Speak English Like an American
Lesson 4. Nicole’s Day at School
第四章 妮可的校园生活
Lesson 4 Nicole's Day at School_像美国人一样说英语(含字幕)_免费在线阅读收听下载 - 喜马拉雅 (ximalaya.com)
* (to) butt in: to interrupt; to interfere; 插手,干涉;插嘴;闯进
* (to) drive one crazy: to annoy someone very much 把某人逼疯
* (to) go into: to enter a profession 从事某种职业
* Green with envy: desiring others' advantages or things 妒忌得脸色发青,非常妒忌,充满嫉妒情绪;十分羡慕
* Gung ho: very enthusiastic; very excited about sth 非常卖力,有闯劲
* Head and shoulders above: far superior to 远远高出;大大胜过,远远超过,鹤立鸡群
* (to) hit the nail on the head: to be right 说得中肯,一针见血;做得恰到好处,击中要害
* (to) be on thin ice (with sb.): to be in a dangerous situation; to be temporarily on sb's bad side 如履薄冰地,处于危险境地
* (to) pay someone a compliment: to give someone a compliment; to offer sb an admiring comment 赞扬某人
* (to) shake in one's shoes: to tremble with fear; to be afraid 吓得发抖
* shut up: 1) be quiet, stop speaking 2) Stop speaking! 住口;闭嘴
* Way to go: good work! 做得好!恭喜你!你真棒!
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