EUNIC中国“残障无障”《我们反对我们自己》安德拉·塔拉拉电影放映"Us Against Us"by Andra Tarara

文摘   2024-07-11 10:48   荷兰  

Source: wechat account Romanian Cultural Institute in Beijing

图文来自 北京罗马尼亚文化中心 微信公众号


EUNIC China “Ability over Disability": "Us Against Us" Film Screening and Q&A with Director Andra Tarara

北京罗马尼亚文化中心诚挚邀请您参加7月11日星期四19:00在银河SOHO举行的特别活动,本次活动由EUNIC China主办——纪录片《我们反对我们自己》(2020)的放映会及导演安德拉·塔拉拉的问答环节。

The Romanian Cultural Institute in Beijing is pleased to invite you on Thursday, July 11, at 19:00, to Galaxy SOHO, for an exceptional event under the auspices of EUNIC China – the screening of the documentary "Us Against Us" (2020), directed by Andra Tarara, followed by a Q&A session with the director.


The documentary "Us Against Us" (2020), directed by Andra Tarara, explores the profound impact of mental illnesses on family relationships through the intimate story of a father and his daughter. Andra Tarara and her father film each other during emotional interviews, discussing schizophrenia, their past, and their concept of happiness. The film reveals their inner traumas and their attempts to understand each other.


Andra Tarara is a documentary film director, camera operator, editor, video artist, photographer, and archivist. She graduated from UNATC in Film and Television (2016) and holds a master's degree in Visual Anthropology from SNSPA in Bucharest (2018). She is interested in a collaborative approach to the artistic process on subjects such as personal stories related to broader social, political, and historical mechanisms. "A DEATH IN MY FAMILY" (premiered at Transylvania International Film Festival - Romanian Days, 2018) is Andra's first film as a director, a short documentary filmed on 35mm and digital, which she also shot and edited. Andra currently works as an archivist at the Romanian Peasant Museum - The Museum's Visual Archive - and as an independent photographer and videographer.

电影《我们反对我们自己》由Tangaj Production、Anamaria Antoci和Anda Ionescu制作,并在Ji.hlava IDFF 2020、布加勒斯特戛纳电影节2020、摩尔多瓦电影节2021、莫斯科国际纪录片电影节Doker 2021、Ceau! Cinema 2021、特兰西瓦尼亚国际电影节2021和ASTRA电影节2021上竞赛,并获得最佳影片奖。

The film "Us Against Us" is produced by Tangaj Production, Anamaria Antoci, Anda Ionescu and has been featured in competition at Ji.hlava IDFF 2020, Les Films de Cannes à Bucarest 2020, Moldova Film Festival 2021, Moscow International Documentary Film Festival Doker 2021, Ceau! Cinema 2021, Transilvania International Film Festival 2021, and ASTRA Film Festival 2021, where it won the Best Film award. 

EUNIC China(欧盟国家文化协会中国分会)将在2024年全年组织一系列名为“残障无障”的文化活动,旨在提高对身体和心理残疾人所面临挑战的认识。电影和纪录片放映、现场表演、展览和其他与残疾相关的活动将在中国与当地的中国合作伙伴(私人画廊、图书馆、残疾人联合会和协会等)合作组织。该项目的目的是分享欧洲和中国在这一主题上的经验,从而促进我们社会和全球残疾人及其家庭生活质量的提高。

EUNIC China (European Union National Institutes for Culture) is organizing a series of cultural events throughout 2024 under the generic title "Ability over Disability," dedicated to raising awareness of the challenges faced by people with physical and mental disabilities. Film and documentary screenings, live performances, exhibitions, and other disability-related events will be organized in China in collaboration with local Chinese partners (private galleries, libraries, unions, and associations of disabled persons, etc.). The aim of this project is to share experiences between Europe and China on this topic, thereby contributing to the improvement of the quality of life for people with disabilities and their families in our societies and worldwide.
EUNIC China(欧盟国家文化协会中国分会)是欧盟在中华人民共和国的国家文化机构网络。
EUNIC China (European Union National Institutes for Culture) is the network of national cultural institutes of the European Union in the People's Republic of China.

活动信息 Event Details:

  • 放映时间 Screening Time: July 11, 19:00 PM

  • 地点:罗马尼亚文化中心, 银河SOHO,A座1层10125-27

  • 时长 Duration: 1h.14

  • 有奖问答 Q&A Session: Post-screening discussion with director Andra Tarara

参观方式 Tickets:


* To confirm attendance, please scan QR code and fill in the form.



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