2024年11月,是柯林斯宇航与德国汉莎技术已成功合作的十周年!十年来,德国汉莎技术与柯林斯宇航携手助力全球航空公司,为波音787梦想客机提供全面的短舱服务,致力于提供以可靠与创新为核心的全生命周期解决方案。自2014年以来,德国汉莎技术在汉堡、深圳汉莎技术和迪拜的维修中心已成功完成了100多次梦想客机短舱的维修任务。November 2024 marks 10
years of successful partnership between Collins
Aerospaceand Lufthansa Technik! Together, we've been delivering comprehensive
nacelle services for Boeing 787 Dreamliners, supporting airlines globally with
life cycle solutions that prioritize reliability and innovation. Since 2014, we
have completed 100+ MRO events for Dreamliner nacelles from our workshops in
Hamburg, Shenzhen, and Dubai. 正如德国汉莎技术航空部件高级总监,同时也是深圳汉莎技术董事会主席的Sven Duve先生所言:“2013年,当柯林斯宇航邀请我们加入他们新的维修服务网络时,我们深感荣幸。从合作之初,我们便紧密携手,充分发挥双方的优势,并在合作中不断学习与成长。我们期待继续与柯林斯宇航保持卓越的合作,为航空业贡献更多力量,携手迈向更加辉煌的未来。”As Sven Duve, our
Senior Director Aircraft Related Components, puts it: “We were honored when
Collins Aerospace invited us in 2013 to join their new network. Since the
beginning of this collaboration, we have worked together to support our
customers, leveraging the strengths of each partner and continuously learning
from one another. We look forward to continuing our successful work with
Collins Aerospace and serving the aviation industry for many more years.” 感谢大家对机务论坛的支持,关注机务论坛,倾听机务心声!航企优秀的方面必定宣传,不足的地方也必须指出,让领导们重视问题,解决问题,营造更好的机务维修环境。 征稿:所见所闻,个人感悟,个人成长历程及感人故事。特别征稿:我师傅的故事!同时,征集劳动仲裁案例,分享案例,让更多的小伙伴能了解劳动纠纷的解决方式,通过劳动仲裁维护自己的合法权益。