"目 China: A New Generation of Artists"
2024.10.09 - 2025.02.03
策展人 Curators
菲利普·贝蒂内利(Philippe Bettinelli)
费保罗(Paul Frèches)
Centre Pompidou, Paris
AIKE欣然宣布,艺术家aaajiao与万杨作品参加巴黎蓬皮杜艺术中心举办的群展“目:中国境象”(目 China: A New Generation of Artists),并纳入永久馆藏。展览自2024年10月9日起对外开放,持续至2025年2月3日。此次展览由中法策展团队共同策划,聚焦于21位出生于1970年代末至1990年代初的中国艺术家。他们的创作深受改革开放时期的影响,反映了中国在对外开放、环境变化以及社会生活方式多重转变中的种种经历。
aaajiao, Windows Gravestone, 2016, metal structure with UV print, overall dimensions variable
aaajiao在此次展览中展出了其2016年创作的装置作品《视窗碑林》,是给视窗系统构建的墓碑。作品通过对Windows 1984年预发布版本至Windows 2000之间的用户界面(UI)进行收集与研究,将这些元素抽象呈现在一个金属结构立方体的正面。作品结合了碑林这一古老的传播媒介形式,构建了一种人工遗迹的存在形态,展示了在算力蓬勃发展的背景下,构成互联网视觉特征的图形符号失去价值后的状态。
万杨,《勿忘我 2》,2023,布面油画,200 x 150 cm
Wan Yang, Forget Me Nots 2, oil on canvas, 200 x 150 cm
本次展览展示了万杨的三件绘画作品《BWV 565》、《峡谷》和《勿忘我 2》,以及一件装置作品《颜料盒》。其中,《勿忘我 2》为“颜色”系列的一部分,其标题源自于花语中的“勿忘草”。该作品以俯瞰视角呈现花海中模糊的波纹图案。“颜色”系列探索了艺术家使用自制3D打印颜料盒调制的颜色组合。万杨表示,颜色本身并没有体积或形状。因此,“颜色”系列超越了物质基础、场景或叙事,消除了深度错觉。
此外,两件纸本作品《BWV 565》和《峡谷》则是万杨对纯色线条组合的探索,体现了丰富的纹理和色彩感知。《BWV 565》的标题取自巴赫一首管风琴托卡塔与赋格曲的编号,而《峡谷》则受到风蚀峡谷表面机理的启发。
万杨,《颜料盒》,2023,光敏树脂与油彩,31 x 24 x 24 cm
Wan Yang, Colour Box, oil painting on photosensitive resin, 31 x 24 x 24 cm
AIKE is pleased to announce that artworks by artists aaajiao and Wan Yang will be featured in the group exhibition "目 China: A New Generation of Artists" at the Centre Pompidou in Paris, and will be included in the permanent collection. The exhibition opens to the public on October 9, 2024, and will continue until February 3, 2025. Curated by a Sino-French team, the exhibition focuses on 21 Chinese artists born from the late 1970s to the early 1990s. Their works are deeply influenced by the reform and opening-up period, reflecting a variety of experiences during China's transitions in terms of openness, environmental changes, and social lifestyles.
As a continuation of the collaborative project between the Centre Pompidou and the West Bund Museum in Shanghai, this exhibition is centered of the character “目 (mù)". It features a carefully curated selection of works encompassing various artistic forms, including video, painting, sculpture, installation, photography, and new media, with a particular emphasis on creations from recent years, especially during the post-pandemic period. The core focus of the exhibition delves into the interactive relationship between China and the world, the challenges posed by globalization, and the strategies for addressing environmental issues.
aaajiao, Windows Gravestone, 2016, metal structure with UV print, overall dimensions variable, "目 China: A New Generation of Artists", installation view, Centre Pompidou, Paris, France, 2024
In this exhibition, aaajiao presents his installation work Windows Gravestones (2016), which serves as a memorial to the Windows operating system. The piece collects and studies user interfaces (UI) from the pre-release version of Windows in 1984 up to Windows 2000, abstractly representing these elements on the front of a metallic cubic structure. By integrating the ancient medium of stelae, the work constructs a form of artificial relic that showcases the state of graphical symbols that once defined the visual characteristics of the internet but have lost their value in the context of rapidly advancing computational power.
The artist states: "Our aesthetic appreciation and interest in the digital realm are closely tied to the user interfaces of operating systems. Over time, we gradually forget these classic interfaces, and establishing a 'tombstone' for them endows them with a sense of ritual. While we rapidly consume these UIs, we are simultaneously trained by them, which has shaped our current aesthetic sensibilities and behavioral patterns. This conflict is at the core of my focus."
万杨,《BWV 565》,2019,纸本丙烯,56 x 76 cm
Wan Yang, BWV 565, 2019, arcylic on paper, 56 x 76 cm
This exhibition presents three paintings by Wan Yang: BWV 565 (2019), Canyon (2019), and Forget Me Nots 2 (2023), alongside an installation piece entitled Colour Box (2023). Forget Me Nots 2 is part of the "Color" series, with its title derived from the language of flowers, specifically the forget-me-not. This work depicts a blurred ripple pattern from an aerial perspective amidst a sea of flowers. The "Color" series investigates the combinations of colors formulated by the artist using a custom-made, 3D-printed paint box. Wan Yang asserts that color itself lacks volume or shape. Consequently, the "Color" series transcends material foundations, settings, or narratives, effectively eliminating the illusion of depth.
The installation work Colour Box is composed of reconfigured 3D-printed color mixing tools used during the creation of the "Color" series, resembling a miniature monumental architectural landscape. The interwoven and nested 3D-printed mesh provides the work with a wave-like variation in thickness, offering insights into the creative process of the "Color" series.
万杨,《峡谷》,2019,纸本丙烯,56 x 76 cm
Wan Yang, Canyon, 2019, arcylic on paper, 56 x 76 cm
The two paper-based works, BWV 565 and Canyon, represent Wan Yang’s exploration of the composition of monochromatic lines, embodying a rich texture and a nuanced perception of color. The title BWV 565 is derived from the catalog number of a toccata and fugue by Bach, while Canyon is inspired by the surface mechanisms of wind-eroded canyons.
徐文恺 aaajiao
万杨 Wan Yang