1. 实验设备。实验设备来自德国亥姆霍兹环境研究中心的全球变化实验室,该实验样地所在的地区属于大陆性气候,1896-2013年的平均气温和降水分别为8.9度和489毫米。实验共分为五种土地利用类型(图2),分别为传统农业(CF),有机农业(OF),集约草甸(IM),粗放草甸(EM)和粗放牧场 (EP)。研究的时间尺度2014-2023年,一块样地大小约400m2,总共50块样地,分为5个实验组,每组10块样地,分别为2种气候情景对应不同的5种土地利用类型。
2. 计算生态系统功能。利用不同的田间采样和实验方法分别计算地上生物质产量、土壤有机碳总量、土壤微生物生物量、酶活性、分解速率、土壤养分浓度、土壤中大型动物、土壤线虫和花卉丰度等生态系统功能。
3. 计算生态多功能性。采用平均法计算,从调查数据中获得对该生态系统类型提供影响最大的四个不同利益相关群体的生态系统服务偏好。这四个利益相关者群体分别是农民、当地居民、环境保护机构和旅游业。根据它们在各自生态系统服务中所占的相对份额作为加权因子,计算不同生态系统功能水平的加权平均值。
4. 计算经济多功能性。通过单个生态系统服务的价值相加计算得出,单个生态系统服务价值由其水平乘以其对应的市场价格得出。
图3 不同土地利用类型的生态多功能性
图4 1995年至2019年间与欧盟27国消费相关的压力和影响的相对变化
The currently dominant types of land management are threatening the multifunctionality of ecosystems, which is vital for human well-being. Here, we present a novel ecological-economic assessment of how multifunctionality of agroecosystems in Central Germany depends on land-use type and climate. Our analysis includes 14 ecosystem variables in a large-scale field experiment with five different land-use types under two different climate scenarios (ambient and future climate). We consider ecological multifunctionality measures using averaging approaches with different weights, reflecting preferences of four relevant stakeholders based on adapted survey data. Additionally, we propose an economic multifunctionality measure based on the aggregate economic value of ecosystem services. Results show that intensive management and future climate decrease ecological multifunctionality for most scenarios in both grassland and cropland. Only under a weighting based on farmers’ preferences, intensively-managed grassland shows higher multifunctionality than sustainably-managed grassland. The economic multifunctionality measure is about ~1.7 to 1.9 times higher for sustainable, compared to intensive, management for both grassland and cropland. Soil biodiversity correlates positively with ecological multifunctionality and is expected to be one of its drivers. As the currently prevailing land management provides high multifunctionality for farmers, but not for society at large, we suggest to promote and economically incentivise sustainable land management that enhances both ecological and economic multifunctionality, also under future climatic conditions.
Scherzinger, F., Schädler, M., Reitz, T. et al. Sustainable land management enhances ecological and economic multifunctionality under ambient and future climate. Nat Commun 15, 4930 (2024).