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Congestion Driven Restructuring(CDR)》
ICC2/FC里面的拥塞驱动的重构(Congestion Driven Restructuring, CDR)能识别出这些这些逻辑树并对其进行Reorder并且对它们的布局也会做优化,防止摆放的过于密集。这样能缓解Congestion,也会缩短连线长度。
如下图所示为示意图和使用CDR与否的Congestion和Cell density map,可见使用CDR之后都得到了改善。
默认FC/ICC2中CDR就是使能的,控制它的app option如下:
place.coarse.cong_restruct # 默认就是true
在开启状态下,工具会在logic_opto和initial_place的时候做一轮net的Restructure,如果想增加迭代的轮数去继续优化Congesiton,可以调整下面的app option:
place.coarse.cong_restruct_iterations #合理的值是1-3,次数越多自然运行时间越长
此外,如果不指定次数的话,还可以通过下面的app option去控制:
如果place.coarse.cong_restruct_strategy 设置成original的话,执行3轮迭代;
我们还可以通过app option place.coarse.cong_restruct_effort去控制工具的努力程度,可选值为:low, medium (default), high, ultra
我们还可以通过把app option place.coarse.cong_restruct_depth_aware设置为true去防止工具把Path的逻辑深度增加超过三级。增加超过三层逻辑的路径深度
此外DC NXT里面也可以做CDR:
Performing Congestion-Driven Restructuring
Congestion in the design can be caused by commutative and associative logic trees, such as OR trees, AND trees, and XOR trees. You can improve congestion by rewiring input signals of the logic trees with the congestion-driven restructuring feature.
To enable congestion-driven restructuring when you use the compile_ultra -spg command, use the placer_cong_restruct variable. The default is false.
To use the congestion-driven restructuring feature,
In NDM mode, use the variable as follows:
dcnxt_shell-topo> set_app_var placer_cong_restruct true
In Milkyway mode, use the set_icc2_options command with the variable as follows:
dcnxt_shell-topo> set_app_var placer_cong_restruct true
dcnxt_shell-topo> set_icc2_options -ref_libs "lib1.ndm lib2.ndm" \
-technology tech.tf
When you set the placer_cong_restruct variable to true,
The Design Compiler NXT tool performs restructuring of the net during the initial placement with the compile_ultra -spg command
Before invoking the IC Compiler II tool, Design Compiler NXT issues the following message:
Information: Congestion driven restructuring placement is enabled. (SPG-131)
After invoking the IC Compiler II tool, the following message is issued in the IC Compiler II log file:
Printing options for 'place.coarse.*' (non-default only)
place.coarse.cong_restruct: on
参考资料:ICC2 Implementation User Guide
FC Student Guide
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