| | |
| | |
| Accounting,
Organizations and Society | |
| Journal
of Accounting and Economics | |
| Journal
of Accounting Research | |
| Contemporary
Accounting Research | |
| Review
of Accounting Studies | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Journal
of Political Economy | |
| Quarterly
Journal of Economics | |
| Review
of Economic Studies | |
| American
Economic Journal: Applied Economics | |
| American
Economic Journal: Macroeconomics | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| International
Economic Review | |
| Journal
of Business and Economic Statistics | |
| | |
| Journal
of Economic Literature | |
| Journal
of Economic Perspectives | |
| Journal
of Economic Theory | |
| Journal
of International Economics | |
| Journal
of Labor Economics | |
| Journal
of Monetary Economics | |
| Journal
of the American Statistical Association | |
| Journal
of the European Economic Association | |
| Journal
of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B: Statistical Methodology | |
| | |
Journal of Economics | |
| Review
of Economics and Statistics | |
| | |
| Entrepreneurship
Theory and Practice | |
| Journal
of Business Venturing | |
| Strategic
Entrepreneurship Journal | |
| Academy
of Management Annals | |
| Academy
of Management Journal | |
| Academy
of Management Review | |
| Administrative
Science Quarterly | |
| | |
| Academy
of Management Perspectives | |
| British
Journal of Management | |
| Journal
of Management Studies | |
| | |
| Journal
of Financial Economics | |
| Review
of Financial Studies | |
| Journal
of Corporate Finance | |
| Journal
of Financial and Quantitative Analysis | |
| Journal
of Financial Intermediation | |
| Journal
of Money, Credit and Banking | |
| | |
| Human
Resource Management Journal (UK) | |
| British
Journal of Industrial Relations | |
| Human
Resource Management (USA) | |
| | |
| Work,
Employment and Society | |
| Journal
of International Business Studies | |
| Journal
of World Business | |
| Information
Systems Research | |
| Journal
of the Association for Information Systems | |
Quarterly: Management Information Systems | |
| European
Journal of Information Systems | |
| Information
Systems Journal | |
| Journal
of Information Technology | |
| Journal
of Management Information Systems | |
| Journal
of Strategic Information Systems | |
| | |
| Journal
of Product Innovation Management | |
| Academy
of Management Learning and Education | |
| Journal
of Consumer Psychology | |
| Journal
of Consumer Research | |
| | |
| Journal
of Marketing Research | |
| Journal
of the Academy of Marketing Science | |
| | |
| International
Journal of Research in Marketing | |
| | |
| Journal
of Operations Management | |
| International
Journal of Operations and Production Management | |
| Journal
of Supply Chain Management | |
| Production
and Operations Management | |
| | |
| | |
| European
Journal of Operational Research | |
Transactions on Evolutionary Computation | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Organizational
Research Methods | |
| | |
| Annual
Review of Psychology | |
| Behavioral
and Brain Sciences | |
| | |
| Current
Directions in Psychological Science | |
| Journal
of Experimental Psychology: Applied | |
| Journal
of Experimental Psychology: General | |
| Journal
of Experimental Social Psychology | |
| Journal
of Personality and Social Psychology | |
| | |
| Personality
and Social Psychology Bulletin | |
| | |
| | |
| Journal
of Applied Psychology | |
| | |
| Journal
of Occupational and Organizational Psychology | |
| Journal
of Occupational Health Psychology | |
| Journal
of Organizational Behavior | |
| Journal
of Vocational Behavior | |
| Organizational
Behavior and Human Decision Processes | |
| | |
| Public
Administration Review | |
| | |
| Journal
of Public Administration Research and Theory | |
| | |
| | |
of Economic Geography | |
| Annals
of Tourism Research | |
| Journal
of Service Research | |
| Journal
of Travel Research | |
| | |
| Transportation
Research, Series B: Methodological | |
| American
Journal of Political Science | |
| American
Journal of Sociology | |
| American
Political Science Review | |
| American
Sociological Review | |
| Annual
Review of Sociology | |
| Environment
and Planning D: Society and Space | |
| International
Organization | |
| International
Studies Quarterly | |
| | |
| | |
| Social
Science and Medicine | |
| | |
| | |
| Strategic
Management Journal | |
| | |
| | |