《轴承》2024年 第9期
陈纪光 王建梅 袁彦伟 宋玉龙
(太原科技大学 高端重型机械装备研究院,太原 030024)
1 原始载荷统计分析
1.1 载荷选择
1.2 雨流计数法
2 载荷幅值扩展
2.1 小波包分解
2.2 长短期记忆网络
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3 主轴承载荷谱编制
3.1 载荷谱
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表1 主轴承Mx幅值的10级载荷谱(长短期记忆网络)Tab.1 Ten-level load spectrum of amplitude of main bearing Mx (long short-term memory network)
3.2 方法比较
表2 主轴承Mx幅值的10级载荷谱(雨流外推法)Tab.2 Ten-level load spectrum of amplitude of main bearing load Mx (rain flow extrapolation method)
表3 主轴承Mx幅值的10级载荷谱(长短期记忆网络、雨流外推法)Tab.3 Ten-level load spectrum of amplitude of main bearing load Mx (long short-term memory network,rain flow extrapolation method)
3.3 主轴承载荷谱
4 载荷谱验证
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5 结束语
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Compilation Method for Load Spectrum of Wind Turbine Main Bearings Considering Wind Load Characteristics
CHEN Jiguang WANG Jianmei YUAN YanweiSONG Yulong
Abstract: Aimed at the problem of large fluctuations and strong randomness in load of wind turbines main bearings, and inability to ensure the accuracy of load spectrum obtained by traditional rain flow extrapolation method, a compilation method for load spectrum of the bearings is proposed considering wind load characteristics. The load extrapolation considering wind load characteristics is carried out by using wavelet packet decomposition and long short-term memory network. By comparing the load spectrum obtained by rain flow extrapolation method and load trend, it is found that the results of two methods are basically consistent within maximum amplitude range obtained by rain flow extrapolation method. The proposed method can better realize the load extrapolation considering wind load characteristics and optimize the compilation of load spectrum.
基金信息: 太原科技大学研究生联合培养示范基地项目(JD2022021)
中图分类号: TH133.33+2;TM315
文献标识码: B