Independent Art Fair
Booth 513
Michael Ho
A Semblance of Truth
Exhibition View
何麦克,1991年出生于荷兰阿纳姆,现生活、工作于伦敦。他在2019年毕业于英国建筑联盟学院。作为来自中国的第二代移民,何麦克通过绘画来探究海外华裔群体的经历、文化差异及文化再发现等概念。他运用一种特殊的方式作画:由画布的背面向正面进行颜料的浸润,将稀释的背景色域与正面的清晰笔触并置,创造出一重东方传统与西方美学相融的潜在张力。他对于东方主义式的图像和形象的批判性解读饱含丰富的面相,从玩味性到政治性,从身体到空间。2020年至2022年,何麦克与他的搭档何智仁(1993-2022)以艺术家双人组的形式进行创作。何麦克与何智仁的个展包括:“Kūnlún”,V.O Curations,伦敦,2021。何麦克的个展包括:“假作真时真亦假”,Gallery Vacancy于Independent艺博会,纽约,2024;“As Feelings Burn Their Way”,High Art,巴黎,2023;“洞天”,Gallery Vacancy,上海,2023;“密恋”,Gallery Vacancy于伦敦弗里兹艺术博览会,伦敦,2022。他曾群展于GRIMM,纽约;白立方,香港;博伦坡画廊,东京;Nottingham Contemporary,诺丁汉;ICA,伦敦;刺点画廊,香港;Guts Gallery,伦敦;Gallery Vacancy,上海;Intersticio,马德里;Soft Opening,伦敦;和Delphian Gallery,伦敦。他的影像作品曾在伦敦皮卡迪利广场,伦敦ICA和Nottingham Contemporary放映。何麦克的作品被收藏于:ASOM Collection,日内瓦;Asymmetry Art Foundation,伦敦;Domus Collection,纽约;K11 Foundation,香港;Labora Collection,达拉斯;李琳收藏,杭州;Longlati Foundation,香港;M Art Foundation,香港;Tanoto Family Collection,新加坡;X美术馆,北京。
Michael Ho, born in Arnhem, Netherlands in 1991, now lives and works in London. Ho graduated from the Architectural Association in 2019. As a second-generation immigrant from China, Ho’s works investigate the notions of the Chinese diaspora, cultural mismatch, and subsequently cultural rediscovery through his painting practice. He employs a specific technique of painting from back to front, superimposing diluted images with resolved brush strokes, clashing Eastern traditions with Western aesthetics. Ho’s critical engagement with the orientalist images and tropes is multifold: from the playful to the political and from the erotic to the domestic. From 2020 to 2022, Ho worked with Chiyan Ho (1993-2022) as an artist duo. The duo’s solo exhibition includes: Kūnlún, V.O Curations, London, 2021. Ho’s solo exhibition includes: A Semblance of Truth, Gallery Vacancy at Independent Art Fair, New York, 2024; As Feelings Burn Their Way, High Art, Paris, 2023; Grotto Heavens, Gallery Vacancy, Shanghai, 2023; Tryst, Gallery Vacancy at Frieze London, London, 2022. His works have been featured in group exhibitions at GRIMM, New York; White Cube, Hong Kong; Blum & Poe, Tokyo; Nottingham Contemporary, Nottingham; ICA, London; Blindspot Gallery, Hong Kong; Guts Gallery, London; Gallery Vacancy, Shanghai; Intersticio, Madrid; Soft Opening, London; and Delphian Gallery, London. His film projects have been screened at Piccadilly Circus, London, ICA, London and Nottingham Contemporary. Ho’s works are in the collections of: ASOM Collection, Geneva; Asymmetry Art Foundation, London; Domus Collection, New York; K11 Foundation, Hong Kong; Labora Collection, Dallas; Li Lin’s Collection, Hangzhou; Longlati Foundation, Hong Kong; M Art Foundation, Hong Kong; Tanoto Family Collection, Singapore; X Museum, Beijing.
Tuesday to Saturday | 10:00–18:00
200021 上海市黄浦区云南南路261号6楼
6F, No.261 S. Yunnan Rd., Shanghai 200021