木木新展|「天生狂才:神迷卡拉瓦乔」即将开展 "Caravaggio: Eternal Ecstasy" a Chengdu

文摘   2024-07-24 18:20   荷兰  

Source: wechat account MWoods

图文来自 木木美术馆 微信公众号


本次展览由木木美术馆协同意大利驻华大使馆文化处、意大利驻重庆总领事馆和RES联合举办。展览策划从艺术品保护和修复的学术性视角切入,由包括著名艺术品修复师辛齐亚·帕斯夸里(Cinzia Pasquali)在内的该领域专家共同展开。帕斯夸里以对凡尔赛宫镜厅和卢浮宫阿波罗长廊的修复而著称。













1606年 布面油画

107x98.5 厘米


目前已知卡拉瓦乔的晚期作品仅有少量存世,国内的观众将有机会在本次展览中一睹其晚期创作的真容。此前该作仅有数幅后人的临摹作品存世,直至2014年原作才出现于公众视野之中,并被当今在世最著名的卡拉瓦乔专家米娜·格里高利(Mina Gregori)鉴定为真迹。《沉醉中的抹大拉的马丽亚》是卡拉瓦乔在生命最后前往埃尔科莱港的旅程中带在身上的画作之一。画布背面发现了一张留有17世纪字迹的短笺:“在基亚亚(Chiaia)的卡拉瓦乔所绘仰身倚靠的抹大拉,为罗马红衣主教博尔盖塞(Cardinal Borghese)效劳”。抹大拉的马丽亚时常出现在卡拉瓦乔的画作中,对她的刻画暗示了画家在其颠沛动荡的一生中渴望为其罪行赎罪并获得赦免的一次次尝试。






Caravaggio: Eternal Ecstasy

July 27 - October 27, 2024

Curated by Ashley Vidler and Victor Wang

M WOODS Chengdu (People’s Park)

How do museums and art institutions preserve historical artworks and narratives? The exhibition, titled Caravaggio: Eternal Ecstasy, centers on Caravaggio’s masterpiece painting Magdalene in Ecstasy, presented for the first time in China. This priceless example of Caravaggio’s profoundly emotive compositions, crafted during the twilight of his life before his death in 1610, acts as the cornerstone for an in-depth examination of the methodologies and practices employed in the restoration, conservation, and preservation of artistic masterpieces.


This exhibition is uniquely curated as a scholarly endeavor – orchestrated by specialists in the field, including renowned art restorer Cinzia Pasquali, famed for her work on the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles and the Apollo Gallery at the Louvre, and is organized by the Italian Cultural Institute of Beijing, the Consulate General of Italy in Chongqing, M WOODS museum and RES. Locked into a local dialogue through the integration of seminal artifacts from The Kizil Grottoes (3rd-8th century AD), which are part of the M WOODS museum collection, this exhibition transcends its aesthetic appeal to serve as an engaging educational experience. It aims to challenge local audiences in China to consider and rethink how we engage with the past, offering a comparative perspective on these critical approaches to restoration and highlighting the distinct philosophical divergences between Western Europe and East Asia.


Using renowned Baroque painter Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, born in Milan in 1571 and deceased in 1610, and commonly known as Caravaggio, as a focal point, this exhibition will showcase the masterpiece, Magdalene in Ecstasy. This exhibition promises to be an invaluable asset for our audiences in Chengdu, offering the opportunity to experience the painting firsthand. Additionally, it will act as a forum for examining and studying the artwork through a series of workshops and educational displays. These initiatives are designed to impart comprehensive information concerning the various stages and processes involved in the restoration of this pivotal masterpiece.


In the context of China, the exhibition enriches its scope by incorporating pivotal relics from The Kizil Grottoes, thus broadening and localizing the thematic focus on cultural continuity from a non-European perspective. M WOODS’ Artistic Director Victor Wang has also included additional artifacts from the collection to underscore the historical importance of the Kizil Grottoes, alongside contemporary works that illustrate the varying cultural interpretations of transcendental experiences. Caravaggio’s Magdalene in Ecstasy, with its intense emotional and physical expressions, is rooted in the Baroque tradition of dramatic realism. This is contrasted with the Eastern portrayal of Nirvana, or enlightenment, which emphasizes a serene and detached state of spiritual and worldly liberation, and itself represents a unique blend of influences from ancient Indian, Greco-Roman, Persian, and Han and Tang civilizations. The Kizil Grottoes, located within the ancient Qiuci Kingdom’s territory along the northern route of the Taklamakan Desert in the Xinjiang section of the Silk Road, represent some of the earliest examples of Buddhist art in China. This setting invites a nuanced comparative analysis of early Pan-Asian religious and philosophical art forms alongside Caravaggio’s Baroque masterpiece.


Only a few paintings from Caravaggio's later years remain, presenting a unique opportunity to view one of his most enigmatic works. While numerous copies of Magdalene in Ecstasy exist today, this particular version, authenticated in 2014 by Mina Gregori, is regarded as the true original. It is believed to be the painting Caravaggio had with him on his final journey to Porto Ercole. On the back of the canvas, a note in seventeenth-century handwriting was discovered: “Madalena reversa di Caravaggio a Chiaia ivi da servare pel beneficio del Cardinale Borghese di Roma” (Magdalene on her back by Caravaggio in Chiaia to serve for the benefit of Cardinal Borghese of Rome). A recurring figure in Caravaggio’s body of work, Mary Magdalene symbolizes his own tumultuous life, marked by desperate attempts to seek forgiveness for his transgressions.



• Institutional Partner: Italian Cultural Institute of Beijing, and
 Consulate General of Italy in Chongqing, Embassy of Italy to P.R.C.

• Official Partner: RES

• Institutional Support: Embassy of Italy to the P.R.C. 


Exhibition Info


策展人 /阿什利·维德勒(Ashley Vidler)

王宗孚(Victor Wang 木木美术馆常务副馆长兼艺术总监)

主办方 /木木美术馆、意大利驻华使馆文化处

展览时间 / 2024年07月27日-10月27日

展览地点 / 木木美术馆(祠堂街馆)



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