法律研究 | 安杰世泽香港资本市场及金融监管动态(2024年8月刊)

学术   2024-09-18 18:38   北京  



(Aug. 2024)

01 香港联交所执法动态

Enforcement updates of the HKEX

联交所对XXX Corporations Limited及XXX集团控股有限公司董事的纪律行动(2024年8月1日)

Exchange's Disciplinary Action Against Directors of XXX Corporations Limited and XXX Group Holdings Limited(1 August 2024)







Mr Gan and Ms Li did not respond to the Division's investigations and reminder letters. They failed to cooperate in the investigations.

Key Points of Supervision

Failure to cooperate in the Exchange's investigation is a serious breach of the Listing Rules.

A director's obligation to cooperate does not lapse after his or her resignation, or after an issuer ceases to be listed on the Exchange.




Exchange's Disciplinary Action Against XXX Holdings Limited and Three Former Directors (27 August 2024)









Despite their clear conflict of interest, they were involved in the provision of the financial assistance from the Company to XXX Group Holdings Company Limited. They failed to report the matter to the Company's board and failed to procure the Company's compliance with the Listing Rules applicable to the financial assistance. The Company's subsequent discovery of the hidden financial assistance led to the delayed publication and dispatch of its financial results and reports.

Given their conduct, Ms Ma, Mr Yan and Mr Sun breached their director's duties and their obligations to use their best endeavours to procure the Company's compliance with the Rules.

Ms Ma and Mr Yan also failed to cooperate in the Exchange's investigation.

Key Points of Supervision

Directors must take active steps to manage any conflicts. Particular care is required when they hold positions in both the parent company and a subsidiary.

Directors must keep the board informed of material information for good corporate governance and to ensure compliance with requirements under the Listing Rules.



02 香港证监会执法动态

Enforcement updates of the SFC


Suspected core syndicate member charged in ramp-and-dump case (6 August 2024)






The criminal proceedings arose from the joint investigations by the SFC and the Police into the alleged ramp-and-dump syndicates for various criminal offences including offences under the Securities and Futures Ordinance.

Key Points of Supervision

Ramp-and-dump scheme is a form of market manipulation where fraudsters use different means to “ramp” up the share price of a listed company and then “dump” the shares to other investors at an artificially high price. The fraudsters also used social media platforms to lure the unsuspecting investors to buy the shares at an artificially high price while the syndicate members were offloading for profit leaving innocent victims with substantial losses.The maximum penalty on conviction upon indictment for the offence of conspiracy to defraud is 14 years imprisonment while the maximum penalty for market misconduct offences under the SFO is imprisonment of 10 years and a fine of $10 million.




Market Misconduct Tribunal finds China XX's former chairman and CEO culpable for disclosure of false or misleading information and former CEO for insider trading (7 August 2024)


李YY及李ZZ在授权发出首次公开招股章程及2009年全年业绩公告和年报时,知道有关陈述属虚假或具误导性。在2010年12月初进行审计前会议后,李YY意识到中国XX即将面临危机。李YY知道,有关查询可能会揭露实际情况并将对中国XX的价值带来灾难性影响。李YY知道上述情况后,便开始采取行动出售其于中国XX的持股。李YY及其名下的投资公司Top Wisdom Overseas Holdings Limited曾进行内幕交易,透过2011年1月的股份配售,沽售119,000,000股中国XX,从而避免约3.53亿元的损失。





Mr Li YY and Mr Li ZZ knew such statements were false or misleading when authorising the issuance of the IPO prospectus and the 2009 annual results announcement and annual report. Mr Li ZZ was aware of the imminent danger facing China XX shares following a pre-audit meeting in early December 2010. Li ZZ knew that such enquiries could expose the reality of the situation and spell disaster for the value of China XX shares. Mr Li ZZ knew that such enquiries could expose the reality of the situation and spell disaster for the value of China XX shares. it was with that knowledge that Mr Li ZZ started to take steps to dispose of his holdings in China XX. Mr Li ZZ and his investment vehicle, Top Wisdom Overseas Holdings Limited, engaged in insider dealing by selling 119,000,000 shares of China XX through a share placement in January 2011, thereby avoiding a loss of approximately $353 million.

Key Points of Supervision

The Tribunal is an independent body which is established under the Securities and Futures Ordinance and is chaired by a judge or former judge of the High Court who sits with two members.

Market misconduct includes insider dealing, false trading, price rigging, stock market manipulation, disclosure of information about prohibited transactions and disclosure of false or misleading information inducing transactions in securities and futures contracts. Such conduct is detrimental to the interests of investors and damages the reputation of Hong Kong as an international financial centre. In accordance with the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap. 571) ("SFO"), if it appears to the Securities and Futures Commission (“SFC”) that market misconduct or a breach of a disclosure requirement under Part XIVA of the SFO has or may have taken place, the SFC may institute proceedings before the Tribunal. The Tribunal conducts civil proceedings and, where appropriate, imposes civil sanctions against those it determines to be wrongdoers. It helps promote market confidence by protecting the interests of the investing public and reducing market malpractice.




Cessation of suspension of XX Corporate Finance (HK) Limited acting as sponsor (19 August 2024)








As agreed with the SFC, XXCF engaged and cooperated with an independent reviewer to review its policies, procedures and practices in relation to the conduct of its sponsorship business.

The reviewer conducted a nine-month, two-staged review of XXCF's processes in carrying out sponsorship business. The first stage involved a review of XXCF's current internal systems and controls, an appraisal of the records of its sponsor work, as well as an assessment of its sponsor work in three listing applications, with the objective of ascertaining whether the current policies and procedures were adequate and whether there had been any instances of non-compliance.

Following the first stage of the review, the reviewer made recommendations in relation to XXCF's internal systems and controls. Subsequently, the reviewer confirmed in the second stage of the review that XXCF had implemented the recommendations.

Key Points of Supervision

A sponsor's conduct should conform to the standards expected of it as a sponsor and conform to the requirements under Chapter 17 of the Code of Conduct and other regulatory requirements. And a sponsor should have clear requirements and procedures in place to enable staff members to understand and properly perform their responsibilities, and that there are adequate systems, controls, policies and procedures to enable compliance with all applicable Hong Kong legal and regulatory requirements in relation to sponsor business.




SFC, ICAC and Macao Judiciary Police conduct joint operation against suspected cross-boundary fraud and misconduct in listed company (21 August 2024)






the chairman of the listed company and other individuals had allegedly falsified business documents and accounting records of the company's subsidiaries in Hong Kong and Macao, while the company's trade receivables totalling over MOP113 million (about HK$110 million) were reduced. Meanwhile, the individuals concerned had also allegedly used false documents and accounting records to conceal the misappropriation of the company's funds over HK$9 million.

Key Points of Supervision

The arrestees had allegedly committed the offence of agent using documents with intent to deceive his principal under the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance. The above conduct may have resulted in the commission of offences or misconduct by the listed company and/or its management which contravene certain provisions under the Securities and Futures Ordinance for disclosing false or misleading information, as well as for defalcation, fraud, misfeasance, or other misconduct in relation to the conduct of the business or affairs of the listed company.



03 香港联交所其他动态

Other updates of HKEX


企业新闻 Corporate News Releases

香港交易所旗下CORE CLIMATE纳入黄金标准核证碳信用产品(2024年8月1日)

HKEX to Introduce Gold Standard Carbon Credits on Core Climate (1 August 2024)

香港交易及结算所有限公司(香港交易所)于2024年8月1日(星期四)宣布,已将黄金标准核证减排量(GS-VER)纳入香港交易所旗下的碳市场Core Climate,于2024 年8月1日生效。

Core Climate 支持黄金标准核证减排量的交易、结算、托管和注销,为 Core Climate 用户提供便捷的一站式服务。

Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEX) is pleased to announce on Thursday, 1 August 2024, the inclusion of Gold Standard's Verified Emission Reductions (GS-VERs) on the Core Climate platform, HKEX's carbon marketplace, with effect on 1 August 2024.

Core Climate will support the trading, settlement, custody, and retirement of GS-VERs, providing a seamless and integrated experience for Core Climate's users.




Forfeiture of Unclaimed First Interim Dividend for 2018 (2 August 2024)



Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (“HKEX”) 's first interim dividend for 2018 of HK$3.64 per share, payable on 20 September 2018 and remaining unclaimed on 20 September 2024, will be forfeited and will revert to HKEX.

Members entitled to but yet to receive the dividend payments or cash in their dividend warrants in respect of the dividends payable by HKEX since September 2018 are advised to contact HKEX's registrar, Hong Kong Registrars Limited.




HKEX 2024 Interim Results (21 August 2024)



HKEX had a robust first half of the year with the second quarter seeing an upswing in market momentum and trading activity, driving record second quarter revenue and other income and profit. The Group's diversification strategy continued to deliver results, underpinned by record volumes in our Derivatives Market, and a 29 per cent year-on-year gain in LME chargeable average daily volumes in the first half.

HKEX also announced a major investment in its technology to develop the Orion Derivatives Platform, marking an important step to HKEX digital destiny and part of HKEX commitment to ensure that Hong Kong's markets are future ready.




HKEX Names Head of Global Issuer Services (27 August 2024)



Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEX) on Tuesday, August 27, 2024 is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr Johnson Chui as Managing Director, Head of Global Issuer Services. Mr Chui will join the Group on 2 September 2024, reporting jointly to Wilfred Yiu and Glenda So in their capacity as HKEX Co-Heads of Markets.

In his new role, Mr Chui will lead HKEX's Global Issuer Services teams based in Hong Kong, China, London and Singapore, driving the Group's efforts to further diversify and expand its listed issuer base. He will be assuming oversight of this important function from Christina Bao, Co-Head of Sales and Marketing, who after eight years at HKEX, has decided to explore opportunities outside the Group.



香港交易所欢迎LUBNA OLAYAN和 MARTY FLANAGAN加入国际咨询委员会成员(2024年8月30日)

HKEX Welcomes Lubna Olayan and Marty Flanagan to International Advisory Council (30 August 2024)

香港交易所于2024年8月30日(星期五)宣布委任Olayan Financing Company常务委员会主席及Saudi Awwal Bank主席Lubna Olayan和Invesco Ltd.名誉主席Marty Flanagan为香港交易所国际咨询委员会成员,自2024年9月1日起生效。

Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEX) On Friday,August 30,2024 pleased to announce the appointment of Lubna Olayan, Chair of the Executive Committee of Olayan Financing Company and Saudi Awwal Bank (SAB), and Marty Flanagan, Chairman Emeritus of Invesco Ltd. (Invesco), to HKEX's International Advisory Council (Council) with effect from 1 September 2024.



Part 2

市场通讯 Market Communications


Report on Initial Public Offering Applications, Delisting and Suspensions (30 August 2024)


This monthly report provides key statistics relating to the various stages in discharging Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEK)'s regulatory oversight duties during the reporting period. The information for the reporting period covers, among others, the number of applications processed and their current status, the number of comment letters and guidance issued to new/ potential new listing applicants and their advisers with the corresponding processing time, the number of rejection and return of listing applications, as well as the number of delisted and suspended companies.



Part 3

监管通讯 Regulatory Announcements


Announcement – In relation to the matter of China XX Group (incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability) Cancellation of listing (8 August 2024)




The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the Exchange) announced that with effect from 9:00 am on 12 August 2024, the listing of the shares of China XX Group (the Company) will be cancelled under Rule 6.01A(1).

Trading in the Company's shares has been suspended since 28 October 2022.  Under Rule 6.01A(1), the Exchange may delist the Company if trading does not resume by 27 April 2024.

The Company failed to fulfill the resumption guidance set by the Exchange and resume trading in its shares by 27 April 2024.  On 17 May 2024, the Listing Committee decided to cancel the listing of the Company's shares on the Exchange under Rule 6.01A(1).



通告 – 关于XX(中国)控股有限公司(于开曼群岛注册成立之有限公司)取消上市地位(2024年8月12日)




The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the Exchange) announced that with effect from 9:00 am on 14 August 2024, the listing of the shares of XX (China) Holdings Limited (the Company) will be cancelled under Rule 6.01A(1).

Trading in the Company's shares has been suspended since 1 September 2022. Under Rule 6.01A(1), the Exchange may delist the Company if trading does not resume by 29 February 2024.



通告 – 关于中国XX有限公司(于百慕达存续之有限公司)取消上市地位(2024年8月14日)

Announcement – In relation to the matter of China XX Limited (Continued into Bermuda with limited liability) Cancellation of listing (14 August 2024)



The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the Exchange) announced that with effect from 9:00 am on 16 August 2024, the listing of the shares of China XX Limited (the Company) will be cancelled under GEM Rule 9.14A(1).

Trading in the Company's shares has been suspended since 3 April 2023. Under GEM Rule 9.14A(1), the Exchange may delist the Company if trading does not resume by 2 April 2024.




Exchange Publishes Consultation Paper on a New Phase of Paperless Listing Reforms (16 August 2024)



The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the Exchange), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEX), on Friday,16 August 2024 published a consultation paper seeking public feedback on proposals to further expand its paperless listing regime and other rule amendments.

The Exchange invites market feedback on its proposals and the proposed Listing Rules to implement them. The public comment period ends on 18 October 2024. Interested parties are encouraged to respond to the Consultation Paper by completing and submitting a questionnaire on the HKEX website.




Exchange Publishes Consultation Paper on a New Phase of Paperless Listing Reforms (23 August 2024)



The Securities and Futures Commission (the SFC) and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the Exchange), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEX), jointly announce on Friday, 23 August 2024 temporary modifications to the Listing Rules (Modifications)1 and amendments to the Exchange's guidance materials effective from 1 September 2024, with respect to: (a)the minimum initial market capitalisation of Specialist Technology Companies; and(b)independent third-party investment requirements for De-SPAC Transactions conducted by special purpose acquisition companies (SPACs).

The modifications, with the SFC's support, are designed to address the change in market conditions since the introduction of both listing regimes, taking into account the Exchange's experience gained from handling Specialist Technology Companies' listing applications and De-SPAC Transactions.



04 8月份IPO快讯

August IPO News

05 香港金管局监管动态

Enforcement updates of the HKMA


HKMA's Response to US Fed's Interest Rate Decision (1 August 2024)


The Federal Open Market Committee of the Federal Reserve (the Fed) announced early on 1 August 2024 (Hong Kong time) after its two-day meeting that it had decided to keep the target range for the federal funds rate unchanged at 5.25-5.5%. The Hong Kong Monetary Authority will continue to closely monitor market developments and maintain monetary and financial stability.




Survey on Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs)' Credit Conditions for Second Quarter 2024 (1 August 2024)


The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) published on 1 August the results of Survey on Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs)’ Credit Conditions for the second quarter of 2024. According to the survey, SMEs' credit conditions remained stable. The results of this survey should be interpreted with caution.




Expansion of Suspicious Account Alert for internet banking and physical branches transactions (1 August 2024)



The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA), in collaboration with the Hong Kong Police Force (the Police) and the Hong Kong Association of Banks (HKAB), announces on 1 August that 32 banks and 10 stored value facility (SVF) operators will, starting from 4 August 2024, extend the coverage of the Suspicious Account Alert for internet banking and physical branches transactions, for providing enhanced protection to customers against rising fraud risks. Among them, the Suspicious Account Alert, launched in November 2023, warns customers of “High Risk” of fraud based on information of the Police's Scameter, a scam and pitfall search engine.

To further enhance the protection against fraud risks, the alert mechanism will extend to cover retail customers' fund transfers at bank counters, and online fund transfers within the same bank or inter-bank/SVFs, using account numbers of the payees.




Mortgage Insurance Programme (2 August 2024)



HKMC Insurance Limited (HKMCI) announces that a new arrangement under the Mortgage Insurance Programme (MIP) will be put in place from 8 August 2024 to approve on a case-by-case basis eligible homeowners' applications for renting out their self-occupied properties, so as to help them meet their special needs arising from changes in personal or family circumstances. 

A homeowner may apply, through a bank, for waiver of the owner occupancy requirement under the MIP to rent out his/her property. The above-mentioned new arrangement aims to assist those with special needs.  The owner occupancy requirement remains a key eligibility criterion of the MIP. If a homeowner is found renting out his/her property without prior approval, the HKMCI will take appropriate action.




PBOC and HKMA Sign MOU on Cross-Boundary Linkage of Payment Systems between the Mainland and Hong Kong (2 August 2024)


Mr Lu Lei, Deputy Governor of the People's Bank of China (PBOC), and Mr Howard Lee, Deputy Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) met on 2 August to exchange views on a range of topics of mutual interest, including financial cooperation between the Mainland and Hong Kong, as well as pushing forward the linkage of fast payment systems. They also signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the PBOC and the HKMA on Cross-Boundary Linkage of Payment Systems between the Mainland and Hong Kong, establishing a cooperation framework for the linkage. 




Consultation Conclusions on Review of Three-Tier Banking System (5 August 2024)



The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) published on 5 August the conclusions on the public consultation relating to the review of the three-tier banking system (the Conclusions Paper).  The Conclusions Paper sets out the key comments received in the consultation, the HKMA's responses to these comments, and the HKMA's proposal on implementing the new two-tier banking system.

The HKMA received a total of seven submissions from the banking industry, professional bodies and relevant organisations in the consultation.  The respondents were broadly supportive of the proposal. Having considered the feedback, the HKMA has introduced new parameters to the proposal with a view to streamlining the transition and minimising impact on existing customers of the DTCs.




Review of Virtual Banks (6 August 2024)



The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) issued on 6 August a report on its review of virtual banks (VBs) (the Report). The review was conducted in 2024, several years after the eight VBs commenced their business in 2020, to look into their operations and impact on the Hong Kong banking system.

Based on the results of the review, the development of VBs in Hong Kong has so far achieved the three policy objectives of introducing virtual banking.  Furthermore, virtual banking, the innovative banking model driven by the adoption of technology, is gaining wide market acceptance in Hong Kong. In the meantime, the HKMA has commenced a one-month public consultation on a proposal to rename “Virtual Bank” as “Digital Bank”. It is expected that the proposed new name can better reflect the banking model of VBs in the present day.




Hong Kong's Latest Foreign Currency Reserve Assets Figures Released (7 August 2024)


The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) announced on 7 August that the official foreign currency reserve assets of Hong Kong amounted to US$419.3 billion as at the end of July 2024 (end-June 2024: US$416.3 billion)




Ministry of Finance issues Renminbi Sovereign Bonds through Central Moneymarkets Unit of Hong Kong Monetary Authority(8 August 2024)


The Ministry of Finance will issue Renminbi Sovereign Bonds through the Central Moneymarkets Unit of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA). Please find attached the tender notice and the tender information memorandum of the Renminbi Sovereign Bonds to be issued by the Ministry of Finance. Please also find attached the tender-related information provided by the Issuing and Lodging Agent through the HKMA can be found in the Annex. 




HKMA and Cyberport Launch GenA.I. Sandbox to Bolster A.I. Adoption in Financial Sector (13 August 2024)




On 13 August 2024, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA), in collaboration with the Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited (Cyberport), announced the launch of the new Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenA.I.) Sandbox on 13 August at FiNETech2, the second edition of the FiNETech series.

Building on the momentum of the first successful inaugural event in April 20241, the HKMA, the Cyberport and the FinTech Association of Hong Kong co-hosted “FiNETech2 – Into the A.I. verse”, highlighting the transformative potential of artificial intelligence (A.I.) in the financial industry.

During the event, the HKMA announced the launch of the new GenA.I. Sandbox. Through interactive engagement with the industry, the HKMA will draw insights from the GenA.I. Sandbox6 and share good practices, while keeping its guidance relevant and fit-for-purpose in the light of the latest development.




The People's Bank of China will issue Renminbi Bills through the Central Moneymarkets Unit of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (15 August 2024)


The People's Bank of China (the "PBOC") will issue Renminbi Bills through the Central Moneymarkets Unit of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (the "HKMA"). Please find attached the tender notice and the tender information memorandum of the Renminbi Bills to be issued by the PBOC. Please also find attached the tender-related information provided by the Issuing and Lodging Agent through the HKMA.




Credit Card Lending Survey Results for Second Quarter 2024 (15 August 2024)




2024年5月16日,北京市海淀区人民法院召开“劳动人事争议审判白皮书(2020年度 - 2023年度)”发布会,对2020年度至2023年度八件劳动人事争议的典型案例进行了公开发布。法院希望通过这些典型案例的展示,引导劳动者理性维权,推进企业完善用工管理制度。

The Hong Kong Monetary Authority published on 15 August the credit card lending survey results for the second quarter of 2024.

Total card receivables edged down by 0.2% in the second quarter to HK$151.2 billion at end-June 2024, after a decrease of 5.3% in the previous quarter.

The combined delinquent and rescheduled ratio edged up to 0.39% at end-June 2024 from 0.37% at the previous quarter-end.  The quarterly charge-off ratio increased slightly to 0.58% from 0.55% in the previous quarter.




Tentative issuance schedule for Exchange Fund Bills and Notes (15 August 2024)


The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) issued on 15 August a tentative issuance schedule for Exchange Fund Bills and Notes (EFBNs) for the coming quarter of October to December 2024. The schedule contains information on the tentative tender dates, issue sizes and issue dates of individual issues, representing rollover of maturing issues and taking into account planned adjustments to the maturity spectrum of the EFBN portfolio.




HKMA and DFSA co-host Climate Conference to strengthen sustainable finance cooperation across Asia and the Middle East (22 August 2024)



The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) and the Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA) announced on 22 August that the inaugural HKMA–DFSA Joint Climate Finance Conference will take place on 16 September 2024 in Hong Kong. The conference will be held in hybrid format.

It will feature an engaging fireside chat between Mr Eddie Yue, Chief Executive of the HKMA, and Mr Ian Johnston, Chief Executive of the DFSA, and will also include high-profile speakers who will lead insightful panels concentrating on topics such as the vision for net-zero transition, channelling capital into transition, and the future of transition.




HKMA and HKAB set up joint Taskforce on SME Lending (23 August 2024)



Mr Eddie Yue, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) and the Chief Executive Officers of three chairman banks of The Hong Kong Association of Banks (HKAB) met with the press on 23 August. During the meeting, the three banks re-affirmed clearly that they had not changed and would not change their risk appetite towards SME financing and related credit approval standards. They would also ensure ongoing effective implementation of the aforementioned nine measures.

The meeting announced that the HKMA and the HKAB are establishing a joint Taskforce on SME Lending, to further strengthen the related work at both the individual case and the industry levels.




Walking with SMEs (23 August 2024)



The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) has worked closely with the banking sector to introduce a series of support measures targeting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Over the past four months, these measures have benefited nearly 14,000 SMEs, providing more than HK$31 billion in credit facilities, effectively alleviating their financial pressures.

the HKMA and the HKAB established a joint Taskforce on SMEs Lending to further strengthen the related work at both the individual case and the industry levels. Meanwhile, banks have maintained a prudent attitude and transparent process towards SMEs financing and introduced credit approval review arrangements to boost enterprise confidence. Both parties have also actively promoted the upgrading and transformation of SMEs, leveraging technology and financial innovation to enhance their competitiveness.




CDI-CDEG linkage to promote development of Hong Kong's digital economy (26 August 2024)


The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) and the Digital Policy Office (DPO) on 26 August jointly announced that the connection arrangement between the HKMA's Commercial Data Interchange (CDI) and the Governmen's Consented Data Exchange Gateway (CDEG) is now in full operation, with a promising growth in the utilisation rate by the pilot banks conducting trial transactions via the CDI-CDEG linkage established in late December 2023. With the successful completion of the trial run, the connection is now open to all CDI participating banks.




HKMA launches Project Ensemble Sandbox to accelerate adoption of tokenisation (28 August 2024)



The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) hosted on 28 August the launch ceremony for Project Ensemble Sandbox (the Sandbox) and introduced four main themes of asset tokenisation use cases for the initial round of experimentation, marking a significant step forward in the advancement of tokenisation in real-world application within the financial sector.

The HKMA has completed the building and setup of the Sandbox, which is designed to facilitate interbank settlement using experimental tokenised money, focusing on transactions involving tokenised assets. Participating banks from the Project Ensemble Architecture Community (the Community) have connected their tokenised deposit platforms to the Sandbox, paving the way to conduct experiments for both interbank payment-versus-payment and delivery-versus-payment settlement.



金融管理专员对Wechat Pay Hong Kong Limited违反《支付系统及储值支付工具条例》采取纪律处分行动(2024年8月30日)

香港金融管理局8月30日宣布已根据《支付系统及储值支付工具条例》(香港法例第584章)(《支付条例》)完成对Wechat Pay Hong Kong Limited的调查及纪律处分程序。金融管理专员对Wechat Pay Hong Kong Limited违反《支付条例》第8Q条,未能符合其附表3第2部第6(2)(b) 条的最低准则,处以875,000港元罚款。

The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) announced on 30 August that it had completed an investigation and disciplinary proceedings for WeChat Pay Hong Kong Limited (WPHK) under the Payment Systems and Stored Value Facilities Ordinance (Chapter 584 of the Laws of Hong Kong) (PSSVFO).  The Monetary Authority (MA) has ordered WPHK to pay a pecuniary penalty of HK$875,000 for contravening section 8Q of the PSSVFO as it failed to fulfil the minimum criterion under section 6(2)(b) of Part 2 of Schedule 3 to the PSSVFO.




HKMC's Social Bonds Allocation Update and Impact Report 2024 (30 August 2024)


The Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation Limited (HKMC) on 30 August published its Social Bonds Allocation Update and Impact Report 2024 (Report). The Report mainly discloses the allocation of the net proceeds of the two social bond issuances launched by the HKMC in 2022 and 2023, as well as their social impacts as of 30 June 2024. An Independent Practitioner's Limited Assurance Report was issued by PricewaterhouseCoopers on the reported allocation and selected information disclosed in the Report.



《监管政策手册》- 经修订单元CA-D-1“《银行业(披露)规则》的应用指引”(只备英文版本)(2024年8月6日)

Regulatory Policy Manual - Revised Module CAD-1 "Guidance on the Application of the Banking (Disclosure) Rules" (6 August 2024)

The purpose of this manual is to provide interpretative guidance to AIs on the application of the Banking (Disclosure) Rules. This Manual sets out the HKMA's supervisory policies and practices, the minimum standards AIs are expected to attain in order to satisfy the requirements of the Banking Ordinance and recommendations on best practices that AIs should aim to achieve. It is intended mainly for the reference of AIs, their auditors and advisors and the HKMA's supervisory staff. This Manual covers only selected parts of the Banking Ordinance. Further, it is neither possible nor is it our intention in a publication of this type to cover all of the ground and provide guidance for all eventualities.




Good practices on climate-related risk governance (22 August 2024)

In December 2021, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) issued Supervisory Policy Manual (SPM) module GS-1 on “Climate Risk Management”, which sets out its supervisory expectations on climate risk management. The SPM module GS-1 provides high-level guidance to authorized institutions (AIs) on climate risk management, while allowing flexibility for AIs to tailor their own approaches to develop and enhance their framework and processes. This annex summarises key observations and provides a set of good practices in relation to climate-related risk governance identified by the HKMA over the course of its supervisory exercises.  Part A summarises HKMA's key observations and good practices for developing a robust governance structure to set out the responsibilities of the Board and senior management.  Part B summarises HKMA's key observations and good practices for ensuring robust oversight on the key aspects of climate-related risk issues.  These good practices may serve as a reference for AIs in considering further enhancements to their climate-related risk governance frameworks and processes.











声 明


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