While modernization has dramatically increased lifespan, it has also witnessed that the nature of stress has changed dramatically. Chronic stress result failures of homeostasis thus lead to various diseases such as atherosclerosis, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and depression. However, while 75%–90% of human diseases is related to the activation of stress system, the common pathways between stress exposure and pathophysiological processes underlying disease is still debatable. Chronic inflammation is an essential component of chronic diseases. Additionally, accumulating evidence suggested that excessive inflammation plays critical roles in the pathophysiology of the stress-related diseases, yet the basis for this connection is not fully understood. Here we discuss the role of inflammation in stress-induced diseases and suggest a common pathway for stress-related diseases that is based on chronic mild inflammation. This framework highlights the fundamental impact of inflammation mechanisms and provides a new perspective on the prevention and treatment of stress-related diseases.
Inflammation and Diseases
Classically, inflammation is classically known as the crucial response to microbe invasion or tissue injury to keep maintenance of tissue homeostasis. In recent years, our knowledge of the inflammation role is greatly enlarged. Inflammatory pathway has been recognized as a pivotal molecular basis in the pathogenesis of many chronic diseases. By far, increasing literatures have shown that excessive inflammation play critical roles in the progression, and/or onset of stress-related diseases. There has been a growing number of evidence supporting that inflammatory response constitutes the “common soil” of the multifactorial diseases, including cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, psychotic neurodegenerative disorders and cancer (Scrivo et al., 2011).
Stress, Inflammation and Diseases
Accumulating researches suggested that excessive inflammation plays critical roles in relationship between stress and stress-related diseases. Although stress and inflammation, or inflammation and diseases have been widely and nicely discussed, there are few literatures concerned of all these three factors (stress, inflammation and disease). In this part, we will discuss inflammation in different stress-related diseases and explore the inside mechanism (Table 1).
Table 1. Stress substance that link stress and various diseases.
Stress, Inflammation and CVD
心血管疾病被认为是在全世界范围内造成死亡的主要原因。大量的临床试验指出,慢性压力,无论是早期生活压力(Su et al., 2015)还是成年压力,长期以来都与冠心病(CHD)风险增加有关。 童年逆境特别是儿童时期严重的身体和性虐待与女性心血管事件的发病率较高密切相关(Rich-Edwards et al., 2012; Thurston et al., 2014)。在原有家庭中表达力和凝聚力较差的儿童表现出更多的心血管危险因素特征(Bleil et al., 2013)。那些经历过更多家庭破裂事件或早期生活家庭冲突的人具有更大的平均内膜-中层厚度(IMT),这是CVD风险的亚临床标志物(Bleil et al., 2013)。 在成年后,与工作相关的压力因素,如低收入,高工作需求,加上低控制度,轮班工作和工作场所冲突,大多与较高的CVD风险相关 (Bleil et al., 2013)。除此之外,在压力下睡眠质量差,歧视性情绪压力,如愤怒,敌意和攻击性也与冠状动脉疾病有关(Kop, 2003)。相比之下,有效的压力管理,包括积极的情绪,乐观和生活满意度被证实对CVD具有保护作用 (Bleil et al., 2013)。
虽然压力增加心血管疾病风险的生物学机制尚不清楚,但慢性低度炎症性负荷可能成为一种潜在关联,因为它既因慢性压力而升高,又促成了动脉粥样硬化的早期过程,进展和血栓并发症。IL-6和CRP是系统性炎症的两个重要生物标志物,被认为对动脉粥样硬化具有指示性和潜在预测性(Tsirpanlis, 2005; Nadrowski et al., 2016)。巧合的是,这两种炎症指标在不同类型的生活压力下会随之升高。例如,严重的童年虐待与急性应激诱导的IL-6反应的升高有关,可能是由于IL-6启动子的甲基化程度降低了 (Janusek et al., 2017)。据报道,具有更大童年逆境的成年人具有更多的抑郁症状和更高的CRP浓度 (Janusek et al., 2017)。最近的研究表明,CRP和IL-6是早期逆境可能导致CVD的机制(Ridker et al., 2002; Albert et al., 2006; Graham et al., 2006)。工作相关的压力因素也被提到与CRP和IL-6的升高相关 (von Känel et al., 2008)。 在最近应用于黑人和白人男性的研究中,更大的压力源诱发的高频心率变异性(HF-HRV)的减少与较高的CRP和IL-6相关联。在动物压力模型(社会孤立,社会混乱,寒冷压力,严重的慢性不可预测的压力)中,观察到斑块大小增加,血清IL-6升高,NPY水平升高。然而,当肾上腺切除术后单一供应GC时,斑块大小和血清炎症因子减少或没有改变。这表明心血管疾病中与压力相关的炎症的机制,可能包括SNS介导的NE和NPY的增加。嘈杂的社区作为生活压力源会诱发尿液中肾上腺素和NE显着增加,导致高血压 (Seidman and Standring, 2010)。NE通过激活NE α受体促进MAPKs的磷酸化来促进炎症因子的产生(Huang et al., 2012)。NPY可以通过Y1受体在巨噬细胞样细胞系RAW264.7中激发TGF-β1和TNFα的产生(von Känel et al., 2008)。NPY还可以直接激活巨噬细胞的HMGB1释放和细胞质转移 (Zhou et al., 2013)。炎症也被证实与内皮功能障碍相关,并与肾素 - 血管紧张素系统有关 (Li et al., 2013)。
Overall, the possible mechanism could be summarized as follows. Stress may activate through SNS system to release NE and NPY, these two stress hormones further facilitate the phosphorylation of MAPKs or HMGB1 release, therefore inducing systematic inflammation (IL-6, CRP) to promote or accelerate CVD development. Anti-inflammatory drugs may have synergistic effect with conventional antihypertensive drugs on the prevention and treatment of stress-related CVD.
Stress, Inflammation and
Metabolic Disease
Stressful events could motivate unhealthy food choices (Kuo et al., 2008). These unhealthy foods are frequently associated with morbid obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome and NAFLD (Mikolajczyk et al., 2009). Stress enhances both post-meal peaks of triglycerides and delays lipids clearance (Kiecolt-Glaser, 2010). As shown in Hoorn’s study, stressful life events, which indicate chronic psychological stress, are associated with higher prevalence of undetected type 2 diabetes (Mooy et al., 2000). A recent prospective study supported this view, and provided further evidence (Cosgrove et al., 2012). Furthermore, effective stress management training or mindfulness-based stress reduction training has been proved to have clinically significant benefits on patients with type 2 diabetes. On the contrary, highly anxious patients did not obtain more improvement from the training (Rosenzweig et al., 2007).
压力事件可能会促使人们选择不健康的食物(Kuo et al., 2008)。通常病态肥胖、2型糖尿病、代谢综合征及非酒精性脂肪肝都与这些不健康的食物相关(Mikolajczyk et al., 2009)。压力会增强餐后甘油三酯的峰值并延缓脂质清除 (Kiecolt-Glaser, 2010)。正如Hoorn的研究所示,未被发现的2型糖尿病的较高患病率与生活中的压力事件造成的长期心理压力有关(Mooy et al., 2000)。最近的一项前瞻性研究支持了这一观点,并提供了进一步的证据(Cosgrove et al., 2012)。此外,在临床上,有效的压力管理训练或基于正念的减压训练已被证实对2型糖尿病患者具有显著益处。相反,高度焦虑的患者没有从训练中获得更多的改善 (Rosenzweig et al., 2007)。
控制代谢的应激激素,特别是GCs和NE可以发挥抗胰岛素的作用,从长远来看会诱发胰岛素抵抗。GC受体拮抗剂RU486和肾上腺切除术可减少胰岛素抵抗的发生。血浆中高浓度的NE可以提高空腹血糖并降低葡萄糖耐量,可能是由脂肪分解和脂肪酸浓度的增加所介导的 (Marangou et al., 1988)。肾上腺素受体的激活可能直接影响胰岛素信号通路或细胞葡萄糖转运(Mulder et al., 2005)。此外,GCs和NE也可以调节炎症。在糖尿病中,促炎症细胞因子的循环水平升高最初被认为是脂肪细胞本身对肥胖的反应。然而,越来越多的证据表明,肥胖会导致巨噬细胞数量的增加及其活化状态的变化。因此,脂肪组织巨噬细胞产生了相当一部分因肥胖而上调的炎症因子(Donath and Shoelson, 2011)。由各种细胞产生的炎症细胞因子,如Kupffer细胞,巨噬细胞,中性粒细胞,单核细胞,脂肪细胞和肝脏细胞,在促进肝损伤的脂质代谢和肝脏炎症中起着关键作用。拮抗或抑制TNFα,显着改善非酒精性脂肪肝,目前正在慢性肝炎人群中进行人体测试 (Gastaldelli et al., 2009; Musso et al., 2009)。此外,TNFR1外域脱落可以减弱从“单纯脂肪变性”向慢性肝炎的进展 (Aparicio-Vergara et al., 2013)。
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