
文摘   2024-09-10 06:39   山西  


2024年9月7日,militarywatchmagazine报道——报告-埃及订购歼-10C 战斗机以取代老化的 F-16 战斗机

Egypt Orders J-10C Fighters to Replace Ageing F-16s - Reports 

据报道,埃及国防部已下达了有史以来第一笔兔子第四代战斗机订单——8 月 19 日订购了数量不详的歼-10C 战斗机

The Egyptian Defence Ministry has reportedly placed its first ever order for Chinese fourth generation fighters, with an unspecified number of J-10C fighters reported to have been ordered on August 19.

这一进展是在开罗继续加强与北京的战略和经济联系,并在2024年早些时候加入兔子领导的金砖国家集团之际取得的。此次收购使埃及成为继巴基斯坦之后歼-10C 的第二个客户。尽管未经证实的报道表明,邻国苏丹在 2024 年 4 月该国爆发叛乱之前就已达成采购协议,但最后推迟了购买。

This development comes as Cairo has continued to strengthen strategic and economic ties with Beijing, and follows its admission to the Chinese-led BRICS bloc earlier this year. The acquisition makes Egypt the second client for the J-10C after Pakistan, although unconfirmed reports indicate that neighbouring Sudan had reached an agreement on acquisitions before the outbreak of an insurgency in the country in April 2024 delayed talks for a purchase.


据报道,这些战斗机旨在取代埃及老化的 F-16 战隼,这些战斗机开始逐步退役。据推测,此次收购旨在作为鹰酱提议的替代方案,即埃及购买 F-16V 升级包以对其 F-16 进行现代化改造。歼-10C 被认为具有优于这种增强型 F-16 型号的作战能力,而成本相似

The fighters are reportedly intended to replace Egypt’s ageing F-16 Fighting Falcons as these begin to be phased out of service. The acquisition has been speculated to be intended as an alternative to American proposals that Egypt acquire the F-16V upgrade package to modernise its F-16s, with the J-10C considered to have a superior combat capability to this enhanced F-16 model while coming at a similar cost to the package.

除了 2015 年从大毛订购的三个 MiG 29M 战斗机中队外,埃及的第四代战斗机全部来自西方,根据当前的政治趋势,收购歼-10C 被视为该国机队的潜在转折点。

Other than three squadrons of MiG 29M fighters ordered from Russia in 2015, all of Egypt’s fourth generation fighters are of Western origin, with the J-10C acquisition seen as a potential turning point for the country’s fleet in line with prevailing political trends.


随着埃及官员对西方支持的以色列在加沙地带正在进行的战争努力表示越来越担忧,开罗特别担心以色列的行动旨在将加沙人口推向埃及领土,因此出现了 J-10C 订单的报道。

Reports of orders for the J-10C have emerged as Egyptian officials have expressed growing concern with the ongoing Western-backed Israeli war effort in the Gaza Strip, with Cairo being particularly concerned that the Israeli operation is intended to push the Gazan population onto Egyptian territory.

考虑到埃及战斗机队的现状,购买 J-10 尤为重要,长期以来,人们一直认为埃及战斗机舰队几乎完全没有能力进行一场重大的国家间战争。构成埃及机队骨干的近 200 架 F-16 被认为是世界上能力最差的第四代战斗机之一,并且已被严重降级并仅限于使用过时的冷战时代武器——并且不能超出视距的空对地武器。再加上鹰酱对备件供应的控制,以及对飞机操作方式的严格限制,严重限制了埃及的空中力量。

The acquisition of J-10s is particularly significant when considering the current state of the Egyptian fighter fleet, which has long been considered almost totally incapable of fighting a major inter-state war.

The close to 200 F-16s that form the backbone of the fleet are considered among the least capable fourth generation fighters in the world, and have been heavily downgraded and restricted to using obsolete Cold War era weaponry - and no beyond visual range air to surface weapons whatsoever. This combined with the United States’ control over spare parts supplies, and its tight restrictions imposed on how the aircraft can be operated, seriously limits Egyptian air power. 

埃及空军 F-16 Egyptian Air Force F-16

除了 F-16 之外,埃及自 2015 年以来订购的高卢供应的阵风战斗机的性能也大幅裁剪——最明显的是缺乏流星空对空导弹,这严重限制了它们的战斗潜力。


相比之下,歼-10C 将为埃及提供世界上最强大的两种空对空导弹类型,即 PL-10 和 PL-15,西方消息人士普遍承认,它们的能力明显优于鹰酱的同类产品 AIM-9X 和 AIM-120D兵器迷注:鹰军的评价是,PL-10与AIM-9X相似,PL-15优于AIM-120D3)。对于使用冷战时期 AIM-9 变体和过时的 AIM-7 的埃及来说,这代表了几十年的性能技术飞跃。

Alongside its F-16s, Egypt’s French-supplied Rafale fighters ordered since 2015 also suffer from significant downgrades to performance, most significantly the lack of Meteor air to air missiles which seriously limits their combat potential. The J-10C by contrast will provide Egypt with two of the most capable air to air missile classes in the world, the PL-10 and PL-15, which Western sources have widely conceded are significantly more capable than their American counterparts the AIM-9X and AIM-120D. For Egypt, which used Cold War era AIM-9 variants and the obsolete AIM-7, this represents a technological leap of several decades in terms of performance.



J-10C with PL-15 and K/JDC01A Laser Designator Pod

歼-10C 将代表迄今为止埃及空对空性能最强大的战斗机,也可能是非洲大陆最有能力的战斗机。该战斗机在模拟战斗中已经证明,它能够胜过现代“4+代”战斗机,包括大毛的Su-35和兔子的J-16(兵器迷:?),同时其兼容的空对地武器种类相当可观

The J-10C will represent by far the most capable fighter in the country in terms of air to air performance, and possibly the most capable on the African continent. The fighter has proven during simulated combat engagements to be capable of outperforming modern ‘4+ generation’ fighters close to twice its size, including Russian Su-35s and Chinese J-16s, while its arsenal of compatible air to ground ordinance is considerable. 

歼-10C 被认为比以色列机队中除两个 F-35 中队以外的任何战斗机都能力更强,大规模采购可能迫使以色列扩大 F-35 订单并为其飞机投资更强大的空对空导弹。

The J-10C is considered far more capable than any fighter in the Israeli fleet other than its two squadrons of F-35s, with large scale acquisitions potentially forcing Israel to expand F-35 orders and to invest in more capable air to air missiles for its aircraft.

