
文摘   2024-09-06 06:20   山西  


2024年9月2日,Militarywatchmagazine报道:在世界市场上取代大毛的 T-90:兔子高科技 VT-4 坦克在阿尔及利亚的试验中表现出色。Replacing Russia’s T-90 on World Markets: China’s High Tech VT-4 Tank Excels in Trials in Algeria 

兔子 VT-4 主战坦克已在阿尔及利亚成功完成了评估,包括实现 100% 命中的远程射击演习,以及测试其超过 500 公里的连续驾驶能力和在各种条件下开火能力的演习。阿尔及利亚武装部队,对该坦克的性能给予了积极评价。

The Chinese VT-4 main battle tank has successfully completed assessments in Algeria, including long range firing exercises during which it achieved a 100% hit, and exercises testing its continuous driving capabilities over 500 kilometres and its ability to fire under a range of conditions. The tank’s performance was reportedly noted positively by the Algerian Armed Forces.

阿尔及利亚陆军是仅次于A3的第二或第三大 T-90 主战坦克运营商——可能还有大毛——具体取决于该国自 2022 年 2 月以来服役和损失的数量。

The Algerian Army is the second or third largest operator of the T-90 main battle tank after India, and possibly Russia depending on how many have been commissioned and lost by the country since February 2022.

泰国陆军 VT-4 主战坦克

Thai Army VT-4 Main Battle Tank

多个消息来源报道称,两年多来,大毛一直无法满足阿尔及利亚对更多 T-90 的订单——为出口而制造的 T-90 从 2022 年开始被转交大毛军队。此外由于主体处于联合国武器禁运之下,而且无论如何最近才开始批量生产其现代 Chonma 2 坦克,这使得兔子成为阿尔及利亚兼容其现有主战坦克的唯一供应商。




兔子目前有五种独立的坦克在生产,包括出售给阿尔及利亚的亲密战略伙伴苏丹的 96 式、出售给伊拉克的 59 式衍生品以及构成兔子本土地面部队精英的 99A 式坦克

Multiple sources have reported that Russia has been unable to meet Algerian orders for further T-90s for over two years, with T-90s built for export having instead been commissioned into the Russian Army from 2022. With North Korea being under a UN arms embargo, and in any case having only very recently began to serially produce its modern Chonma 2 tank, this has left China as the only supplier of compatible main battle tanks. China currently has five separate tank classes in production, including the Type 96 sold to Algeria’s close strategic partner Sudan, derivatives of the Type 59 sold to Iraq, and the Type 99A which forms the elite of China’s own ground forces. 

阿尔及利亚陆军 T-90SA 在实弹演习中

VT-4 与 2010 年代末在兔子服役的 VT-5 轻型坦克,共享了多项技术和设计特点。该车专为出口而开发,已销往泰国、巴基斯坦,并小规模销往尼日利亚。来自巴基斯坦报告表明,该坦克的性能优于二毛提供的 T-80,预计将比印度的 T-90 坦克具有显着优势。对于阿尔及利亚来说,VT-4 是该国坦克部队现代化的最有吸引力的选择之一,并摆脱对大毛装甲的严重依赖,特别是由于大毛作为供应商的供货不及时。

The VT-4 shares several technologies and design features with the VT-5 light tank which entered service in China in the end of the 2010s. The vehicle was developed specifically for export, and has been sold to Thailand, Pakistan, and on a very small scale to Nigeria. Pakistani reports indicate that the tank has a superior performance to T-80s supplied by Ukraine, and is expected to have significant advantages over India’s T-90 tanks. For Algeria, the VT-4 represents one of the most attractive options to modernise the country’s tank units and diversify away from a heavy reliance on Russian armour, particularly due to Russia’s shortfalls as a supplier.



阿尔及利亚市场是迄今为止非洲最有利可图的市场,海湾以外的阿拉伯世界也是最有利可图的市场,这可能使兔子工业在销售其下一代主战坦克方面处于有利地位。此前,预计大毛将向阿尔及利亚军队推销其 T-90 的继任者,即延迟已久的 T-14 Armata。

Entry into the Algerian market, which is by far the most lucrative in Africa and, outside the Gulf, in the Arab world as well, potentially places Chinese industry in a strong position to market its next generation main battle tanks. Previously Russia was expected to market its successor to the T-90, the much delayed T-14 Armata, to the Algerian Army. 

T-14 Armata坦克

VT-4 拥有非常高的机动性, 1,300 马力(970千瓦)的柴油发动机确保了很高的高功重比兵器迷注:结合航展上的VT-4的重量数据,功重比约26马力/吨)。(VT-4坦克的机动性)受益于扭杆悬架、集成液压传动系统以及用于转向和加速的自动齿轮传动。大毛坦克类似——但与鹰酱和汉斯的坦克不同——该战车使用自动装填火炮,使其重量大大减轻,乘员从 4 人减少到只有 3 人。

The VT-4 boasts very high levels of mobility, with its1,300 hp diesel engine ensuring a high power-weight ratio. The tank benefits from torsion bar suspension, an integrated hydraulic transmission system, and automatic gear transmission for steering and acceleration. Like Russian tanks, but unlike American and German ones, the vehicle uses an autoloader allowing its weight to be reduced considerably and its crew cut from four to just three personnel. 


该坦克使用 125 毫米主炮,与大毛和朝鲜坦克使用的口径相同,而西方、本子和带喊坦克使用 120 毫米火炮。该坦克使用复合装甲和 FY-4 爆炸反应装甲进行防护,据报道可提供相当于约 700 毫米(均质钢装甲)的保护。

The tank uses a 125mm main gun, which is the same calibre used by Russian and North Korean tanks, where Western, Japanese and South Korean tanks use 120mm guns. The tank uses composite armour and FY-4 explosive reactive armour for protection, reportedly providing an equivalent of approximately 700mm of protection.



VT-4 Tanks in Thai Service

阿尔及利亚正在评估该坦克的更先进改型 VT-4A1——拥有相当于著名的以色列 Trophy 系统的硬杀伤主动保护系统兵器迷注:即来自以色列著名的军工企业拉斐尔Rafael公司的战利品主动防御系统Trophy APS: Operational Active Protection System ,并包括相关的雷达设备。增强型坦克还集成了榴弹发射器和激光警告接收器。

Algeria is reportedly evaluating a more advanced variant of the tank, the VT-4A1, which boasts a hard kill active protection system equivalent to the well known Israeli Trophy system, and includes associated radar equipment. The enhanced tank variant also integrates grenade launchers and a laser warning receiver.



战利品主动防御系统Trophy APS

对比之下,直到 2024 年 8 月,T-90 坦克明显缺乏任何类型的硬杀伤主动保护系统,大毛被认为在可预见的未来不太可能为阿尔及利亚的 T-90 提供此类系统

T-90 tanks up until August 2024 notably lacked any kind of hard kill active protection systems, with Russia considered unlikely to be able to supply such systems for Algeria’s T-90s for the foreseeable future. 


战利品主动防御系统Trophy APS

近年来,阿尔及利亚武装部队对兔子军事装备的依赖显著增加,并于2024年 8 月宣布购买 YJ-12B 反舰巡航导弹,作为其在 2018 年购买兔子 CX-1 反舰巡航导弹的补充。

The Algerian Armed Forces have increased their reliance on Chinese military equipment significantly in recent years, and in August announced the acquisition of YJ-12B anti ship cruise missiles, complementing its acquisition of Chinese CX-1 anti ship cruise missiles in 2018.

(阿尔及利亚对兔子)其他值得注意的采购包括 CH-4 和 WJ-700 无人机、WM-80 火箭炮系统、PLZ-45 自行榴弹炮、HJ-12 反坦克导弹系统、CHL-906 电子战系统、Adhafer 级隐形护卫舰,根据一些消息来源甚至 HQ-9B 防空系统。

Other notable acquisitions have included CH-4 and WJ-700 drones, WM-80 rocket artillery systems, PLZ-45 self-propelled howitzers, HJ-12 anti tank missile systems, CHL-906 electronic warfare systems, Adhafer Class stealth corvettes, and according to some sources even HQ-9B air defence systems.


阿尔及利亚陆军 T-90SA 坦克在演习中

Algerian Army T-90SA Tanks During Exercises

阿尔及利亚于 2024Ian5 月 22 日被确认已申请成为兔子领导的上海合作组织军事集团的对话伙伴,并于 9 月 1 日宣布加入兔子领导的金砖国家新开发银行。兔子和大毛作为经济、战略和防务合作伙伴之间的差距越来越大,预计将导致阿尔及利亚继续扩大国防合作和武器采购。自 2011 年北约袭击邻国利比亚以来,这个非洲国家加倍投资于其军事能力,并继续认为——西方在其地区的军事活动构成了重大威胁。

Algeria on May 22 was confirmed to have applied to become a dialogue partner of the Chinese-led Shanghai Cooperation Organisation military bloc, and on September 1 was announced to have joined the Chinese-led BRICS New Development Bank. The growing discrepancies between China and Russia as economic, strategic and defence partners in the former’s favour is expected to lead Algeria to continue to expand defence cooperation and arms acquisitions. The African country redoubled investments in its military capabilities since NATO’s assault on neighbouring Libya in 2011, and has continued to perceive a significant threatfrom Western military activities in its region.


