该文于2024年4月3日正式刊登于Environment, Development and Sustainability杂志。文章第一作者为团队研究生周昱辰,通讯作者为黄庆旭副教授。论文合作人还包括何春阳教授,以及团队研究生陈沛媛、尹丹、周轶晗和白岩松。
图1 生态系统服务与人类福祉概念框架
图2 基于PRISMA的文章筛选流程
关注REH的实证研究选择的研究区主要分布在欧洲(39,30%),然后依次是亚洲(35,27%)、北美洲(24, 18%)和非洲(21, 16%)、南美洲(8, 6%)和大洋洲(3, 2%)。其中11篇(17%)文章研究区包括多个区域。
图3 研究区位置与景观类型
约一半以上的文章(39篇,55%)使用了研究REH的概念框架,主要包括上文提到的MEA框架、生态系统级联框架(Ecosystem Cascade Framework)、SES(Social-Ecological System Framework)框架、DPSIR(The Driver-Pressure-State-Impact-Response)框架、TEEB(The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity Framework The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity Framework)和HWBI(Human Well‐Being Index)框架(表1)。另外,有24篇文章(34%)应用了原创或改编的框架。部分文章在REH实证研究之前首先确定了概念框架,也有文章根据研究结果提出新的关系框架。
表2-1 不同生态系统服务与人类福祉之间的关系
表2-2 不同生态系统服务与人类福祉之间的关系
Although the relationship between ecosystem services and human well-being (REH) has been widely recognized and has become an important basis for policy-making, a quantitative review of the relationship is still lacking. To address this gap, we conducted a systematic review of empirical studies focusing on the REH based on the PRISMA framework. Our review highlighted the progress and challenges in terms of conceptual frameworks, methods, and major themes. We found that there was no consensus on the classification systems for human well-being, and only 35% of the empirical studies applied one of these systems. More than half (53%) of empirical studies on REH were qualitative, and the participatory approaches were the most popular method. In terms of the types of ecosystem services and human well-being, provisioning services and basic material for a good life received the most attention with 191 (out of 482) and 57 (out of 131) mentions, respectively. Future research must be more clearly framed in terms of defining types of human well-being. Methodologically, on the one hand, we should factor in stakeholder preferences and characteristics through the participatory approaches. On the other hand, we should develop methods revealing the mechanisms and pathways between ecosystem services and human well-being.
文章引用:Zhou, Y., Huang, Q., He, C. et al. A bibliographic review of the relationship between ecosystem services and human well-being. Environ Dev Sustain (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10668-024-04791-3