最新星球刚刚上线基于GPT4和个人IC设计知识库的IC设计 AI机器人 ,星球成员可以免费使用!!AI机器人24小时随时随地都能立刻回答用户的提问哦,效果非常棒!可以同时在电脑、手机、平板等多个平台上使用。
cell characterize condition config
create decap dump eco
explore export fao generate
get gsr gui ignore_em
import marker mesh message
movie perform pfs plot
print probe report ring
route save select setup
show zoom
help <TCL_command_name>
help get
‘get cell <options>’
get cell -help
For details on the 'get' commands, use the TCL 'help' command, which lists all available objects and options. To see a list of top level 'get' objects, use the command:
help get
which displays the objects available in the log window.
Lists of the following object types can be obtained by pattern matching: cell, celltype, inst, instbynet, instofcell, master, net, orientation, pad, switch, ver:
<object_type> <pattern> [-glob | -regexp | -exact ]
where ‘-exact’ is the default matching.
The following objects have additional sub-options defining additional properties that can be requested: cell, inst, net, pad, design, viamodel, build. A list of additional properties available for each object can be obtained with a Help request of the form:
get cell -help
General ‘get’ command descriptions and examples follow. See additional details in Appendix D1 - TCL ‘get’ Command Reference.
a. ‘get cell <options>’
Returns a TCL list of cell names that match the options specified,.
a1. ‘get cell <pattern> [-glob|-regexp|-exact] -type macro’
Returns a list of cells of type 'macro'.
a2. ‘get cell <pattern> [ -glob | -regexp | -exact ] -design’
Returns a list of cells referenced in the design. For example, for the regular expression
get cell cell12_* -glob
a3. ‘get cell * -bbox <x1> <y1> <x2> <y2> -type <cell_type>’
Using '-type' and '-bbox' options together allows you to get all of the cell names in a given bbox that are of a particular cell type.
b. ‘get celltype’ returns the cell type of a specific instance, such as inst241: get celltype inst241
Help Menu
Help -> About
Displays information about the RedHawk software release being utilized.
Help -> Manual
可以调RedHawk User Manual的PDF文档。
低功耗设计技术总结 - 3万字,129页 IR drop的分析与修复总结 - 4.3千字,20页 数字后端理论及实践-ICC干货笔记 - 11万字,423页 数字后端理论及实践-Innouvs教程(第4版)- 5.7万字,316页 ICC2教程-星球精编版 - 2万字,125页 数字后端理论及实践-Innouvs教程(第5版)- 11.8万字,635页 面试笔试题整理 面试笔试经验分享(第1版)- 1.6万字,48页 面试笔试题整理 面试笔试经验分享(第2版)- 2.3万字,87页 ICC2 ICC与Innovus的命令对照(第1版) Tcl与DesignCompiler教程(第1版)- 6.1万字,183页 DRC规则讲解、DRC的检查与修复(第1版)- 7.3千字,26页 Congestion的分析与修复专题(第1版)- 1.2万字,41页 Perl-Tk教程(第1版)- 1.6万字 73页 星球精华推文分类整理合集(第1版)- 1.8万字,75页 星球精华推文分类整理合集(第2版)- 4.4万字,160页 面试笔试题整理 面试笔试经验分享(第3版)- 2.7万字,96页 星球精华推文分类整理合集(第3版)- 6.6万字,240页 时序分析与sdc专题笔记(第1版) - 3.1万字,115页 星球精华推文分类整理合集(第4版)- 8.4万字,296页 更多教程、笔记持续更新中。。。