The phrase "a sea of people" is a metaphor used to describe a large crowd. Just as the sea is vast and seemingly endless, a huge crowd of people can appear to stretch far and wide, making it look like a "sea." This phrase captures the overwhelming nature of being surrounded by a massive group, often at events like concerts, festivals, or public gatherings. The comparison to the sea emphasizes the sheer size and sometimes the uniformity of the crowd, as individual people blend together into one large mass.
“人山人海” 是一个比喻,用来形容一大群人。就像大海那样浩瀚无边,一大群人看起来似乎也延伸得无边无际,使得人群看起来像一片“海”。这个短语捕捉到了被大群人包围的感觉,通常用于描述音乐会、节日或公共集会等场合。与大海的类比强调了人群的巨大规模,有时还表现出个体在大群中融为一体的情形。
Short Story:
The city square was packed with people, every inch of space filled by bodies moving in every direction. Mia had never seen anything like it. As she stood on her tiptoes, trying to find her friend, all she could see was a sea of people.
The crowd surged forward, and Mia felt herself being swept along like a small boat on the waves. She clutched her phone, desperately trying to call her friend, but the signal was lost in the crush of the crowd. For a moment, panic set in.
Then, a familiar voice called her name. She turned to see her friend waving, somehow managing to break through the masses. With a sigh of relief, Mia made her way through the sea of people to meet her, grateful that even in the largest crowds, she could still find those who mattered most.