大家好,我是Kethrine, 今天要跟大家分享关于阅读文本解读的读书笔记,笔记来自《英语阅读教学的综合视野:内容、思维和语言》。文本解读的深度决定了课堂的高度,书中强调 “阅读教学的过程,是一个高度综合的过程。而这个过程的逻辑起点,是教师对教学文本的多元解读。” 作为教师,我们要树立向文本解读要阅读教学的效益。书中给到了解读文本的四个策略,称为 【文本解读的4I策略】1.理解文本表层信息(Identifying facts and opinions— what a text says)读者需要重点解读文本直接陈述的重要的基本信息(Stated information),既事实和观点。包括:时间、地点、人物、事件等。课堂提问的问题也是文本直接陈述的事实与观点,如:1.What can be learned from the text?2.Where/When does the story take place?3.How many characters are there in the story?2.理解信息点间的相互联系(Inquiring relationships— what a text discusses)要理解“散落在文本各处”的信息点之间的相互联系,读者需要重点解读时间、地点、人物、事件、例子、场景之间的相互关系。如事实与观点、观点与观点、观点与例子之间的关系。换言之:1.理解作者谈论的主要观点或事件。2.理解作者为证明自己的观点所选用的例子等证据。3.理解作者的结论如何得出。在这个层面,课堂的提问,如:1.What surprised the writer most when…?2.What did the writer want to do when…?3.What eventually brought out?4.Why did she feel sad/angry?5.What reasons accounted for…?3. 理解观点思想(Interpreting ideas—What underlies the text)理解观点思想就是理解文本的目的、内涵、推断、语气、修辞、措辞。理解隐含意义必须基于对表层含义和信息点关系的理解,如主旨、比较/理解因果关系、某词句的特殊关系、分析作者观点、思想态度、写作方法、理解体验文本承载的思想、比较、鉴别、赏析等。在这个层面,课堂的提问,如:1.Would you suggest a title for the passage?2.What is the purpose of this article?3.What can be learned from the text?4.What can be inferred from the passage?5.How is the research/experiment carried out?6.What does the last sentence of the text imply?7.What does the word " ..." in paragraph 2 mean?8.Please describe the writer's tone in the passage.9.What is the main idea of the passage/ paragraph 2?10.What is the real concern of the writer of this article?11.What did the writer think after doing ...?12.Why did the writer finally agree to do that?4.学习目标语言(Illustrating language— how meaning is conveyed)理解文本的7大要点有:衔接(cohesion), 连贯(coherence), 意图性(intentionality), 接受性(acceptability), 信息性(informativity), 情景性(situationality)和互文性(intertextuality)阅读教学中的语言处理可以从话题(提高语言运用的丰富性)、功能(确保语言运用的得体性)、修辞等视角进行(关注语言运用的有效性)。在这个层面,课堂的提问,如:1.What is some of the language used to express…?2.How does the writer express his ideas so effectively?3.What is the function of a certain word or expression here?4. If we leave out the additives here, is meaning clearly conveyed?5. Can you think of some other expressions that can convey the same or similar meaning?今天的分享就到这里啦!分享旨在学习,禁止商业用途,侵删! *1温馨提示