Motion Is Action - 35 Years of Chinese Media Art
2023.09.22 - 2024.02.25
策展人 Curator
张尕 (Zhang Ga)
1# OōEli, 398 Tianmushan Road, Xihu District, Hangzhou, China
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aaajiao,《观察者》, “动为行——中国媒体艺术35年”,展览现场,天目里美术馆,摄影:姜六六
aaajiao, bot, “Motion Is Action - 35 Years of Chinese Media Art”, Installation view, BY ART MATTERS, Photo by Liuliu Jiang
施政,《熔于时间#1》, “动为行——中国媒体艺术35年”,展览现场,天目里美术馆,摄影:姜六六
Shi Zheng, Melting in Time #1, “Motion Is Action - 35 Years of Chinese Media Art”, Installation view, BY ART MATTERS, Photo by Liuliu Jiang
aaajiao and Shi Zheng participated in the BY ART MATTERS exhibition “Motion Is Action - 35 Years of Chinese Media Art”. The exhibition curated by Zhang Ga and marks the first retrospective presentation of Chinese contemporary art history from a Chinese perspective. By examining the development and transformations in Chinese media art, the exhibition aims to explore the significant role of media expansion in the evolution of contemporary art, brought about by the information age. Through this exploration, the exhibition examines a series of thought-provoking issues, including scene reconstruction, the manipulation of time and space, perceptual misalignment, the creation of new artistic languages, and reflections on social and cultural contexts.
This exhibition brings together 79 representative works by 72 artists and groups from different generations. The works encompass a variety of media, including video, installations, performance art, interactive pieces, games, and digital art. The exhibition not only reflects on the early practices of video art but also delves into the cutting-edge exploration of emerging media and art forms such as artificial intelligence and space art. The artworks are connected in chronological order and revolve around the thematic keyword of "motion." The exhibition is divided into three chapters: “Motion as Action”, “Motion as Interaction”, and “Motion as Agency”.
aaajiao, bot, 2017-2018, Single channel video, color; Website, 15'32'', Dimension variable
aaajiao’s work bot, displays an environment deeply intertwined with by a digital past as well as its present counterpart. Reflecting on this intersection, local and global networks, social media, gardening structures, parks, and finally nature itself all become amalgamated into a digital hyper-representation.
Shi Zheng’s work Melting in Time #1 (Commissioned by UCCA) shows an iceberg slowly breaks apart, disappearing in the sea. Inspired by a video of the collapse of a massive iceberg in a Greenland fjord, Shi Zheng uses computer-generated image technology to reimagine the entire process in this video work. In the artist's view, the collapse of an ice shelf is not a natural event, but a confrontation between human time, geological time, and technological time against the backdrop of climate change. Through digital manipulation, nature can be simulated and reproduced hyperrealistically, which also is in itself a metaphor for how human behavior has impacted and transformed the environments in which we live. The artist questions the relationship between humans and their surroundings: how did the primordial, stable structures of nature move incrementally towards more frequent and violent changes? How did nature gradually become unmoored?
Shi Zheng, Melting in Time #1, 2022, Single-channel digital video, 08'00''
The theme of the exhibition “Motion as Action”, highlights the central idea of "movement as action." Media art, characterised by its dynamic nature, utilises technology to generate various forms of motion, enabling the creation of narratives and exploration of evolving themes. Simultaneously, it challenges the audience's perception of reality. Artists, through diverse modes of movement, express their distinctive reflections and responses to the contemporary era.
aaajiao星美术馆个展“艺术家谱系研究之十六 aaajiao:薄膜”