法律研究 | 安杰世泽劳动法律观察(2024年9月刊)

学术   2024-10-11 17:36   北京  



AnJie Broad Employment Law Insights

 (Sep. 2024)

01 热点新闻



NPC Standing Committee Decides to Implement Gradual Raising of the Statutory Retirement Age 


On September 13, the NPC Standing Committee issued the Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on Implementing the Gradual Raising of the Statutory Retirement Age and simultaneously published the Measures of the State Council on the Gradual Raising of the Statutory Retirement Age. The Decision clearly states to raise the statutory retirement ages for male and female employees. In 15 years, the statutory retirement age for male employees shall be gradually raised from the original 60 years old to the 63 years old, and that for female employees shall be raised from 50 years old and 55 years old to 55 years old and 58 years old respectively. Additionally, Article 3 of the Measures stipulates that employees who have reached the minimum number of years of contribution may voluntarily opt for flexible early retirement. Employees who have reached the statutory retirement age may postpone their retirement under flexibility for not more than three years upon negotiation and agreement with their employers. The Measures also provides: Starting from January 1, 2030, the minimum number of years of contribution required for employees to receive a basic monthly pension will be gradually increased from 15 to 20 years, with an increase of six months each year. (More details can be found in the NEW REGULATIONS and ANJIE BROAD SPOTLIGHTS section) 


SASAC: Next Year, State-owned Enterprises Must Universally Implement the System of Bottom-line Adjustment and Exit of the Incompetence 


On September 27, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC) held the third special promotion meeting of the deepening reform and improvement action of state-owned enterprises of 2024. Hongzhi WANG, the deputy director of SASAC, stated during the deployment of the next steps of the deepening reform and improvement action of state-owned enterprises that by 2025, state-owned enterprises must universally implement the system of adjusting the bottom-line and exiting for incompetence. It is necessary to clearly define the standards for “exiting”, make good use of performance assessment results, further standardize the circumstances of exiting, and not replace the “exiting” due to unqualified performance assessment with illegal and disciplinary violations, retirement at the appropriate age, or voluntary resignation. Hongzhi WANG emphasized the need to prevent a situation where there are only systems but no actions. Enterprises that have not yet carried out this work since the implementation of the deepening and improvement action should generally take exact action before the end of the year. At the same time, it is necessary to prevent a simplistic approach to adjusting and exiting by drawing a line based on the proportion, and to truly reflect strong incentives and strict constraints. 


National Healthcare Security Bureau and Ministry of Finance: Strengthen the Management Services of Direct Settlement for Cross-region Medical Treatment 


On September 13, the National Healthcare Security Bureau and the Ministry of Finance announced the Notice on Further Strengthening the Management Services of Direct Settlement for Cross-region Medical Treatment. The Notice mainly includes six parts: First, strengthen the filing management of cross-region medical treatment; Second, reasonably determine the settlement and reimbursement policies for cross-region medical treatment; Third, enhance the management of the medical treatment place; Fourth, optimize the handling services for direct settlement of cross-region medical treatment; Fifth, strengthen the monitoring of direct settlement for cross-region medical treatment; Sixth, improve the regulatory mechanism for funds used for cross-region medical treatment. 


Multiple Provinces Adjust Compensation Standards for Work-injured Employees 




Gansu: Disability allowances will be adjusted based on the level of disability, with an increase of RMB85 to 63 per person per month for employees with disabilities ranging from level one to level six. For pensions for the dependents of deceased workers, the spouse will receive an additional RMB 36 per person per month, other dependents will receive RMB30, and an additional RMB5 will be given to elderly or orphaned dependents. 

Sichuan: Disability allowances for disability levels 1 to 4 will increase by RMB 156 per person per month; for levels 5 and 6, the allowance will increase by RMB 109. The living care fee will be adjusted to 50%, 40%, and 30% of the monthly average salary based on the degree of self-care inability. The pensions for the dependents will increase by RMB 53 per person per month; and the disability compensation will increase by RMB 83 per person per month. 

Zhejiang: Disability allowances for disability levels 1 to 4 will increase by RMB 174, 166, 158, and 150 per person per month, respectively. The pensions for the dependents will increase by RMB 50 per person per month, with the total amount not exceeding the weighted average salary of employees in non-private and private entities in the province for 2023. The pensions for retired employees with work-related injuries will be increased according to the 2024 basic pension adjustment method, with the shortfall, if any, topped up by the work injury insurance fund to RMB 158 for levels 1 to 4, and RMB 138 for other retired employees with work injuries. 


Beijing Releases First International Professional Qualification Recognition Directory 


On September 14, the Beijing Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau issued the Notice on the Issuance of the Beijing Municipal International Professional Qualification Recognition Directory (Version 1.0). The Directory provides convenient services for Chinese and foreign professionals holding international professional qualifications, including the handling of work and residence permits, professional title evaluation, issuance of vocational skill level certificates, multiple visas or residence permits, etc. At the same time, more preferential policies are provided for urgently needed professionals, such as senior professional title evaluation and talent introduction. In addition, the practice restrictions on some fields such as finance, accounting, physicians and teachers are relaxed, the mutual recognition of qualifications is pushed forward, and a certificate query and verification service platform for the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region is established to promote Chinese standards to go global. The Directory will be dynamically adjusted to meet the needs of economic and social development. 


Zhejiang Releases Marriage Leave Regulation


On September 27, the 14th Standing Committee of the Zhejiang Provincial People's Congress voted to pass the Zhejiang Province Marriage Leave Regulation. The Regulation clarifies that employees who go through legal marriage registration procedures are entitled to 13 days of marriage leave, with national statutory holidays and rest days not counted in the marriage leave period. In terms of leave management and vacation methods, the Regulation stipulates the following: First, employers are required to improve the internal management system for employees' marriage leave, ensuring the rights of employees to take marriage leave and implementing the leave and related benefits. Second, qualified employees should take marriage leave within one year of the marriage registration date. If it is necessary to delay the marriage leave due to work requirements, the leave can be postponed by half a year after consultation with the employer. Third, a flexible leave method is adopted; employees can negotiate with their employers to take the marriage leave all at once or in segments. It is worth noting that to ensure a smooth transition between old and new leave policies and to reduce disputes after the introduction of the Regulation, the Regulation clarifies that employees who registered for marriage within one year prior to the implementation date of these regulations and have not yet taken their marriage leave shall follow the new Regulation; those who have already taken their marriage leave can make up the difference according to the Regulation. 


Shenzhen Plans to Release Human Resource Service Institution Integrity Level Evaluation Standard 


On September 21, the Shenzhen Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau's official website announced the Notice on Publicly Soliciting Opinions on the Human Resource Service Institution Integrity Level Evaluation (Draft for Comments), with a deadline of 20 October for feedback. The document quantifies and evaluates key indicators such as the basic construction, organizational construction, service standards, business conditions and social responsibilities of the human resource service institutions. It also classifies the integrity levels of these institutions, providing a reference for identifying the level of integrity and service standards, guiding them to operate in compliance with the corresponding level requirements, and promoting the professionalization, standardization and development of human resource services.


Singapore Passes the Platform Workers Bill: Safeguarding the Rights of Food Delivery Couriers and Ride-Hailing Drivers 


On September 10, the Parliament of Singapore passed the Platform Workers Bill, which provides labor protection for workers such as taxi drivers, ride-hailing drivers and food delivery couriers who rely on online platforms for their livelihood. The Bill, which will come into effect on January 1, 2025, categorizes platform workers as a unique legal category between company employees and self-employed individuals, ensuring they receive higher coverage under the Singapore Central Provident Fund (a comprehensive social security system that includes retirement, medical, housing and family protection) savings plan than the current level, aligning with the current standards paid by employers and employees. Operators of platforms must also provide platform workers with the same level of work injury compensation insurance as company employees.

02 新规速递













第一条 从2025年1月1日起,男职工和原法定退休年龄为五十五周岁的女职工,法定退休年龄每四个月延迟一个月,分别逐步延迟至六十三周岁和五十八周岁;原法定退休年龄为五十周岁的女职工,法定退休年龄每二个月延迟一个月,逐步延迟至五十五周岁。国家另有规定的,从其规定。

第二条 从2030年1月1日起,将职工按月领取基本养老金最低缴费年限由十五年逐步提高至二十年,每年提高六个月。

第三条 职工达到最低缴费年限,可以自愿选择弹性提前退休,提前时间最长不超过三年,且退休年龄不得低于女职工五十周岁、五十五周岁及男职工六十周岁的原法定退休年龄。

第四条 国家健全养老保险激励机制。鼓励职工长缴多得、多缴多得、晚退多得。

第五条 国家实施就业优先战略,促进高质量充分就业。完善就业公共服务体系,健全终身职业技能培训制度。

第六条 用人单位招用超过法定退休年龄的劳动者,应当保障劳动者获得劳动报酬、休息休假、劳动安全卫生、工伤保障等基本权益。

第七条 对领取失业保险金且距法定退休年龄不足一年的人员,领取失业保险金年限延长至法定退休年龄,在实施渐进式延迟法定退休年龄期间,由失业保险基金按照规定为其缴纳养老保险费。

第八条 国家规范完善特殊工种等提前退休政策。从事井下、高空、高温、特别繁重体力劳动等国家规定的特殊工种,以及在高海拔地区工作的职工,符合条件的可以申请提前退休。

第九条 国家建立居家社区机构相协调、医养康养相结合的养老服务体系,大力发展普惠托育服务体系。

03 香港劳动法律快讯


香港劳工处/ Labor Department


Labor Department Highly Concerned about Fatal Work Accident that Happened in Yau Ma Tei Today (September 12, 2024) 



The Labor Department (LD) is highly concerned about a fatal work accident that happened at a Cargo Working Area in Yau Ma Tei in the afternoon of September 12, in which a male worker was pressed by an overturned cargo while assisting in unloading it. He was certified dead later in hospital. The LD is saddened by the death of the worker and expresses its deepest sympathy to his family. 

To prevent employees from being pressed by the cargos while handling them, the LD reminds employers and occupiers of premises to take suitable safety measures, including selection of suitable mechanical aids and methods to support the cargos to ensure their stability. The general duty provisions of the Occupational Safety and Health Ordinance require employers to provide safe working environments, plant and systems of work for their employees. Those who contravene the relevant provisions are liable to a maximum fine of $10 million and imprisonment for two years on conviction on indictment; or $3 million and imprisonment for six months on summary conviction.


Proprietor Fined for Violation of Safety Legislation (September 19, 2024) 



Yau Hing Machinery Limited was fined $79,000 at the Fanling Magistrates' Courts on September 19 for the violation of the Factories and Industrial Undertakings Ordinance. The prosecutions were launched by the Labor Department.

The case involved a fatal accident that occurred on November 8, 2022, at a machinery depot in Tai Po. It was suspected that while a worker was repairing a vibratory roller, the machine suddenly moved backward and ran over him. The worker sustained injuries and passed away on the same day.


Over 1100 Quality Job Vacancies to Be Offered at Job Fair for Residential Care Home Service Industry (September 23, 2024)



The Labor Department (LD) will hold a large-scale job fair at MacPherson Stadium in Mong Kok on September 26 and 27 to provide a large number of vacancies from the residential care home service industry for job seekers.

About 30 organisations will participate in the two-day job fair and offer over 1100 quality job vacancies from the residential care home service industry. Participating organisations will set up booths and conduct recruitment on the spot each day. A wide variety of positions will be offered, including care worker, speech therapist, occupational therapist, social worker, nurse, health worker, driver, cook, programme assistant and clerk. Job seekers can visit the LD's Interactive Employment Service website (www.jobs.gov.hk) for more details of the vacancies. 


Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority 

积金局2024年9月共有107宗追讨强积金欠款的执法案例,还有10宗其他违反《强制性公积金计划条例》具体条款的案件,相关案例记录详见:违规雇主及高级人员纪录 - 积金局 (mpfa.org.hk)

香港法院裁判/HK Court's Judgement

LAM KONG SO, the Administrator of the estate of LAM CHUN SING, deceased 对 SHUI DIAN BAO AIR CONDITIONING LTD及另一人 [2024] HKDC 1507 












04 安杰世泽观点






  1. 法定退休年龄的变化

  2. 前后弹性退休

  3. 最低缴费年限增加

  4. 超龄劳动者的权益保障

  5. 临退休失业人员的权益保障





一、 如何认定“同一违纪行为”

  1. 关于员工实施多项不同违纪行为在前,公司作出多次处罚在后的认定

  2. 关于员工多次实施同一违纪行为,公司亦做出了多次处罚的认定

二、 如何认定“重复处罚”

  1. 法院认定构成重复处罚的情形

  2. 法院认定不构成重复处罚的情形


05 实务参考


















06 安杰世泽动态



Jun SHEN, Partner of AnJie Broad Labor and Employment Team, was appointed as a part-time arbitrator by the Shanghai Labor and Personnel Dispute Arbitration Commission.


On September 25, 2024, Jun SHEN, Partner of AnJie Broad Labor and Employment Team, and Qitao MOU, Associate, published a legal article titled Overview and Interpretation of the Gradual Raising of the Statutory Retirement Age Policy on Lexology, discussing the latest announced policy on the gradual delay of retirement. (More details can be found in the ANJIE BROAD SPOTLIGHTS section)


In September 2024, Xiaochen HE, Partner of AnJie Broad Labor and Employment Team, was interviewed by ALB regarding the compliance of Chinese enterprises' overseas employment, sharing her views on the growing demand for overseas labor compliance among Chinese enterprises, the major risks they face, and how lawyers can provide assistance on both legal and cultural levels.


法律研究 | 安杰世泽劳动法律观察(2024年8月刊)

法律研究 | 安杰世泽劳动法律观察(2024年7月刊)

法律研究 | 安杰世泽劳动法律观察(2024年6月刊)

法律研究 | 安杰世泽劳动法律观察(2024年5月刊)

法律研究 | 安杰世泽劳动法律观察(2024年4月刊)

法律研究 | 安杰世泽劳动法律观察(2024年3月刊)

法律研究 | 安杰世泽劳动法律观察(2024年1—2月合刊)


声 明


安杰世泽律师事务所提供高品质综合性法律服务。业务领域包括:资本市场与证券、竞争法/反垄断、PE \x26amp; VC、知识产权、争议解决、劳动雇佣、跨境投资与并购、保险、海商海事、银行与金融、能源、TMT、生命科学与医疗健康、私人财富管理、体育等。