思卡尔顿品牌的匠心精神,为酒店宾客带来非凡的美食旅程。Jonathan拥有超过15年的奢华酒店主厨从业经验,对西餐创作有着无限热情,厨艺尤以意大利菜见长。丰富的工作履历令他热衷于在当地文化中汲取烹饪灵感,擅用时令食材融入地方特色,创造出风味独特的菜品。在加入西安丽思卡尔顿酒店之前,他曾先后在国内外多家奢华酒店担任主厨一职,包括北京丽晶酒店、多哈文华东方酒店、重庆丽晶酒店及北京康莱德酒店等。曾于2015年获得全球美食大赛TOP5厨师以及希尔顿餐饮⼤师年度烹饪冠军等殊荣。他以对美食的执着追求和创新精神备受赞誉,无论是精致的摆盘还是创新的口感,都能给食客带来极致的享受。此次履新,Jonathan将带领酒店的精英厨师团队,全面负责西安丽思卡尔顿酒店所有的五间餐厅及酒吧的日常运营,包括景轩中餐厅、鲜厨房全日餐厅、炙焰铁板烧、酒店大堂吧及天韵餐吧。同时,酒店所有的宴会服务及客房送餐的餐饮品质亦由他全权负责。他表示:“多年奢华酒店行业的工作经验告诉我,烹饪好每一道菜品的精髓来自于厨师的用心,以及对细节和质量的把控,还有时刻的创新。古都西安是我的家乡,我对这段全新的旅程充满期待。丽思卡尔顿品牌强调的厨师匠人精神也深深打动我,我会将陕西人特有的豪爽与热情融入到美食创作中,为每一位造访西安丽思卡尔顿酒店的食客带去难忘的用餐体验!”The Ritz-Carlton, Xi'an has appointed Jonathan Lian as Executive Chef with effect from 2 September 2024. He will be fully in charge of the operation and management of the hotel's culinary team. We believe he could bring extraordinary culinary journey to our guests while convey the true spirit of craftsmanship of The Ritz Carlton brand.Jonathan has over 15 years of kitchen operation and management experience in luxury hotels and has a great passion for Western cuisine, particularly Italian cuisine. His rich working experience has made him keen to draw culinary inspiration from the local culture, and he is good at using seasonal ingredients to integrate local characteristics to create dishes with unique flavors. Before joining The Ritz-Carlton, Xi'an, he had been worked at several luxury hotels in China and abroad, including Regent Beijing, Mandarin Oriental Doha, Regent Chongqing and Conrad Beijing. In 2015, he was awarded the TOP5 Chef of the Global Food Competition and the Culinary Champion of the Year by Hilton brand. He has been praised for his dedication to food and innovative spirit always."My years of experience in the luxury hotel industry have taught me that the essence of cooking every dish comes from the chef's dedication, attention to detail and quality control, and constant innovation. Xi'an is my hometown and I am looking forward to this new journey. The chef's craftsmanship spirit emphasized by The Ritz-Carlton brand also deeply touches me. I will incorporate the unique boldness and hospitality of Shaanxi people into my culinary creations and bring unforgettable dining experiences to every guest who visits The Ritz-Carlton, Xi'an." -- In his new role, Jonathan will lead the hotel's culinary team and be fully responsible for the daily operations of all restaurants and bars at hotel, including Jing Xuan Chinese Restaurant, Xian Kitchen, Tasuro Teppanyaki, Lobby Lounge and Flair. He will also be responsible for the quality of all banquet services and in-room dining. 本期得票第一名高管将会获得一次“高参对话”专辑权益
投票查看结果,截至2024年10月15日 12:00(投票结果公布后三个月内请联系酒店高参工作人员获取权益)