
文摘   2025-01-24 17:02   上海  

City of Inspiration, located in the Yuelai District of Chongqing’s Liangjiang New Area, is a dynamic fusion of “living + commerce.” As a flagship project by PowerChina Real Estate in the region, it serves as both a modern urban complex and a landmark steeped in historical and cultural significance. Drawing from Chongqing’s rich heritage and local character, Fun Connection, an expert in crafting immersive commercial spaces, integrates modern oriental aesthetics into the project’s design. The result is a harmonious blend of modernity and tradition that strengthens community ties and offers residents and visitors an engaging new urban experience.

The core architecture of the district sets the tone for the entire commercial presentation. Thus, the renovation of the sales center prioritizes not only aesthetic enhancement but also the integration of cultural identity. The west side adopts the concept of “rejuvenating the legacy”, uncovering the city’s historical traces and initiating a dialogue between tradition and progress, guided by the essence of Yuelai culture.

To evoke the charm of vintage red brick, Fun Connection skillfully combines modern materials and techniques to create a facade that balances historical weight with contemporary sophistication. The texture of red brick harmonizes with modern glass and metallic elements, producing a striking visual contrast.  

The street-facing facade is enhanced with graphic window decals, while the inner street facade features three-dimensional shapes. This approach maintains architectural cohesion while adding depth and visual intrigue. Arch elements extend through layered metal meshes, creating a semi-transparent effect that preserves the original structure’s charm while adding a unique artistic touch. This design not only elevates the district’s commercial atmosphere but also ensures the continued resonance of history and storytelling within the space.

The commercial layout across the four floors is thoughtfully designed, progressing from immersive shopping experiences to diverse leisure activities, healthy lifestyle concepts, and spaces for cultural and artistic exchange.

The ground floor, serving as the primary point of entry, emphasizes immersive consumer experiences. Through a combination of themed window displays, art installations, and interactive design elements, it invites visitors to explore and engage. Features like realistic greenery partitions and themed sculptures enhance the space’s appeal and social functionality, fostering deeper customer engagement and brand loyalty.  

The second floor seamlessly integrates recreation and cultural arts, featuring concepts like a simulated bakery, café, and art experience center. These elements create a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere, offering a sense of boundless space while enhancing interactive experiences. Practical amenities like community clinics, dining halls, and convenience stores meet daily needs and strengthen community bonds.  

The third and fourth floor focus on healthy lifestyle and cultural exchange, crafting a dynamic lifestyle hub that promotes a positive, health-conscious ethos. This space features cultural craft shops and book lounges, creating a curated small-scale art exhibition. Through the use of curated window displays, glass illustrations, strategic lighting, and tactile installations, it establishes a rich cultural ambiance, attracting art enthusiasts and fostering a vibrant venue for cultural events and creative dialogue.

To infuse City of Inspiration with charm and interactivity, Fun Connection developed a set of playful cat-themed sculptures as the project’s signature IP. These sculptures narrate a whimsical day in the life of a cat at Chongqing Hill, blending seamlessly into the landscape design. Featuring scenarios like lazy afternoons, fishing fun, chilling out, and forest play, the sculptures add unexpected delight, creating memorable visual anchors that forge emotional bonds between visitors and the project.  

Crafted with materials such as resin, electroplated stainless steel, and mirrored surfaces, each sculpture ensures durability and a high-quality finish. Strategically placed throughout public spaces, these pieces deliver moments of surprise and warmth, transforming the commercial area into a story-driven, interactive social hub. Through this IP, Fun Connection enhances the project’s appeal and strengthens its brand connection with visitors.

To enhance the ambiance of public areas, Fun Connection focuses on lighting and landscape furnishings to craft a welcoming community environment. Custom seating arrangements, including single sofas, tables, and umbrellas, are paired with floor lamps, grass-themed lighting, and canopy installations to establish cozy relaxation zones. Flowing water lights and playful sculptures are integrated to imbue the space with a natural and harmonious vibe.  

灯光设计不仅仅是功能性照明,更是情感表达的重要手段。宇合光年根据街区的整体规划、建筑风格和周边环境,制定了照明设计的整体概念和主题,利用天幕灯 、氛围灯 、树挂灯等产品,打造出多层次的灯光感受和空间节奏。
Lighting design is approached not just as functional illumination but as a medium for emotional expression. Based on the district’s layout, architectural style, and surrounding environment, Fun Connection develops a cohesive lighting concept. Using canopy lights, ambient lights, and tree-mounted fixtures, the design delivers layered lighting effects and a rhythmic spatial experience.  

Through meticulous material selection for landscape furnishings and thoughtful lighting arrangements, this public space successfully conveys a balance of modernity and warmth, fostering a sense of belonging and identity for residents and visitors alike.  

By seamlessly combining history and modern aesthetics, Fun Connection has transformed City of Inspiration into a comprehensive and vibrant community hub. The project preserves retro-modern cultural elements while incorporating contemporary exterior renovations, multi-layered commercial formats, IP storytelling, and dynamic lighting designs. This approach not only deepens the integration of commerce and culture but also significantly enhances community cohesion and elevates the area’s commercial value.


项目名称 | 重庆之丘
项目位置 | 中国 重庆
项目面积 | 45746㎡
业主 | 中国电建地产
开放时间 | 2024年9月28日
商业场景营造设计/落地 | 宇合光年
场景设计 | 张耀天
公司网站 | www.funconn.com
景观设计 | 广州山水比德设计股份有限公司
室内设计 | 成都德思蒙酒店设计顾问有限公司/重庆研质共设建筑设计有限公司
幕墙设计 | 福建省华荣建设集团有限公司
照明设计 | 上海碧甫照明工程设计有限公司
导视设计 | 重庆川仪楼宇自动化有限公司
建设单位 | 重庆泷兴房地产开发有限公司
土建/钢结构施工 | 中国水利水电第十工程局有限公司
幕墙施工 | 重庆索能建设有限公司
摄影师 | 阿奇


张耀天 / Tim Zhang

宇合光年(Fun Connection)品牌创始⼈

毕业于美国韦伯州立大学(Weber State University),其艺术创作⾃2014 年持续⾄今。以“IP营造”设计美学为核心,于上海创立宇合光年(Fun Connection)品牌。为现代商业环境提供以创意为主导的,涵盖心理学、工业设计、场景设计、平面设计、软装陈列、灯光、舞美、音乐等整体性思考的空间设计体系。设计作品包含城市多巴胺(城市更新/街景营造)、儿童板块、商业地产、交互策展等多维度类型空间。设计师与策展人双重身份使其出品成体系的美学表达与空间做充分融合,以更先锋、更客观、更具识别性的视⻆诠释各个品牌IP营造场景化及其品牌文化的精神含义,让作品具有设计趋向、亲和且有⽣命⼒。


宇合光年(Fun Connection )是一家国际化的设计公司,于2014年创立于上海。围绕空间的设计和表现,宇合光年组建了一支跨专业的整体性设计团队,专注于探索未来城市生态,真实链接空间与人的交互体验。以建筑和空间设计为核心,综合运用品牌,IP,视觉及产品等多种手法,在策略制定、平面设计、室内设计、城市更新、策展等领域探索实践,提供创新性的综合设计解决方案。

创新应回归母体,强化母体,是宇合光年一直强调的设计理念。创新被作为团队永恒的发展主线和核心竞争力。在此之上,宇合光年团队更擅长以空间独有的特质出发,在注重以设计解决现实问题的基础上,输出“情感 价值 个性”等关键要素,借用空间来促进人与人之间的联系和交流。


监制 | Cindy
编辑 | Judy
策划 | Sansan
案例来源 | 宇合光年

▼ 延伸阅读

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  AIDCx PAL梁景华 | 几何语言 , 诗意空间——联发君樾府
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