
文摘   2024-08-27 08:01   北京  



中国科学院大学 人文学院,北京 100089

 1 工程史研究的内史与外史问题


 2 工程史研究的层次划分和历史线索问题


 3 中国工程史学科建设问题


Three Problems in the Study of Modern Chinese Engineering History

In recent years, as China has become a major engineering country in the world, the study of Modern Chinese engineering history has received increasing attention. The research in this field aims to summarize engineering development experience and provide historical references for current and future engineering practices. This article discusses three core issues in the study of engineering history, showing the rich connotations and complex challenges of the study of engineering history.Firstly, the issue of internal and external history in the study of engineering history was raised, emphasizing the importance of distinguishing between internal and external history in the research process. Internal history research focuses on the development process of engineering itself, while external history research focuses more on the interaction between engineering and external factors such as society, politics and culture. Especially in terms of engineering decision-making, public opinion and political factors often have a profound impact on the final implementation of engineering, reflecting the close connection between the study of engineering history and social reality.Secondly, this article discusses the hierarchical division and historical clues of engineering history research. The study of engineering history should be divided into three levels: micro, meso, and macro. It should comprehensively examine the individual projects, industry or regional development, and the overall structure of engineering from the national to the global level. At the same time, the sorting of historical clues also requires attention to multiple aspects such as engineering technology, engineering community, and engineering system to reveal the complexity and diversity of engineering development.Finally, this article emphasizes the construction of the discipline of Chinese engineering history. Although the discipline of Chinese engineering history has entered the right track, it still needs to further strengthen cross-disciplinary research with the fields of history of science, history of technology, and history of economics, and promote academic exchanges and cooperation. At the same time, it is suggested to institutionalize academic conferences on engineering history, actively carry out international academic exchanges, and promote the development of the discipline of Chinese engineering history to a higher level.In summary, this article analyzes the key issues and challenges in the study of engineering history, providing an important theoretical framework and practical guidance for the study of modern Chinese engineering history. In the future, with the continuous deepening of research, the discipline of Chinese engineering history will surely usher in broader development prospects.


引用本文: 李伯聪, 钟少华, 戴吾三, 等. 中国近现代工程史研究笔谈[J]. 工程研究——跨学科视野中的工程, 2024, 16(3): 208-219. DOI: 10.3724/j.issn.1674-4969.20240058 (Li B C, Zhong S H, Dai W S, et al. Essays on Modern Chinese Engineering History[J]. Journal of Engineering Studies, 2024, 16(3): 208-219. DOI: 10.3724/j.issn.1674-4969.20240058)

作者简介:李伯聪(1941—),男,教授,研究方向为工程哲学、工程社会学和工程史。E-mail: libocong@ucas.ac.cn
