
文摘   2024-09-25 04:01   加拿大  

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Nicole老师在Sister Sophie任教四年,于上个月刚刚举办完婚礼,开启人生新的篇章。我们对话到Nicole老师,请她分享迎接人生新阶段的感悟,并且给学生们一些学习生活上的建议。

       Nicole Szklarczyk老师本科毕业于加拿大西安大略大学国王学院分院获得英语文学荣誉毕业生,硕士毕业于加拿大皇后大学,获得英语文学硕士学位

      在Sister Sophie以ELA G3-8、ELG G3-6和Primary and Middle school tutoring的教学为主。

      她专精于19世纪文学, 20世纪短篇小说, Victorian Literature, Historical & Realism Fiction, Jane Austen,The Strange Case, Mr. Hyde, The Great Gatsby, Maus,The Catcher in the Rye等文学作品。




Q:“Hello Nicole!新婚快乐,很荣幸能与您分享这份喜悦。随着您进入人生的新阶段,是否有任何特别想和我们分享的感悟?”

Nicole:Honestly, I don’t feel like my thoughts has changed too much. It's mainly about accepting my new identity and stepping into the next stage of life with my husband, living well together.”



Nicole: “Everything we've been going through with the engagement and the the marriage so far, with the wedding planning, and then with the wedding itself. And then,  everything has calmed down. I feel like some key things for any period of your life where you're experiencing that kind of change is adaptability, being able to adapt to the situation, even if it's just a small situation. Having an open mind towards everything and accepting it. Then I feel like it will make any changes and challenges in your life easier to navigate.


The second is getting mutual support from people around you. When you encounter challenges, whether big or small, like those you might face during studies, don’t hesitate to get support. For example, during the process of preparing for my wedding, I was stressed, and my family supported me, my friends supported me, and Sister Sophie provided support in balancing professional and  personal life. So don’t be afraid to ask for support. You’ll find that it helps you better face and handle the difficulties or challenges you encounter.”


另外就是和周围的人相互支持,当你遇到挑战,小到学习过程中遇到的挑战,都不要犹豫去寻求支持。比如我在筹备婚礼过程中心理压力很大,我的家人给了我支持,我的朋友陪伴我,Sister Sophie也在平衡工作和生活上给我提供了很大的帮助。所以大胆寻求帮助,你会发现你可以更好地去面对并且处理遇到的困难或是挑战。”


Nicole: “I know that entering a new stage, especially when faced with big changes, like entering from high school to university or from being a student to getting a job, can be scary and stressful because you’re facing a completely new environment and a new role. I usually tell myself: "Even though everything feels scary and overwhelming right now, I just need to jump into this new environment and do what I need to do." Once you get used to doing these things, you'll feel comfortable again.”





Q: “您在Sister Sophie已经任教了四五年,这期间一定接触了很多学生,也经历从不适应到适应的过程。您对在Sister Sophie学校当老师这段经历有什么感受呢?”

Nicole:“I've really enjoyed my teaching experience at Sister Sophie. It's usually one-on-one or small group of students. This allows me to get to know my students better. They often bring unique perspectives to the classroom based on their personal lives, which I find fascinating. Since students are at different ages and developmental stages, the smaller class sizes or individual lessons help me guide them more effectively. Like I mentioned before, I can adapt my teaching to  different students based on their learning progress and life stages, finding the best approach that works for them.”

“我很享受在Sister Sophie教学的经历。这里和大班教室不一样,通常是一对一的课程,有的时候是小班课。这样的模式让我能够更好了解我的学生。他们常常会在课堂中给我带来一些独特的视角,这些来源于他们的生活,我认为是一件特别有趣的事情。因为不同的学生处在不同的年龄成长阶段,私教课或小班课的规模能帮助我更好指导学生,像之前说的,我可以适应不同的学生,根据他们的学习状态,处在的人生或是学习阶段,去找到更适合他们的教学方式。”


Nicole:“Yes, from an age perspective, my youngest student is around Grade 3, and my oldest is about Grade 7-8. The ability of children to absorb learning content varies with age, so I adjust my teaching approach according to their progress. Additionally, there are individual differences among students, which is why I enjoy Sister Sophie's small group and private lessons—it allows me to understand students more fully and comprehensively. For example, some students prefer reading and writing, while others excel in processing visual information. These differences lead me to adjust my teaching methods accordingly.”

“是的,从年龄来说,我最小的学生大概G3,最大的学生大概G7-8,不同年龄的孩子对于学习内容的接受度是不一样的,我会根据他们的学习进度来调整我的教学模式。另外,学生之间都有个体差异,这也是我喜欢Sister Sophie小班课和私教课的原因,我可以更好更全面的了解学生。比如有的学生更喜欢读书写作,有的学生更擅长处理图片信息,这些都会让我去调整不同的教学方式。”


Nicole:“ Yes, I’ve always enjoyed teaching. When I was in university, I started as a teaching assistant for writing courses, and I also provided guidance and tutoring at the university’s writing center. Students would usually come to the writing center for help with assignments or essays. I would often brainstorm with them to inspire their writing ideas or help them refine their sentences.”

“是的,我一直很喜欢教学。我还在大学的时候就开始做写作课的TA,并且我也在学校的writing centre给学生提供指导和辅导。学生一般会来writing centre寻求一些assignment或者essay上的指导,我通常会和他们一起brain storm,启发他们对于写作的一些想法,或是帮他们修改语句。”

Q:“感谢您从个人经历分享到教学经历,这对于Sister Sophie也具有很大的启发和意义,最后可以请您为刚开学的学生们带来一段寄语吗?”

All the best wishes for your new school year! Embrace the opportunity to learn and grow, and remember that every challenge is a step toward achieving your goals. Let's make this year one of success together!







您好,非常感谢您对SISTER SOPHIE平台的关注与支持!

SISTER SOPHIE LTD.是多伦多K-12 英语学习系统提升权威品牌,奉行人文教育理念,专注于英语为第一语言的读写,其中课程核心基础是思辨性思维的培养和提升。


• 校内成绩单分数全面提高

• 升学考试有效达成

• 长期学习习惯和思维能力的全面提升





Sister Sophie是一家立足多伦多的K-12英语学术教育机构。课程历经13年沉淀,多年稳健的发展陪伴了上千名孩子的成长和成功,影响力在多伦多家长群体中有口皆碑。学校位于大多伦多地区的万锦市,并开设K-12全部课程的线上网课,辐射加拿大和中国的各大城市和地区。

Sister Sophie致力于将博雅教育贯彻到语言课程的学习中,使孩子的学习能力、逻辑思维、文学素养得到同步提高。目前我们提供的线下线上课程正服务于来自加拿大和中国的学生们。我们独立研发的教学体系整合了北美最权威的教育资源,以保证课件的系统性、严谨性和有效性。我们的使命是让学生在学习语言的过程中塑造良好的学习习惯、提升批判性思维能力、精准的书目语言表达及严谨的逻辑能力,这些正是能够帮助学生提高综合学习素养的关键能力。学生的成绩向我们和广大家长证明我们培养过的学生在这些方面都展现出了过人的成就,我们的努力就是让每一位孩子通过语言学习能真正提高全面学习能力,成为未来社会上的栋梁之才。

孩子、家长和Sister Sophie的学习社区在多年的相伴下已经成为了一个相互融合的大家庭。我们将进一步整合教育资源,以“帮助彼此,成就彼此”为理念,力求成为全球K-12语言教育的领导者和先进语言教育内容的研发者。

Sister Sophie is an elite education institute in Toronto. Founded in 2015, we provide online and onsite classes and tutoring service targeted at planned goals of academic success. With Liberal Arts philosophy at the center of our curriculum, Sister Sophie endeavours to integrate advanced education resources to improve students' English language accuracy, critical thinking and overall competitiveness in North American society and beyond. Our goal is to guide students towards self-realization, and ultimately to nurture a breathrough in their learning path.


English Language Gateway


此课程是专为3-7年级的同学设置,以北美通用教学大纲CCSSI为主导,北美顶私专用教材Wordly Wise 3000和Write Source为基础,配备Sister Sophie教研团队精选拓展阅读材料与学习材料, 从词汇、语法、阅读、写作四个方面全方位提升学生英语语言能力的课程。我们的ELG体系可以让学生在短时间内,迅速提升,夯实基础,平稳衔接北美课程。学生将充分掌握英语语言知识,并具备优异的英语语言能力。

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英语语言艺术 ELA课程

English Language Arts


ELA 系列阅读是从G3到G8的系列阅读课程,设计目的就是培养学员的良好的阅读习惯和从小培养启发思辨性思维思维。课程使用文学作品从低龄的知识性和趣味性为主,逐渐过渡的书籍中的文学性和人文性。书目词汇和文本难度对标美国著名阅读指数 Star Reading Assessment的 ACR阅读指数,综合考虑了书目的词汇难度/ 主题划分/主题发展深度及长度 等。ELA阅读课是按年级划分的自然等级,为不同年龄段的孩子设计的符合他们需求的阅读课。

ELA 系列写作课程,在小学和初中阶段,通过多种文学样式学习,帮助学员渐进的掌握文本构建的语法、修辞、结构、逻辑知识,为高中阶段对学生的学术写作要求做好准备。写作课程的阅读素材范围很广,从Homer的《奥德赛》和《伊利亚特》以及Chauce的《坎特伯雷故事》一直到更现代的作品,George Orwell的政治言论等等。涵盖了各个不同的英语文学时期和风格。

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Private School Academic Prep for Secondary School Admission Test




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