
文摘   2024-08-28 00:00   辽宁  


Due to the request of many foreign friends, there are bilingual courses in Chinese and English! Thank you for your support and love. Xiaobian will devote the rest of his life to the vegetarian industry and walk with the majority of vegetarian friends!


Braised bamboo shoots in truffle oil






Materials:260 grams of spring bamboo shoots and 5 grams of truffles.Steps:1. First of all, select the best spring bamboo shoots, peel off the outer skin layer by layer, remove the tip of the bamboo shoots and roots, and leave the middle part of the old and tender moderate, and everything is open.2. Then, bring the oil to a boil, put in the spring bamboo shoots, and fry them over medium heat until the surface of the spring bamboo shoots is slightly yellow for later use.3. Heat the oil pan, add the truffles in turn, then add a little sugar, light soy sauce, mushroom essence, put in the spring bamboo shoots and simmer thoroughly and put them on a plate.

Baking Lanzhou nine-year-old lily

用料:  鲜百合200克、山药、食用油20毫升、生抽少许、青豆少许。







Materials:  200 grams of fresh lily, yams, 20 ml of cooking oil, a little light soy sauce, a little green beans.Steps:1. Pour cooking oil into the casserole, fry the yam, and spread it evenly at the bottom of the casserole.2. Cut off the root and the black part at the top of the lily, loosen it a little and arrange it evenly, cover the lid and bake on medium heat for three to five minutes.3. Wait for about 1 minute to boil the pot and pour the soy sauce evenly, then cover and bake over low heat for about 2 minutes.4. Finally, when the lily becomes soft and glutinous and fully absorbs the flavor of the seasoning, a delicious baked Lanzhou nine-year-old lily is completed. This dish is sweet and silky, with a salty and umami taste, and is one of the specialties of the Lanzhou region.Please note that the cooking time and heat may vary depending on the situation and personal taste. During cooking, make sure the lilies are fully ripe to ensure they are safe to eat. At the same time, while enjoying the food, please also pay attention to maintaining a balanced and varied diet.


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