学生风采 l 英语,陪伴我成长的重要朋友

文摘   2024-11-07 13:47   天津  


The English books that grew with me

I was introduced to the English language at a young age, ever since I was three. 


I found joy in learning new words and expressions. I was fascinated by the idea that I was learning a way of expressing myself using a language from a different culture and by the thought of actually using it to communicate with the locals someday when I travelled abroad to see the world.


Growing up, I always loved reading, understanding English granted me the power to comprehend foreign classics that astonished and enlightened me, guiding my way through childhood by giving me insights into the principles of life.


At first, I just read fairy tales that appealed to kids like Hansel and Gretel, Beauty and the Beast, Little Red Riding Hood, and The Red Shoes.


These stories filled my world with wonder. The creative plots, life lessons, and often beautiful visions of the world enchanted my imagination.


Slowly, there weren’t exactly kids my age who sought the same knowledge,so I studied with students one to two grades higher than me,which caused things to be hard for me at first as I found rote learning relatively ineffective and tedious.It wasn’t long before I was barely keeping up with the pace of the class.However,I weren’t giving up that easily.


Starting from pure interest to finding a strong passion in this field, now I speak English whenever I can and practically practise it in my sleeps.


Books were my first teachers in English, and they remain my most trusted companions. 


Through reading, I not only learned the language, but also how to think critically, empathize, and connect with people from all walks of life.


As the years passed, my reading tastes expanded. Then came poems like “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost and "My Shadow" by Robert Louis Stevenson, showing me a whole new aspect of the power of words to convey profound emotions and meanings in just a few lines.

随着岁月的流逝,我的阅读品位也在不断提高。罗伯特-弗罗斯特(Robert Frost)的《未走的路》(The Road Not Taken)和罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森(Robert Louis Stevenson)的《我的影子》(My Shadow)等诗歌让我看到了文字的全新力量,它能在短短几行字中传达深刻的情感和含义。

Soon, novels began filling my bookshelf. Classic works such as Jane EyreAnne of Green GablesPride and Prejudice and Oliver Twist are among my favorites that became my windows into new worlds.Each filled with characters who faced their hardships and overcame them with courage and determination. Their stories mirrored my struggles in learning English and reminded me that doubt can turn into success through perseverance .


Each filled with characters who faced their hardships and overcame them with courage and determination.


Their stories mirrored my struggles in learning English and reminded me that doubt can turn into success through perseverance.


The dream I had of speaking English fluently and mastering it that once seemed so distant, began to take root and grow. It wasn’t just about acquiring a new skill but also about unlocking a world of knowledge and opportunities.


My passion for learning English has expanded to a thirst for knowledge in other fields as well, from popular science periodicals such as How It Works to research papers on technology and robotics.  

随着英语能力不断提高,我对学习的热情也扩展到了想要利用这门“工具语言”去阅读《万物》(英文版名为《How it Works》)这样的杂志,从而学习技术和机器人领域的研究论文。

Learning English takes time, effort, 

and a great deal of patience.  


The path to mastering English isn't a straight one.

Every setback only strengthened my resolve.



I'm now proud to say that I'm not only fluent in English, but also able to use it as a powerful tool in my academic pursuits. 




I am thankful for the journey I’ve had,

I look forward to seeing what the future has in store!





撰稿| 高二 1班 吕一菲

图片来源| 作者供图、网络图片

内容审核|魏华 马国军 徐佳
